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*grabs Microphone* test? Wew it works. *chuckles* Hey fellow readers! How's been? I know its been like long? And I'm back for another character intro! Oh and Im Akise Maussu, credits to the artist who did the boy above cuz that is how i look like.

So lets calll innn the- first brother of Pendragon! Aka. The oldest *points*

Aoharu: ^^ Hello everyone~

Meet Aoharu. Haru is the oldest Pendragon brother and also known as the Leader. His powers are water and wind. He is prettyyy sweet and has a heart of a mother. He will be your everyday mommy if you want~

Aoharu: ^^|| I have alot of kids to look after..

Ok moving on! To the next brother!
*flicks fingers*

Akama: == I was enjoying my beauty sleep...

Dude're a fire type..FIRE TYPES DONT SLEEP!

Akama: *growls* want a go? 💢

=-= ...nah . Akama is the 2nd oldest, he is a Tsundere and has a really bad temper sometimes...dont trigger that side of him pls..and his ppwers are obvs fire and hey! *whispers* he has a soft heart yalls~

Akama: == wha-

MOVING ON! *heard a high pitched scream* oh-


pls no-

Murasaki: yours! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ *winks*

=-= ... Hinari effected you too much...Murasaki is the hyper type 3rd brother. He is quite innocent and really childish . He can also be a lottle devilish sometimes =^= his powers are dark magic and witchcrafts

Mura: >30 chuu~ 💋💖

Next is-

Hinari: Hey gurls and bois >wO

Hey flirtass. Anyways~ Hinari is the charm in the family. He is fabulous and adorable. Many people adores him and he loves bright clothes == and selfies... and his powers are light and thunder

Hinari: *dancing to "IDGF" song* =w=

==... *kicks Hinari away* HOPE SOMEONE CATCHES YOU! *looks at you* moving onnnn . *smirks* to the youngest~

Midori: OwO *peaks from behind a tree* Holla! Im Midori!

This is the cutest innocent cinnamon roll you can find. He is hyper and very very very innocent i tell you...he will ask alot of questions and sometimes he could forget...except for his fav brother Hinari~ Midori's powers are obvs NNature. Nature is in his blood. Like his mother... *smiles*

Midori: owo I wuv Hinari and Flow-

Hey hey hey

Midori: Q-Q... sniff...


Midori: FLOWIE! \OWO/ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

=-=|||| his love will never die ... anywaysss moving on to their cousins, aka their also brothers.

Zen: not use to this...

Len: ^w^ oh come on Zen! They are just people!

Zen: *whimpers* ||||

Zen is a shy type and kinda of a scary-cat. He is really fragile and trust to easily. So yea..he has alot of bullies and backstabbers. His powers are thunder and clouds.

Len is opposite of Zen. He is Zen's best twin and protector. Len loves to play at the sands and prefers summer time tho Zen prefer winter.and Len's powers are earth. So moving on!

Rex: hey ^^ *smiles genuinely*

Ren: Hey there maggots

Rex:^^||| kind

Ren: =3= never

Here are the amateur twins. Rex is Ren's twin but because of his height that is taller than Ren. He was called Ren's older bbrother. Rex is friendly and super royal. He treats everyone like a prince and princess, also queens and kings. So yup and his powers are manipulations and telekinesis.

But Ren. Ofc, the opposite. He is rude, bad mouth, hyperactive , on the go, and really Load and noisy. He is in one squad with Mura and Midori which I call them the 'noisy and cute squad' and his powers are sparks and promise chains.

Moving to the next brothers-

Meet the triplets~

Oldest: Zel, middle: Quen , youngest: Horu.

Zel: .....

Quen: Why hello there! *polite*

Horu: do you like pink or yellow flowerz? OWO

Zel is the quite and distant ttype he has reasons to that. He is a poison type and he doesn't like getting touched or close to anyone except for his siblings and close ones or even love ones. Powers obvs poison..

Quen is the loyal and polite ttype. His powers are the opposite of Zel which is Elixir. He heals people and take away poisons. But he can still be effected by Zel's poisons. Eventho they are brothers...

Horu is like Midori and Mura. Hyper and innocent. He cares about his flowers and really loves hugs. He love bubble baths and pink flowera. He is a nature but in fflowers so yup!

And for the next one- 

Kurosaki doesnt like to talk but hey he is the dark type and prefers darkness more than anything. He does likes the sun but it will just reminds him of an old memory. He is Hinari and Midori's twin aka. They are triplets. Same goes to Aoharu, Akama and Murasaki. He is suppose to be friendly and protective as well as caring but bleh, problems.

Kurosaki: .... *walks away while folding arms*

And the last and not yet is-

Hagaru! Hagaru means steel so yup! He is a hardworker and does alot of works. He works for a guy name Metal and apparently is now Metal's assistant? Hagaru is really kind and likes to learn. And prefers tea over coffee cuz if you give him coffee..he refuses cuz he hates it. (Sorry to all coffee likers out there)

Hagaru: hey Mouse, can I go now? Metal is going to worry about me if I don't go back at *frowns*

Fine fine , go ahead

Hagaru: *smiles and walks away*

Anywaysss that is all for today! I will show you guys how does the original Splen or should i say Pendragon looks like at my next chapter. So stay reading and dont forget to give me some dares . Cuz I think I'm going to open up a new book which is the Book Of Dares . So yea~


Alex: *chasing Maussu from behind while having some drawings on his face* 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢

Mika: *laughs* thanks for reading! Dont forget to vote and leave a comment for any questions or request. Mikachu out! ^w^

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