Chapter Five: Turn Over a New Leaf

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By late afternoon, the sun had begun to set. With Braedey and Jessie, they've made their way back to the lake house, and as they do, they saw Lilly and Rachel, the two of them talking about a bet with their mother, whilst Luke was fixing up something in Uncle Frank's car.

As Braedey and Jessie enter the house, they saw Uncle Frank working on another set of reels. "Oh, there you two are. I was preparing for tomorrow to go fishing."

"Uncle Frank. Wait." Braedey stopped his uncle from going on any further. "Whilst we were out earlier today, me and Jessie have both decided and agreed on something."

"And what might that be?" Uncle Frank asked. He really wanted to do some fishing, but he wondered what his niece and nephew has to say.

"We've decided..." Jessie began.

"That instead of fishing..." Braedey added.

"We could write down a list of things to do while we're here..." Jessie spoke next.

"And you could decide on what to do." Braedey finished.

Uncle Frank weighed the options provided. Sure, he really wanted to do fishing, but this could let him know what other fun might be out there that he could try out with the teens and Jessie.

"I guess it can't hurt to see what you kids do nowadays." Uncle Frank replied to their proposition. "Maybe it could be time to turn over a new leaf, and try something anew."

"Great." Jessie said happily.

"We'll get a list ready, then we'll show it to you, and you circle and tell us what you want to give a try." Braedey added, and with that, both him and Jessie head off upstairs to get their list ready.

Uncle Frank looked at the rods and reels, them shook his head with dignity. "If I'm to turn over a new leaf, there's one thing to start off with..."

A moment later, Uncle Frank could be seen in the backyard, dismantling all of the reels, taking out the string and reel containers from them, and rebuilding the entire rigs into kite reels for tomorrow. With the rods, he snapped them into pieces, and chucked them into a fire pit for the evening.

Later in the evening, just as the sun had gone down below the horizon, Braedey and Jessie finally come down from upstairs, and with a list of what they wish to do while being out here in Creek Landing. The list contains these options:

Uncle Frank took a good look look at the 15 options that were on the list. He had to admit, kite flying, along with hide and seek, bird watching, and tag, were some of the games he used to play with back in his childhood, and to play it again, it be like reliving his childhood once again. Plus, Luke did mention one time he had a discount for RC/Hobby stores in the Illinois/Michigan area, so he and the others could give that a try.

"So, what do you wish to try out for tomorrow?" Braedey asked. He and Jessie were both sitting at the table opposite of Uncle Frank, waiting for his answer.

"Well, you both gave out some really good options." Uncle Frank began to say. "I mean, hide and seek? Tag? Kite flying? Those are some of the things I used to do back when I was your age."

"So, what do you want to do?" Jessie asked.

"Well, I think we should try out some RC boats and planes." Uncle Frank suggested. "What do you two say?"

"Let's do it!" Braedey and Jessie announce in unison, then they, and Uncle Frank, high-five loudly.

"Right. I'll tell Luke about our plans tomorrow, and we'll get ready for a fun-filled day." Uncle Frank declared, much to the two sibling's happiness, and with that, the two head off upstairs to get ready for the day ahead, whilst frank goes to talk to Luke outside.

In the living room nearby, Naomi, who was reading a fashion magazine, had heard everything said from her two children and brother-in-law, and her face had paled to the point it looked like she was dead. She then heard the same words she said to Frank earlier today in her head...

"The day my children do something that YOU want to do, will be the day that I dress up like a baby!"

'Now, I regret saying those words out loud.' She thought to herself, as she got up out of her seat, headed upstairs to her and James' bedroom, and began to tell him what she had just heard, and what she told Frank earlier in the day. James reassured him that she won't have to do anything embarrassing, and she'll have his entire 100% support for her.

It was going to be one bad day for Naomi tomorrow.


The next morning, Braedey and Jessie got up ready to go, the two of them ready for today. Oddly enough, Naomi and James weren't in the kitchen. Still, they met up with Luke and Uncle Frank in the kitchen.

"You two ready to go?" Luke asked them. He was now excited to do some RC driving, and see how good the two siblings were.

"Heck, Yes!" Braedey announced out loudly. He was ready to actually do some fun since coming here.

"Well, let's get going." Uncle Frank smiled to them.

"Wait. What about Mum and Dad?" Jessie asked.

"The two are still asleep upstairs in their bed." Luke explained to her. "Your Dad told me that it's okay for you two to come along with us. Just stay out of trouble."

"When do we EVER get into trouble?" Braedey asked with a laugh.

"Let's not waste anymore time." Uncle Frank told them. "Let's get down to the hobby store."

With that, the four climbed into Uncle Frank's Escalade SUV, and they soon drove down the dirt road to the main road, heading off into town to the hobby store.


Upstairs, James watched his two children, brother, along with his nephew, climb into Frank's car, and drive away. This would only leave them with Lilly, Karen, and Rachel, the three of them possibly still asleep in their rooms.

"Okay. They've left." James told Naomi, looking to his wife. James was only wearing a pair of red knee-length board shorts, whilst being bare-chested. "You can step out into the light now."

"I still regret yelling out those words at Frank." Naomi muttered out, stepping out from the walk-in wardrobe wearing her new outfit. "Good thing I only have to wear the pacifier, not a diaper."

Her outfit consisted of a pink baby's long-sleeve shirt with the picture of a cat playing with a yarn ball on her chest, the shirt reaching to the top of her waist, denim overalls over the top, a floppy hat on her head, and a pair of white booty shoes on her feet. Finally, she has a pink/white pacifier on a plastic chain around her neck.

"Honey, it's only for one day." James reassured Naomi. "When it's all over, you can change out of these clothes, and get into something more your age."

Naomi's face frowned. "That wasn't funny, and you know it." She grumbled to him. "And must I wear the overalls? They feel tight on me."

"Would you rather walk out of the house wearing your underwear or naked?" James asked sarcastically. When he didn't get an answer, he nodded. "Of course you wouldn't. Now, be a good girl..." He then popped the pacifier into his wife's mouth, much to her frustration. "...and behave for now."

Naomi grumbled to herself, crossing her arms across her chest, as she followed James out of the room, as they wait for Braedey, Jessie, Frank, and Luke to get back.


About an hour later, Braedey, Jessie, Luke, and Frank arrived back from the hobby store, the back of the Escalade packed with armed and ready RC boats and planes. Once ready to go, the quartet make their way to a large slab of concrete nearby the lake, and thought it would be a good place to launch the planes off of.

Nearby, Rachel and Lilly were sitting by the pool, the two of them with some cameras out, ready to record some cool flying tricks from the quartet. Karen was also with them, but she had her face buried into her phone to even realise what's going on.

First off, the four got started with flying the RC planes. For Luke, he armed himself with the Su-47 fighter jet. Braedey opted to use the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, ready to power through the skies above. With Jessie, the two male cousins decided she should use a slower and easier plane to fly, so they gave her a yellow Piper J3 Cub For Uncle Frank, he was to use the biggest RC plane they could find: a R.A.F C-17 Globemaster.

For the three males, in order to not crash or collide with one another, because of their high-speed Jets, they have specialised VR goggles on, which are all linked wirelessly to GoPro cameras built in the planes they are flying. For Jessie, she didn't need a VR set, since with her plane being propeller-powered, and slower than the three's jet-powered planes.

"Okay. We'll takeoff each plane, one by one." Braedey stated, as Jessie gets her Piper Cub on the 'tarmac', ready to go. "Jessie, you are clear for takeoff." He told his sister, as he, Luke, and Frank got their VR goggles on, and prepared for liftoff.

Jessie powered her plane up to full power, and after about 10 seconds, she pulled back on the right stick, and the yellow Piper J3 Cub climbed into the morning sky, then she began to circle along the perimeter of the lake, just to get the feel of control with her RC plane.

Next up, Luke and Braedey got both the SR-71 and the S7-47 on the 'runway', the two of them ready to fly. With a three-second countdown, both jets launched forwards, then shot up into the sky, the rumbling of the jet engines of both jets kicking up a bit of dust. Then, the two jets separate, and began to race back and forth, up and down, and around the lake and backyard of the lake house.

Finally, Frank prepared the C-17 for liftoff. Just as the Su-47 shot by and above the plane, much to Luke's amusement and Frank's humour, the latter got the large cargo plane underway, and up into the sky. The RC plane is a bit heavier than the two high-speed jets, but it was still faster than the Piper J3 Cub, only a bit slower in control motion.

"Incoming!" Braedey yelled, then he and the others ducked, just as the Blackbird rocketed by, the scream of its engines shaking the ground.

"Try this on for size!" Luke laughed. He pulled back on the right stick, making the Su-47 shoot upwards like a rocket, then it began to hover in the air, whilst the other planes flew around. "How about that?" He laughed.

"Not good enough!" Braedey turned the controls to make the SR-71 fly through the jet wash of the Su-47, then perform a backflip up, over, and around the black jet fighter, then through the jet wash again, but continue flying on its way in a straight line, as if unaffected by the wash. "Think of THAT as a daring stunt." He taunted.

Jessie, meanwhile, was now sitting up on a tree branch nearby, her view of her plane and the other's unobstructed, as she was being cautious and careful of where she was flying her yellow plane. She had lowered her plane's altitude, about 15ft above the ground, whilst the three jet planes were about 30 to 40ft above.

With Braedey, he and Luke were caught up in a bit of a dogfight, the two of them making their planes do flips, rolls, wide and sharp turns, along with death spirals and low-altitude runs across the lake, the water rippling from the wake of the jet's engines.

"Seems like we've got ourselves a little race here." Luke commented to his cousin, his Su-47 tailing behind the SR-71.

"It is America VS Russia. Again." Braedey added, turning the controls, forcing the SR-71 to do a loop and a spin around the Russian jet.

"Now, that's just showing off!" Luke stated, just as the two planes were flying side by side across the sky.

"You call that showing off?" Braedey asked sarcastically. Next, he cuts the power off from the engines, then forces the Blackbird into a vertical climb, making the plane rise up, and leave the Su-47 behind, whilst Braedey fires the engines up again, and levelled the plane to normal flight. "Try that!"

Luke saw his jet was about to run into the trees, so he forces the Su-47 up into vertical climb so hard, one would think a pilot would become unconscious from the force of the climb. He then levelled the plane once again, only for one of the Su-47's engines to suddenly cut out, and nearly fall out of the sky.

"Whoa!" Luke jammed the controls to the left, then began to pilot the RC Russian jet fighter down to the 'tarmac', and landed it safely. "Phew. That was close. I think my plane ran out of fuel."

With Frank, he was flying his C-17 alongside Jessie's Piper J3 Cub, the two of them giving each other distance. Sure, the C-17 could overtake the yellow propeller plane, but Frank didn't wish to fly faster than Jessie. Then, Braedey flew up alongside the two, flying the SR-71 above the two planes, in a triangle-like formation above the lake.

Soon enough, the three planes land on the ground after they all run out of fuel, then Braedey, Frank, Jessie, and Luke prepare to do off-road racing with some tough RC cars. As they prepare to do so, James and Naomi step out of the house, the latter blushing up a storm, whilst her pacifier was in her mouth. Lilly hands Rachel a $50 bill, since she lost the bet they placed yesterday, whilst Karen didn't notice, her face still locked onto her phone.

Soon, Braedey and the others get their cars armed and ready, the four cars ready for action. Luke was in control of a red/black Traxxas Dodge trophy truck. Braedey has a dark grey 1970 Chevrolet Camaro RS under his control. Frank, meanwhile, has a Traxxas X-Maxx ready to go and do some dune bashing. Jessie has a black/white 2013 Chevrolet Camaro Highway Patrol car, seems with lights and front bumper to use.

"Rock and roll." Braedey stated, as the four cars line up on the concrete slab, ready to do a race. "On my mark." He told the others. "3... 2... 1..."

"GO!" The four yell out, and with screaming motors, the four cars launch off the line, and they begin to power across the dirt/concrete track. "Six laps, winner takes all!"


Meanwhile, over on the other side of the lake, hidden amongst the trees, Diana was watching the Martin family from afar. She could see just about everyone, along with Lilly and Rachel, as they watched Braedey, Frank, Jessie, and Luke race the RC cars.

Diana narrowed her eyes a little, focusing on both Braedey and Jessie's parents. She nearly laughed out loud when she could see Naomi wearing baby clothes with a pacifier in her mouth, whilst James just looked relaxed, and watched his two kids.

'Braedey and Jessie look like they have the best parents.' Diana thought to herself. Then, she saw both Braedey and Jessie, the two of them finished with their race, turn to their parents, and both of them began to laugh and play about with their mother, who's face was as red as a tomato. 'I guess she did something she regrets doing, and is wearing that.'

After about a few minutes, Luke, Braedey, Frank, and Jessie pack up their RC cars and planes, and they started to head off back inside the house. Once she saw her new friends head off back into the house, Diana sighed in relief, then began to head off back to her sleeping spot.


Soon, it was evening. Rachel and Lilly were upstairs in their rooms, currently looking through their collection of very nice and/or kinky swimsuits to wear for tomorrow at the lake. Frank was out by the lake, checking the boat to see it's seaworthy. With Karen, she was in her room, once agin, her face buried into her phone.

With Braedey and Jessie, they were both in the lounge room with their parents, the two of them asking James why Naomi was dressed like a baby today. Their mother, rather reluctantly, told her children they when she yelled at Frank yesterday, she said the day they do something Frank wants to do will be the day she dresses like a baby, and that's what happened. The two didn't laugh, but instead, said their mother looked cute in a baby's outfit, then Braedey popped her pacifier in her mouth, much to his mother's blushing face.

And after that, everyone decided to head off to sleep.

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