Chapter Seven: How Do You Transport A Giantess?

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Once back in Merrillville, Braedey, Jessie, James, and Naomi were all thinking as to what kind of way would be best suitable to transport a 35ft tall giantess from Creek Landing to Merrillville.

"Well, we can't simply let her walk from one country to another." Braedey deduced. "It's too risky, and thousands of people could see her instantly."

"Why not lift her with a big balloon?" Jessie asked.

"Jessie, there's no balloon big enough to carry someone like Diana." Naomi told her daughter. "We have to think of something better."

"So, what other ideas can we think of?" James asked.

Braedey began to write up some options on a piece of paper, and he thought about them. Some of the ideas were to hide her inside of a plane, and fly her to Merrillville, or make her a statue to be loaded onto a train. He crossed out the ones that sounded too silly and ridiculous, until there was only one.

"I think there's only one idea that I can think of to transport Diana." Braedey told the others. "We can put her inside of a truck, and drive her home."

James cupped his chin in thought, and nodded slowly. "That does sound like a good idea." He said to his son. "Fortunately, I do have a H.G.V license, so that plan could work."

"Great!" Braedey smiled. "Now, all we need is a truck and 40ft long trailer, maybe a double-axle one."

"I'll deal with that." James reassured him. "You and Jessie should help your mother with Karen."

Braedey showed the most devious and scheming look on his face, and headed off upstairs to help her mother and sister in the spare bedroom. He could tell this is gonna be well worth it to put Karen in her place, and to show her that she can't always do things whenever she wants to.


Another day goes by, and Braedey, Jessie, and Naomi have managed to obtain everything they need to get, and they were ready for Karen's punishment. The two sibling couldn't help by smirk in their most devious way when a mental image of Karen dressed and forced to act like a baby.

With James, he has managed to obtain a semi-truck and trailer, and he got one of the latest model of truck, a Volvo VNL in white. This truck has a Cummins X15 engine, producing around 400-565hp, and 1450-1850 lb-ft of torque. The truck was in factory standard paint of white, along with a white trailer behind it.

The trailer he managed to get is 40ft long, with a double-axle system, and has a refrigeration system built into it. After some minor alterations to the trailer's suspension and tyres, the entire box trailer was ready to carry heavier loads than normal.

The truck was more than ready to handle its new heavy load.


At the forest of Creek Landing, Diana was fast asleep under the cover of the trees, some leaves on her body, but it didn't annoy her. She was now thinking about Braedey and Jessie, and about where they live. It would be a new experience for her.

Just then, a truck horn echoed outside of the forest, waking her up. Diana sat up, and made her way to the edge of the forest. As she does so, she could see a white 18-wheeler semi-truck pull up nearby, and sitting in the truck was James, Braedey, and Jessie. Diana smiled happily, and made her way over.

"Okay. James, I'll get the trailer ready. Jessie, you try and find Diana." Braedey said to his sister. "By any chance, she might've heard the horn."

Jessie nodded, and began to make her way into the forest. As she does so, Braedey pulled a lever nearby the back of the trailer, making the rear ramp of the trailer lower down to the ground, revealing a lot trailer that was chilled to be comfortable, and there were some large XL mattresses on the floor of the trailer, so it will be comfortable for Diana to sit/lay down inside of.

With Jessie, she only walked for about a minute, when she saw Diana kneeling down to her with a smile on her face in front of her. "Hey, Jessie. Are we ready to go?" The giantess asked her little friend.

"Yep. The truck is ready to pick you up, and take you home with us." Jessie smiled, and headed back to the truck, as Diana followed behind her.

At the truck, Braedey and James have checked and double-checked the suspension and tyres on the trailer and truck, just as Diana walked up with Jessie.

"Hey, Braedey." Diana greeted, kneeling down to him, and patting his head. She then eyed the trailer. "Is that what I'm riding inside of to your home?" She asked skeptically.

"It was the only option we've got." Braedey told her. "Plus, I think you being on a plane wouldn't be such a good idea."

"Okay." Diana nodded.

Being cautious with her movements, Diana puts her feet and legs into the truck trailer first. It was gonna be a tight squeeze for her thighs and her buttocks. When she got into a crouching position in the truck, she shuffled back as far as she can in the 40ft trailer. As her hips got to the trailer opening, she got slightly stuck, much to her embarrassment, but with a bit more force, and a shunt from the front of the trailer by the truck, her butt popped into the trailer, and she managed to get the rest of herself into the trailer. Her impressive bust didn't get in the way of the trailer, either.

She smiled to Braedey, as he prepared to shut the trailer door. "As soon as we get home, we'll open the trailer for you. But, for the journey, just try and stay quiet, and we'll make it."

"Okay." Diana nodded, as the trailer door closed up, and locked up.

"Right. Let's get moving!" Braedey called, jumping into the truck with Jessie and James.

With that, the truck roared to life, and the trio, along with their giantess friend, began their long road trip back to Merrillville.


Back at home, Naomi was currently cleaning out the barn at the back of their home. The barn stood at 45ft tall, so Diana can stand inside it without having to crouch down, and the second level of the house is a good spot for Naomi and the others to stand on and talk to Diana and look her in the eye easily. The barn was in red with white along the doors, and has a black rooftop.

"Diana is going to love this place a lot." Naomi sighed, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "This will be the perfect home for her."

After cleaning out the barn, the Martin woman walked into the kitchen, wiped her hands clean, puts on a white apron around her waist, along with a chef's hat on her head, and began to cook some meals for later. As she does so, she saw a text message on her phone from Braedey, saying they were on their way back home from Creek Landing, and with their giantess friend. She smiled, and prepared for them to return home.

'I think I'll have to find a way to get bigger food for Diana.' She thought to herself. 'Maybe someone I know of can make it bigger... maybe...'

Naomi was cut off from her thoughts, as she then looked over to the front door, and heard what might be Karen walking in. She smirked to herself, and headed over to the door. Karen walked in, but before she could call someone, Naomi ripped the phone right out of her hand.

"Hey!" Karen glared at her mother. "Mum! I was about to call someone about going to a party tonight!"

"Not anymore, young lady!" Naomi stated to her. "From now on, you will listen to me, your father, and your siblings, and do exactly what we say. You will have no TV, no computer, no phone, no anything, until you learn your lesson."

"You can't do that to me!" Karen yelled, only for Naomi to grab her arm, and drag her off to the spare bedroom. "Hey! Let go of me! You can't do this to me! I'm a young woman!"

"Not anymore, little lady." Naomi stated back to her.

What are you doing?!" Karen demanded.

"Putting you in your place." Naomi simply said, as she dragged Karen into the room.


Meanwhile, James, Braedey, and Jessie were only about 20 miles away from Merrillville. The youngest of the Martins was fast asleep in her seat, whilst Braedey was looking to a camera on the dashboard, which showed Diana inside the trailer. James kept his eyes on the road, whilst knowing how precious the cargo in the back of the truck was.

Eventually, they arrived back home, slowly pulling to a gentle stop nearby the barn. James parked up the truck, as Jessie woke up, and both she and Braedey head to the trailer door/ramp. The brother of the two siblings lowered the ramp, and saw Diana was waking up from her nap.

"Wakey wakey, Diana." Braedey smiled, as Diana looked to him, seeing a red barn behind him. "We're here. We're home now."

Diana smiled. Slowly, she shuffled and wiggled her curvaceous form out of the trailer, then got to her feet. She stretched her arms and legs, then saw the view around the double-storey home.

"Wow. This is a nice view." Diana commented, then she saw the barn. "Whoa. This is pretty cool. I've never seen a barn like this before."

"Welcome home, Diana." The giantess turned around, and saw Naomi walking out from the house onto the patio. "It's nice to see you again."

Braedey, Diana, and Jessie then noticed that she was wearing a new outfit. She was now wearing a white summer dress a white t-shirt underneath, and a pair of white sandals on her feet. Her hair was tied into a loose plait, giving her a vague feeling of motherly-ness.

"Mum, why are you wearing that?" Jessie asked, as James turned the 18-wheeler truck around, and parked it. "Is something going on?"

"Oh, I'm just taking care of the new baby." Naomi shrugged to her daughter.

"Wait. You've had another baby?" Diana asked in shock, kneeling down to Naomi. "When did this happen?!"

"No. That's not what she meant, Diana." Braedey reassured her. "We've decides to treat Karen like a baby, since she's being disobedient and a pain in the butt, so we've decided to make her a baby, and until she learns her lesson, she's not allowed to leave the house at all. Plus, no TV, no phone, no computer, nothing."

"Sounds a little mean to her." Diana stated, but Braedey shrugged.

"It's what she deserves for being so annoying and a pain." Braedey replied. He then gestured to the barn. "And we've decided to use the barn as your new home. Still, we'll try and find a way to get you food or so-"

"It's okay, Braedey." Diana reassured him. "I thank you for the home, but I'll find a way to get food."

Braedey nodded, and headed off inside, as Diana began to take a look at the barn. She pulled the two large doors on the front open, then looked into the barn. She could see there was a lot of hay on the ground for her to sleep on, whilst the roof was tall enough for her to stand upright. She also saw the second level for Braedey and the others to stand and talk to her eye-level without her kneeling down to them.

'This is very nice.' She thought to herself, and sat down on the soft hay, hugging her legs up to her ample chest. 'Braedey and Jessie have such a nice place to live. I'm glad I have great friends.'


Later that afternoon, Braedey and Jessie were both playing with the 'Thomas and Friends' model railway, the two of them driving Thomas, James, Gordon, Henry, Percy, Edward, and Toby around the tracks.

Braedey smiled to his sister, seeing her drive the Thomas model around the line. He then walked over to a nearby shelf, collected a grey box from the shelf, and pulled out an engine. To Jessie's shock, the model was Lady the Magical Engine!

Lady is a small tank engine, smaller than Thomas and Percy, with four small wheels, a small boiler, and a small coal bunker. Her design of engine was only made for shunting work in the yards, and light passenger and goods work. She was painted in purple with gold. She had golden dome sitting on top of her boiler, as the top of her funnel was enlarged, and on the tanks was her name written in gold, and in a fancy French-like design. Her cab was open and had no rear section, so the driver and fireman could see from behind.

"How did you get that?" Jessie asked her brother in shock.

"To be truthfully honest, I asked a friend to see if she could create this engine." Braedey explained, putting Lady next to the Thomas model. "Luckily, she did, getting it down to the tiniest details, and it was ready to go and be used."

"Thank you, Braedey." Jessie hugged her brother, and he patted her back in reply.

With that, the two siblings began to drive both Thomas and Lady around the set, the two model trains pulling Annie and Clarabel, Thomas's two coaches, whilst Lady had what are new and shiny coaches, painted in purple with some gold, and the coaches are in the same shape as that of Annie and Clarabel.

"Hey! Don't drag me down here, you! Let me go!"

"You don't get to say whatever you want anymore. You're now following my rules, young lady."

Braedey and Jessie look over at one another in confusion, then look to the living room, and decide to see what was going on. They could both hear the sounds of annoyance and anger from obviously Karen, and their mother's angry voice. They've never seen their mother be angry before, and that's why they're always in her good graces.

As they entered the living room, Jessie clamped her hands over her mouth to try and muffle her laughter, whilst Braedey fell over laughing, and clutching his stomach in the process. The two siblings couldn't say a word at all, the two of them laughing their heads off at Karen, who grumbled in annoyance of her two siblings laughing at her.

Karen was now wearing a hot pink short-sleeve shirt, reaching down to just above her bellybutton, the sleeves barely reaching halfway down her upper arms, the shirt looking tight on her chest, a pair of baby blue pants that were reaching down to just above her ankles, along with a pair of white socks, and pink/white boots on her feet. There was a noticeably large bulge around her pelvis and crotch, making her butt look really big. Her hair has been styled into two high twin-tails, with pink and blue ribbons tying up her hair. Finally, she has a blue/white pacifier stuck in her mouth, a white plastic chain hanging from the pacifier, and the chain is attached to her shirt by a pin.

Braedey continued laughing for a good 5 minutes, whilst Jessie continued to try and cover up her laughter, but to no avail. Karen crossed her arms across her chest in annoyance, looking away from her two siblings, whilst she sat on the floor, not playing with a small tower of baby blocks in front of her.

Jessie ceased her laughter, and looked at Naomi, who was nearby in the kitchen. "I think... the baby... needs to..." She couldn't say anything, as she fell to her hands and knees laughing. "I'm sorry... I can't speak anymore..." Jessie was now laughing so much, she couldn't speak anymore.

Braedey soon took in a deep breath, sat up, and shakily got to his feet. "Okay. I'm good." He breathed, and shook his head. He looked over to Karen, walked over to her, then pulled back her pants to see what she's wearing underneath. "You got the thickest and biggest pair you could find, Mum?" He asked Naomi, snapping the pants back, much to Karen's annoyance, as she rubbed her butt.

"I've had to put double, or maybe triple, on her." Naomi giggled gently, and patted Karen's head, much to her blushing. "So, what are you and Jessie gonna do now?" She asked.

"Well, I'm gonna go and see how Diana is." Braedey replied, then made his way outside to the backyard. "See you later." He called out.

Jessie soon ceased laughing, wiping tears away from her eyes, as she got to her feet. "Well, I don't really have anything planned for the rest of the day." She told her mother.

"Well, why don't you and me go and play with the new baby?" Naomi asked, making Karen's eyes widen in horror.

"Okay. I'll get some toys to play with." Jessie headed off upstairs to get something

Naomi picked up the babied Karen, who wanted her to let her go, and headed off upstairs with her.

"I don't want to play!" Karen argued angrily to her mother, waving her arms angrily in anime fashion. "Put me down now!"

"I will spank you if you do not behave!" Naomi raised her voice at Karen, making her shrink down in fear. "Now, be a good little girl, and behave." She said now calmly, as they headed off upstairs.


With Braedey, he made his way to the barn, and he could hear what might be light sleeping from inside the building. Braedey opened one of the large barn doors, via a regular-size door built into the main barn door, and headed inside the barn. He looked inside, and he could see the giantess fast asleep, resting on the large bundle of hay as a bed, and there was a large white tarpaulin covering over her body, covering her body from her shoulders down to her knees. Her dress was now currently hanging on a rafter up above and off of the floor.

Braedey walked over to the slumbering giantess, and as he looked under the tarpaulin, he could see she was wearing her bikini. With a slightly blushing face, he looked at the cute and gentle face of Diana's, and placed a hand on her cute nose. He still couldn't believe what has happened to him and his family; they meet a giantess from another friend, welcome her into the family, and gave her a place to stay.

"It's amazing to think a world could be hidden inside of another." Braedey whispered to himself. "Still, it's a little crazy." He looked to Diana, and he smiled gently to his slumbering 35ft giantess.

Braedey closed his eyes and leaned down; planting a soft kiss on Diana's left cheek. He opened his eyes, gently patted the giantess' nose, then made his way back to the house.

Unbeknown to Braedey, Diana had heard everything, and felt his kiss on her cheek. She felt her cheeks becoming red, as she turned around to face the wall. She was happy to have Braedey and Jessie find her in the forest. Otherwise, she wouldn't have found such a happy family to be with.

Her life has changed for the better.

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