chapter 2 meeting a freind

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miko opened her eyes and looked around she saw waterfalls in the distance and the colourfull environment she was definitely not in her world anymore.

she got out of the bandstand and walked around she smiled as some nightopians came up to her exsiedily even thou she can't understand what they are saying she knows that they are happy to see her again "heya fellas do you know where my buddies are?"

they nodded and lead her to one of her freinds. Miko smiled as she heard a flute playing she looks up and sees a purple creature "heya NiGHTS!"

NiGHTS looked down and smiled happily "miko!" he flyed down and hugged her happily "it's been so long! I'm suprised you reamber how to get here"

miko smiled "yeah oh do you know where the others are there's something important I need to tell her"

NiGHTS "sure but what is it?" he asked curiously

miko face became concerned "its about him"

NiGHTS looked at miko serious now "he didn't hurt you or take your ideyas did he?"

miko shook her head "no he didn't he was about to get me but when I ran he didn't chase me" she said and she could tell that NiGHTS was suprised at this

NiGHTS"that is strange he always says he likes a good chase" the two dualize and flyed over to the the rest of the group.

phoebe smiled as she was siting on a large seashell as reala sat next to her

reala looked in the distance and saw NiGHTS flying over to them "darling NiGHTS is coming to us"

phoebe looked up and hummed "maybe he found something?" she questioned

when NiGHTS landed on the ground and miko un dualize with NiGHTS. Phoebe eyes widen and ran over to miko and hugged her "oh my god miko! its been so long!" she smiled as miko giggled and hugged back happily

miko "nice to meet you too phoebe and you too reala" she looked over to reala and he gave a simple nod

phoebe "so what brings you here I know your not asleep because I felt the portal opening "

miko "actually there is something I Need to tell you and its not good"

reala "and that be?'

NiGHTS "it's grim he's back we'll somewhat"

phoebe because serious as miko explained what happend.

a few minutes later....

phoebe "he can probably enter to your world bur not to this one but he would mostly look for something that has a strong energy that isn't human and how you explained about the autobots and decepticons he would mostly go for one of the vehicons"

NiGHTS"but why not soundwave or knockair"

reala "it's knockout and knowing grim he would side with the decepticons and will probably get enough energy to power him and wizeman up to destroy both worlds"

phoebe sighed "that seams to be it and him appearing in your dream miko is a pin point but since you weared that necklace he couldn't tract you to the autbots base but he can do with the others"

reala "but he knowing him he won't do that"

miko "what do you mean?"

reala "even if he knows the autbots base he wouldn't tell the decepticons he would and I quote 'let the show go on' "

NiGHTS "he dose like to see people fail" he said

miko looked down and got up "Well we can't let him win then him and the decepticons"

phoebe nodded and got up "if that's the case we will help too"

the two brothers nodded as well. the group reached to the bandstand to say goodbye to miko but before she left phoebe held her hand.

phoebe "if your freinds ask where you've gone just say that you wounder off daydream and I will apear with reala as a freind that came to jasper"

miko nodded and stepped into the bandstand with NiGHTS she held NiGHTS hand and closed her eyes "take me home" she said and soon the light surrounded them and the two disappeared

reala looked at phoebe "are you sure it was a good idea for NiGHTS to be with her?"

phoebe nodded "yes I have a nightmaren beaken in her world so he will survive and plus when it's day or there is light you two tern into shadows  so I'm sure they were be fine"

reala sighed "alright if you say so dear"

back in the real world

miko opened her eyes and she was back to her world she looks at her shadow "NiGHTS?" she whisperd her shadow changed to nights shape "don't worry I'm here" he said telepathically to her she nodded as she put on the necklaces back on.

wheeljack "miko where are you?' " he called out and miko went over to him quickly "im here wheeljack!"

wheeljack sighed in relief "geez kid tell me before running off"

miko nodded "heh sorry wheeljack but I'm feeling better now"

wheeljack smiled he was glad to see her happy "thats good now let's get back to base rachet is pretty mad" he chulked as he transformed and miko got in as they drove back to base

miko "so how long was I gone for?"

wheeljack "almost an hour"

miko "geez really I didn't even know"

wheeljack "yeah but I guess having fun time flys by" he chulked as she nodded

when they got back to base rachet gave a talking to, to wheeljack but wheeljack didn't care. miko smiled as she say in the human area playing games with raf and Jack.

NiGHTS "your world looks intresting and the fact you can go anywhere with that groundthingy"

miko chulked a little "yeah its fun" she mutters

raf "you say something miko? he asked

miko "nope ^^" she said quickly smiling

when the day ended they were brought back home and miko went to her room and when it got dark NiGHTS got out of her shadow and showed his physical form.

NiGHTS "aaahh~ mutch better it was really cramp being a shadow" he said stretching

miko chulked "I guess it could be" she smiled

Nights looked out the window "say about we go off flying for a while?" he reached our his hand to miko smiling

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