Chapter 02

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Naylee's estimate was right, they had reached shore just before dark and set up tents on the beach with campfires.
'I don't know.' said Tashee, looking at them with the binoculars. 'They remind me of lizards from the looks of their heads and their long tails. They wear simple clothes, most of them only loincloths. Some a tunic of sorts. Weapons seem to be nothing more than spears, bows and swords.'
'Bad enough.' said Rafe, wishing he had his usual full complement of weapons at his disposal.
'I estimate there's around fifteen of them.'
Naylee frowned. 'If they stay, they'll probably find our beach hut tomorrow, and if they leave there's still a good chance they go around that side and see it.'
'Nothing we can do about that.' Tashee said. 'We can only hope they won't find us here and leave after thinking this island's abandoned.'
'We could have used the previous owner of this place now.' Naylee chuckled.
'They'd probably revere that dinosaur thing as a god.'
Rafe laughed at the memory of a very old movie where an island tribe worshipped a dinosaur. 'They'd still end up as food.' he said and moved a chair to the window. 'Anyway, I'll take first watch again like we did before, okay?'
Tashee and Naylee nodded, Wendy barked.
'Staying with me again like the old days when we had only ourselves and the rest of the island were enemies?'
She barked again and wagged her tail as he scratched behind her ears.
Mina and Nami looked puzzled at him and he chuckled. 'That was before I met your mothers.'
'You weren't together?' Mina asked and looked at her mother.
'No, I was alone when I came here on this island and at that time your mothers and I were enemies. Although we hadn't seen each other before.'
Nami came closer while he sat down and placed her hands on his arm. 'You were enemies?'
He nodded.
'Well,' he said as Mina moved to his other side. 'My people and their people didn't like each other much and there were small fights between us. Just like how those big lizards and Wendy's species don't like each other.'
Mina looked at her mother, then back at her father. 'That's why you look so different.' she said. 'I thought it was because you're our dad and they're our moms.'
He nodded. 'Yes, your mothers and I are different species.'
She looked worried. 'Did you fight?'
He smiled gently at her and saw the same worry on Nami's face. 'We did have a short fight, but it turned out okay.'
The girls still looked worried at their mothers.
Tashee squatted in front of Rafe and laid her hands on the girls hands. 'It was actually thanks to that fight that we found out how kind your father was. He saved my life.'
Their eyes grew bigger.
'Remember that dangerous crevice we saw on one trip?'
They nodded.
'I fell down in it and barely held on with help from Naylee.' she said, smiling fondly at Rafe. 'And even though we had seriously wounded your father and no one would have blamed him for leaving us to ourselves to save his own life, he reached out for me and pulled me up to safety with Naylee.'
The girls looked at their father. 'I could not live with the thought I'd let someone's mother die by doing nothing.' he said looking into Tashee's adoring eyes.
'So then you became friends?' Nami asked.
'Well,' said Naylee, moving behind Rafe and resting her hands against his chest. 'I still didn't like him.'
'Why?' Nami asked, looking up at her mother.
Naylee sighed feeling a little ashamed. 'Because at that time I hated men because they had done bad things to us, and because he was one of our enemies. I didn't trust him at all and even hurt him despite him only showing kindness.'
Nami gripped her father's arm tighter. 'That's mean!'
Naylee nodded and balled her hands into fists but Rafe rubbed his cheek against her arm, relaxing her. 'Your mother had bad experiences with men. I never blamed her for it.'
'I even ran away.' Naylee said, smiling softly at the memory. 'But your father came searching for me. When he convinced me to come back we heard the monster we told you about and we ran, but because I had twisted my ankle and couldn't run much he picked me up and ran while carrying me in his arms.' She bend down and kissed his cheek. 'That's when he melted that cold heart of mine and I found myself falling in love with him.'
'The rest you know.' said Tashee. 'We killed the monster and made this into our new home, and some time later you two were born.'
'So, while officially your mothers and I may be enemies, they, and you, are the ones I love the most.' Rafe said, smiling at his family. 'And that includes you, Wendy.' he added when her ears drooped.
Her ears perked up and she gave him a cheerful bark while her tailed wagged energetically.
'Now.' he said and gave his daughters a pat on their tushies. 'Time for you to eat and then get some early sleep. Who knows what will happen after tonight.'
Mina looked at him and smiled. 'I'm glad you're my dad.' she said and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
'Me too.' said Nami and kissed his other cheek before she and Mina left the room.
Naylee leaned over again and kissed him softly on the lips. 'I'm also glad you're their father.' she said, then let her hands move slowly from his chest to his shoulders before following the children to the kitchen area.
He looked at Tashee who straightened her legs and bend over with her hands on his knees. 'I almost wish you'd been Naylee's father too, but then things would have been very weird right now.'
He chuckled at the thought. 'Indeed. But then I'd only have one daughter instead of two. And none of this would've ever happened anyway apart from me being stranded here alone and meeting Wendy.'
Tashee looked at Wendy. 'Sorry, girl. I guess we stole your sole place next to him.'
Wendy put her paws on Rafe's legs and gave Tashee a soft lick, murmuring softly.
Tashee smiled softly at her. 'Thanks.' she said, then kissed Rafe softly. 'Had you been born with some of her genes, you might just have had more children now.'
'Ah.' he said, watching Tashee leave with a little smirk on her face and looked Wendy in the eyes. She looked back at him with a little smile and slow wag of her tail and he blushed.
'Don't look at me like that.' he said. 'I'm aware you never looked for a mate, but that sort of thing would be a little too much for me.'
She gave him a soft bark and crawled up on his lap to give him a soft kiss and nestle against his chest to observe the activities on the beach with him. He put his arms around her and scratched her fur softly, not entirely getting the image out of his head of puppies calling him daddy.

Tashee came back later with meals for Rafe and Wendy and smirked at the sight of the two of them lounging in the chair together. 'Maybe Naylee and I should take the children somewhere on the island like Wendy does, so that you two can have some alone time together.'
'Very funny.' said Rafe as Wendy got down on the floor for her bowl of meat. 'I'll be dreaming of little puppy people chasing me and calling me daddy next.'
Tashee chuckled. 'Now that would be a sight to behold.' she said and gave him his plate.
'Meanie.' he said.
She bend close enough to kiss him again. 'Your fault for making every woman you met here fall in love with you.'
'With just me you didn't have much choice.' he chuckled.
'We could have exposed ourselves to the probe and had us rescued.'
'True.' he said and kissed her. 'I'm glad whatever I did worked.'
She ran her hand through his hair. 'I'll see you in a few hours after I get some sleep.'
'Sweet dreams, my love.'
'I hope so. It's going to be the first time without you since our first night up in that tree.' she said, nodding at the tree they used to observe the bunker back then.
'We never spent any night alone again since then, yeah.' he said poking his fork into his meal while looking up at the tree. 'I forgot what it's like to sleep alone.'
'Luckily you'll have Naylee to sleep with first, then me when she's on watch.'
He smiled gently up at her. 'Still not the same without both of you by my side.'
'I know, but now we need to fall back on our old military skills.'
He nodded. 'Good night, love.'
'See you later, sweetie.'


Rafe heard Tashee coming through the door after noticing Wendy's ear turning that way. 'Hello, my love. Did you get some sleep?' he asked looking back and up at her.
She cupped his cheek and kissed him. 'Eventually, but I missed you a lot. As did Naylee.' she said and looked at the fires burning on the beach. 'Anything going on?'
'No.' he said and Wendy got off his lap. 'Just a change of the watch. They seem to sleep right now.'
He stood up and stretched, his muscles popping from the tension. 'I'm not used to this anymore. The last time was when the girls were just babies.'
'Yeah.' she said and wrapped her arms round his waist. 'You stayed up at night so we could sleep.'
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. 'It did give me an excuse to sleep during the day.'
She chuckled. 'Is that so? And here we thought we had found a real caring man. What fraud you are.'
He smirked. 'Didn't you learn to never trust an enemy?'
'Yes, which is why we got pregnant so you had to stay in our sights.'
'Ohh.. Now I see.. Maybe we should declare war, then you'd have to let me impregnate you again.'
She chuckled. 'If only it was that easy.'
'Well.' he said and kissed her softly again. 'I think I can settle for a few border disputes and more practice between the sheets.'
She growled playfully. 'I'll see if we can't start negotiating a deal about that. But first you need to sleep and comfort Naylee.'
'Your wish is my command.' he said and left with Wendy after several more kisses.
He found Naylee asleep, settled next to her for just a moment before she turned to snuggle up with him in her sleep. Wendy snuggled up to him on his other side and it comforted him enough to fall asleep instantly.


When the electronic alarm clock that Tashee had dug up from the parts they had salvaged from their pod beeped, Naylee slammed it into silence and snuggled up tight with Rafe. 'Damned time.. I would have been happy to never hear another alarm clock for the rest of my life..'
He chuckled sleepily and gave her a soft kiss on her head. 'I know the feeling, kitten.'
She looked up and kissed him until she felt awake enough to get up on all fours. 'If they don't leave soon, I'm going to personally kill them for stealing away my time with you.'
'I can't really disagree.' he chuckled.
She stretched a few times, kissed him again and went to take over Tashee's watch.
'Hey..' she said, seeing Tashee pacing in the room. 'I'm not late, am I?'
Tashee smiled at her. 'No, just trying to keep awake. It has been a long time since we had to do this.'
Naylee nodded. 'Go, I'll bet Rafe's waiting eagerly to sleep with you again.'
Tashee chuckled. 'As much as he hated to have to let you go, I'll bet.'
'Can't we just toss them back into their boat and kick them back into the sea?'
'And risk them coming back with more when they know we're here?' Tashee chuckled. 'No thanks.'
Naylee puffed up her cheeks, then let out a deep sigh. 'Can't even live a blissful solitary life in the middle of nowhere.'
Tashee gave her a good night kiss before going to bed and Naylee sat down in the chair, resigning to keeping an eye on those pesky intruders.
Tashee found Rafe awake and slipped quickly next to him in his arms, kissing him for a while before they fell asleep.


At first light Tashee and Rafe were awakened by Mina and Nami shaking their shoulders. 'Mom, dad.' they said. 'There's activity on the beach.'Rafe rubbed his eyes. 'What kind?'

'Mom said it looked like they were going to explore the island.' said Nami.
'All right. We're coming to see.' he said and yawned while the girls left, then grinned sleepily at Tashee. 'But first something to wake up with.' he said and kissed her.

A minute later they joined the rest in the room overlooking the camp.
'Morning, love.' Rafe said and kissed Naylee. 'What's going on?'
Naylee caressed his chest with the back of her hand while he stood next to her. 'They only got active a short while ago. Most were inspecting their weapons while eating so I guess they'll be looking around soon.'
'Probably going for the hill tops first. Like we did.' Tashee said.
Rafe nodded. 'Two or three days then. At least enough time to stock up on food and make some first observations.'


The visitors had split up in groups that morning, three of them followed the beach to the left, three to the right and six went into the jungle with four of them left behind at the boat.
Tashee, Naylee and Rafe discussed their options and decided to check out the larger group moving in their direction. Naylee and Rafe would head in their direction with Wendy, then circle around them to have a closer look. Tashee and the children would keep an eye on the other two groups from the bunker.

Naylee and Rafe checked their supplies and weapons, hoisted their backpacks over their shoulders and hugged their children.
'Be careful.' Tashee said as she hugged Naylee tight, then held Rafe tight, looking sad into his eyes.
'I'll miss you.' he said, caressing her cheeks and smiling softly at her.
She kissed him like he'd be gone for a year, then reluctantly pulled back. 'Don't do anything to endanger yourselves.' she said and looked at Naylee. 'I want the both of you back as soon as possible.'
He gave her another soft kiss. 'Don't worry, we're not going to engage them. We might even get lucky and find out they're friendlies.'
He looked at his daughters, who hugged Wendy and were more alert than he'd expected. 'Take care of your mother and our home, make sure to camouflage the entrances before the visitors get close, all right?'
They nodded. 'Stay safe, mom, dad.'
He let go of Tashee with a little difficulty and kissed his daughters one more time on their foreheads. 'Love you, my little precious kittens.'
Tashee and the children watched Naylee, Wendy and Rafe walk into the jungle while they stood outside the entrance.
'Nothing bad will happen, right?' Nami asked.
Tashee put her arms around the girls' shoulders and held them close to her sides. 'Your mother and your father are two of the best people when it comes to staying out of trouble or getting out of it if they get into it.' she said. 'Trust them.'

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