Learning More History

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Annabeths POV


Let's skip the boring part , breakfast. Nothing exciting happened until breakfast ended. All ten of us walked over to the big house , we were on our way to figure out the prophecy.

One we walked through the door the cool air freshened out faces. We all sat at the same U shaped table we sat at the time our eyes changed.

"So were do we begin ?" Asked Chiron

"Ok , the first line of the first prophecy was ' The Titan king shall rise once more ' " said Mia and everyone went silent. We all knew what it meant but someone had to speak up we can't just stay quiet every time something bad is going to happen , we're demigods.

"So ... The Titan king is Kronos. " I said. Everyone nodded

"'With love and hate fire shall roar'" Mia continued

"I don't know about that one ?" I said confused

"NEXT !!!!" Percy shouted next to me. I nudged him.

"But one of the ten shall betray" Hazel said

Mia's POV

When Hazel said that line of the prophecy my brain was wondering if I should say something about dream ... I was deep in thought when Piper interrupted me

"Mia , are you ok ?" She asked concerned.
My head shot up

"Yeah ... I'm fine just ... um , thinking. Hehe." I said nervously.

"Anyway , we all know what that line and the next line mean what about the last two ?" Asked Annabeth trying to move things along.

"Though one side will succeed , the other will leave many in need." Hazel said

"So we're positive that one side will win." Said Piper cheerfully

"But what side ?" Asked Jason and Piper cheerfully smile faded.

"Anyway ... next prophecy " Annabeth said

"Were you will start I do not know , but the place you fear the most is were you must go " Hazel continued

" I think I know were that is " Annabeth said

"Well ... tell us." Leo exclaimed

"Th - There's this book ... it's called ' The Place You Fear The Most ' and is takes place in Tijuana , Mexico ... that's were we must go ..." my face instantly light up

"YEEEEES !!!!!!! I'm going to Mexico. " I exclaimed while getting up.

"Well we still don't know ..." Annabeth started to say.

"But the prophecy said that's were we must go ... connect the dots. I'm going to Mexico" I said

"But , Mia why are you so excited ?" Leo asked confused

"Because remember Mrs. Sanchez. "
Everyone nodded

" she told me if I every go to Mexico to look up someone she knows if I ever needed help and now I can use the help." I continued

"Wait ... are you sure ' Mrs. Sanchez ' was normal." Frank asked

"I don't know , well she did really like to spent time out doors and also she gave the trees names." I explained

"She could have been a nymph ?" Hazel suggested

"Next line " Abraham said

"Though all you will need to train , during that time there will be pain " Hazel said

"We all know what that means." Jason said. We all nodded

"Once in a while the opposite shall rise , and the one in charge of this is the god of the skies " Hazel said

"Would that be the blue smoke thing ?" I asked

"Yeah ..." Leo said while looking over. We were all silent and the I wondered if I should tell them about my memory loss. I decided to tell them later.

"Anyway ... now you know were you need to go ... and you leave tomorrow." Chiron said

"WHAT ?!?!?!?"" We all exclaimed

"We don't know when Kronos will attack and it's best we start now." Chiron said. We all knew not to argue so we just nodded

"But were will we train ?" I asked

"Leo should had something an the Argo II that will help , right ?" Jason asked. Leo nodded

"Ok then you leave tomorrow in the morning. Now go and continue what you need to so for the rest of the day." Chiron said and with that we all left.

First I had to go and 'train' using my water powers with Percy. I think I'm getting pretty good but whatever. Once I got to the lake Percy was waiting with Noah

"How did you guys get here so fast ?" I asked , they just shrugged

"Ok so ... try to control the water." Percy said

"I want to go first !!" Noah said while raising his hand. Percy nodded , Noah focused on the water and a little spiral started to form. His hand rose and so did the spiral.

"Yeah I did it." Noah said , at that moment the spiral exploded and a frown grew on his face.

"Nice work waterFALL. " I teased
"Well I don't see YOU doing any better sea QUEEN !" Noah snapped back

"Oh yeah ?" I said while slowly controlling the water into a spiral then freezing it when it was a couple feet from ground level. Noah just stared in amazement.

"Nice job Mia. You should get going I need to work with your brother a little longer." Percy said and a chill went down my back when he said 'your brother' but I just nodded and ran off to find Leo so we could research more about the car crash.

I passed by the library and saw Abraham through the window reading a BOOK. I was amazed and so would anyone that knew him. Anyway I headed over back to the big house and saw Leo sitting at the computer ( YES THEY HAVE COMPUTERS AT Camp Half Blood DONT ASK !! ).

Once I pulled up another chair to the computer Chiron stepped out of the room. I looked over at Leo

"Are you sure you want to do this ?" He asked

"What do you mean ?"

"Because ... it's more about your ... um ... background."

"Look , I don't want you , or anybody for that matter , to treat me differently just because my background is different." Leo nodded and turned to face the computer and typed in the search bar :

2004 Car Crash All Dead , and he clicked on the first article that popped up. He read aloud

"2004 had over 300 car crashes over the country , here we count down the top 100 deadly car crashes of the year. #1 The Smith crash , #2 The Neil Crash , #3 The Williams Crash , #4 The Anderson Crash." He looked over at me and I just nodded. Then he continued

"A man , that shall not be named , was traveling with his wife , ex - wife , and ex - wife's boyfriend. All their identities shall remain a secret. Both women were mothers of one and the children shall also remain nameless. The crash took place near the mountains. While the man was driving up a mountain the tires slipped and the car ..." Leo hesitated to continue

" crashed into the trees below. No bodies were ever found and the two children were taken to orphanages." We both sat in silence. Not because it was sad but more because it was awkward. With the whole 'two godly parents' thing.

"I think that's enough research for today , we have a big day tomorrow and lunch is in an hour." I said to break the tension

"What are you going after lunch ?" Leo asked

"I need to pack , then Abraham , Chiron , you , and I need to meet and talk about what we found."

"Ok see you later then." He said then I stepped out and headed over to the Poseidon cabin. Once I got there I noticed that there was a fountain in the corner that would drift you off to sleep.

I sat on my bed looking through my H-phone. I start to think how much my life had changed in the past couple of weeks. I guess every demigod thinks the same thing their first couple of weeks , right ?

I put my H-phone down and fell asleep. It's pretty easy to fall asleep in the Poseidon cabin , the sea breeze , and the noise of the fountain make it hard to stay awake. Once I fell asleep I had a dream :

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