Mia's POV

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All I could say was " What , Huh , Who , Where ?"

"Look I can tell your all really confused but I'll explain once we get to the orphanage." Isaac said in the calmest way possible even though his face said ' Run hide and don't look back ' I stayed calm for my brothers sake that was trembling in the corner rubbing his hand on his head.

Abraham was as confused as me but didn't show it. He thought he had to be the brave, mature, and protective older sibling ever since we started moving orphanages.

Once we got to the orphanage the guys had a talk with Isaac while I talked to the teacher ( or lady whatever she was ).

They told us to pack our stuff and get ready to leave. They told us to just bring a backpack that was light so we could travel faster.

I packed as fast as I could a toothbrush, hair brush, 5 pairs of clothes, my reading books, makeup, and some photos of my parents.

It was weird because I never really looked at the photos closely. But I could see 2 photos with my dad and 2 different women in each of them I knew I had a stepmother she married my dad a couple months before the accident . But died in the same crash my other 2 parents died in.

My cousin's 2 parents died and my 3 parents died along with my biological mom's boyfriend.

I broke out of memory when Isaac knocked on my door and asked if I was done. I nodded and followed him to the first floor where everyone was waiting.

Looking at them I had felt bad my little brother was only 8 and he had to live like if he was 13 make his own food, wash his own clothes, and now we were on the move again. My cousin was suppose to be in the 'dating' phase going out with girls but he had to be watching over us like if he was our father. And I was suppose to be into music and art but I had to be watching out for my flock and leading the group.

We all headed into a school bus with a bunch of other kids. We had to be seated 4 to a seat that's how small the bus was. Isaac sat in the window seat, Abraham next to him, then my brother, then me on the edge.

"So what happened back at the aquarium?" I asked. Isaac explained all and I mean all about Greek mythology and roman mythology how gods would come down to earth and hook up with mortals producing a demigod. He said it like it was a bad thing, I mean sure we had to fight monsters but we were half gods!! Apparently only I thought like that because everyone else kept quite.

"Where are we going anyway?" Abraham asked Isaac

"To Camp Jupiter, we will get you settled them move you to a Greek camp there you will meet -" I cut him off and asked

"So who's my godly parent ?"

"We don't know but will figure that out at Camp Half-Blood."

"Camp what ? "

"Camp Half-Blood it's a Greek style camp"

3 hours passed after I spoke again and asked the most random question on the earth.

"Can gods come down to earth an turn into a mortal for some time with no powers or memory and have a child with a god but then get their memory after they have a child ? "

"Yes if they wish but it has never happened and never will. Those kids are extremely powerful almost as powerful as the children of the Big Three."

"But wouldn't that make then gods or something like that ?"

"No they would be demigods because one of those gods was a mortal at the time ."

"Oh, ok thanks. "

"Why did you want to know ?"

"Just asking. " I said. The bus stopped at a school bus stop and we got off only the four of us. We stood in front of a park with many trees and flowers. Isaac lead us to a river with a dam or something that had a tunnel in it probably for workers. All four of us went into the tunnel and at the end there was a bright light like the sun. Once we got to the other side we stood in front of marble pillars with the letters SPQR ( I'm not sure if those are the letters) engraved in them.

"Welcome to Camp Jupiter. " Isaac announced

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