Mia's POV

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I DO NOT OWN HOO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS ( except for Mia , Noah , Abraham , and Isaac ) ALL RIGHTS TO RICK RIORDAN

When I woke up I took a shower , brushed my teeth , and got ready. I was wearing a peach colored long sleeve top with a hood , and navy blue skinny jeans.
Abraham , Noah , and Isaac were still asleep so I just let them be. I started to walk around and explore the city I ran into the statue man again and he just stared at me coldly. I decided it would be better to just go along with what he said and NOT try to say his name.
After I passed his little test I kept walking and thinking about my dream and what the people in the background has said. Then out of nowhere someone came up to me.
"Hey , wats up ?" It was Hazel
"Nothing much. " I said
"Are you sure ?"
"No "
"What's going on ?" I could tell she was worried. It was the first time someone had asked me they question.
"Do all demigods have weird dreams on their first night ?"
"Yeah , but not just their first night . They continue having them the rest of their life , usually they dream about quest or images about the future. What did you dream about ? I mean you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to . "
"No it's ok . I just have a question . Who's Poseidon ?"
"That's Percy's dad. "
"It he a god. Poseidon ?"
"Yeah. "
"Why are his children so bad ?"
"People use to think that his kids had powers that were to powerful for the world to handle same thing with Zeus and Hades or Pluto same thing ."
"So who's your godly parent ?" I asked
"Pluto ."
" Do you have any brothers or sisters ?"
"One brother , or half-brother , his name is Nico . You ?"
"Yeah that little boy , Noah he's my brother but it's weird because , um ... I never remember him as a baby. The first thing I remember of him is after our ... parents died." I was trying to hold back tears but Hazel looked the same age as me she might understand but might not.
"Should I tell the others about my dream even if it would change everything ?" I asked
"My advice , at least share it with someone that way it won't hold you down ." I told her about my dream and we started to talk about all the possibilities that there were if I was a child of Poseidon.
"Well we better get going they might be waiting for us outside camp. " Hazel said
"Okay let's go. "
Once we reached to border of camp the other five were waiting for us. We were laughing and talking until we reached the bottom of the hill.
"Well looks like you two have been hanging out. " said Frank
"Yeah " Hazel said " we've been talking. "
"About ?" asked Frank curiously
"Girl stuff ." Hazel said then she looked at me and nodded as if saying she would keep my dream a secret.
Jason was playing with Noah using his wind power , Frank Isaac and Abraham were talking about something that had to do with weapons and me and Hazel kept talking. 30 minuets later we heard a sound like an airplane landing somewhere in the distance. Then Noah said
"Jason why it there a flying boat landing a couple yards away ?"
"The Argo II is here !" Jason exclaimed. We all started at walk down the hill to the 'flying boat' until we saw a war ship in front of us.
It had a dragon head in the front and oars coming out the sides and a bunch of other little details that I'm to lazy to explain. There was a boy on the deck that looked like the boy with the devilish grin from my dream. He had brown curly hair , brown eyes , and looked Hispanic.
"Welcome ! I'm Leo Valdez , commander and creator of the Argo II ." He said it with so much pride in his voice like if he was showing off one of his greatest creations apparently he was .
"This is one of my greatest creations !" he said. Then he came down to the ground and bent down to be at eye level with Noah.
"And who are you ?" Leo said in a voice that you would talk to a baby with
"I'm Noah and don't baby me ok I'm as strong as any of the other kids I might be eight physically but not mentally !" I never knew he had that in him.
"Feisty ." Leo said with surprise
"You kind of have to be if you grew up running around different orphanages but you wouldn't know , or would you ?" I spat
"Actually I would , I went through the same thing until I knew I was a demigod. " he said. I suddenly felt bad , how could a guy like him have gone through what we did but now feel so happy and accomplished and full , if that makes sense. It was a silent and awkward 5 minuets until Isaac said
"Well you all should be heading to camp half-blood . " Then we all , except for Isaac , stepped onto the Argo II and headed toward camp half-blood.

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