Mia's POV

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My little brother got a room that had blue walls and a white border all the rooms had 1 bed with color coordinated bed sheets , 2 bedside drawers to either side , a wall closet , and a bathroom. Everything in the room matched so it had 1 or 2 basic colors.

My room had purple walls and a light blue border and my cousins room had grey walls and a golden border. Of course I had another dream and this one went a little like this :

It was pretty much the same as the first dream but instead of my brother and I glowing a faint blue only I glowed a faint pink then the same voice said
"Mia Anderson daughter of Aphrodite !"

Then my clothes , hair , and makeup changed. Now I was wearing a long white dress with golden straps and golden sandals , my hair got loose from my pony tail and turned into a loose braid at my right side and my makeup the the same but my golden shade of eyeshadow changed to pink to match my newly painted nails.

But then the scene changed I was in a cabin with a bunch of other girls that were putting on makeup or brushing their hair. I still had the same clothes but they weren't dirty like I couldn't change into anything else.

I was looking at a calendar that had a bunch of random days circled that had little notes like ' learn to use charm speak with Piper ' or ' archery with Frank ' basically like different classes with about 10 different demigod teaching each class.

Once I crossed off that day it had something written on it ' 10 years ' I knew what it meant and so did Hazel I told her when I was talking to her at the first camp.

Then while I was getting ready to step into the shower I heard something that sounded like screaming. ( I have no control over the dream ) I ran to a bedside cabinet and opened a drawer and grabbed a tube of lipstick and ran out.

When I got out I took the lid off and a gold-ish colored sword with a little pink glow grew in my hand. I started to run with the girl that was holding hands with Jason by my side. We ran to the noise and all I could see was the surprised look in my face.

Then I woke up with a start and heard knocking on the door.

"Who is it ?" I asked

"It's Hazel . The Argo will be at Camp Half Blood in a couple of minuets you better get ready. " she said through the door

"Ok I'll be ready in 10 ."

"Ok , Leo also wants all of us to get to the dining hall as soon as possible he said he needs to talk to the newbies meaning you and your siblings ."

"Yeah I know . Ok let me get ready and I will meet you guys in a little while."

Once I got ready I went to the dining hall and saw everyone gathered around a small round table eating breakfast. Then Leo looked up from his breakfast and said

" Any more weird dreams ?" Then I looked at Hazel and mouthed
'Did you tell him? '
' No ' she mouthed back
"Don't worry Hazel didn't tell me , Jason did ." Leo said
"Jason how did you know ?" I asked
"Noah told me ." he said. This is how the chain reacted . I told Hazel , she told Frank , he told Abraham , he told Noah , he told Jason ,why I don't know , then Jason told Leo so everyone knew about my dreams.

It was different being with a group larger that 3 or 4 people. I might as well tell them . They already knew I had dreams and what's the worse that could happen. I told everyone this time about the dream that I has just had ( if that makes sense ).

Hazel's , Frank's , Leo's , and Jason's brains were all working together trying to figure it out. In the end the only thing that happened was the three guys saying

"I wish Annabeth were here. She could figure it out. " Everyone agreed

"Who's Annabeth ?" I asked

"Percy's girlfriend ." Hazel said

"Percy , the son of Poseidon you were telling me about at camp Jupiter ?"

"Yeah . Annabeth is super smart being the daughter of Athena and all but she still has more smarts than all of her brothers and sisters put together!" Hazel said in amazement

"Ok we have five minuets until camp half blood and I need to go over the plans for the new three rooms for the newbies." Leo said

" We have names you know ." I said annoyed

"Yeah I know but we don't know your godly parent so we can give you a nickname yet. In the mean time I will call all three of you the newbies and each person by your name . K newbies ?" he said " I need you three to look at my blueprints to see if you like the shape and durability and size of the rooms. "

"Look you might be the repair boy around here but there is way more to building that just the frame , diameter , and durability of a room. It has to have interior style too not just sturdy walls. Did you forget color , floor , furniture , and decorations ?" I said with a slightly mad / annoyed voice. Everyone just stared at me with amazement like they were watching the best battle of the year.

"Ok maybe you know a little more about interior designing than the actual base or frame but I can still build a room and even a boat. " he said gesturing to the ship

"I never said that I could build a room or a boat " I said copping his gestures " but I can make a room or a boat look better and more colorful. And I saw how you put wallpaper and painted the borders of the rooms but you need to add more things that the person likes and you didn't do that." Leo's nose went red and then caught on fire , yes fire. And he just stood there with a mad / surprised look on his face.

"Hey , dude your nose , again ." Jason said then Leo quickly patted this nose and the flames were gone.

"Ok if you think that you can decorate a room or boat better then decorate the Argo II when we get to camp , and then Piper , Percy , and Annabeth will say of it looks better if they say it's better I will ............ build anything you want for you. From a house to a sword." Leo had just challenged the wrong person. I never back down from a challenge , like ever. But of course if I loose I have to do something too.

"Ok but what will I have to do if I loose ?" Everyone looked at me with a scared face.

"I don't think that you should be doing this because your new. " Leo said

"You can dare me to do anything and I will do it." He started to think and everyone was pleading him not at accept the challenge. Were his dares really that bad ?

"Ok deal. We have to shake on it. " he said. Then he spat into his hand and held it out for me to shake it.

"You don't have to shake his hand Mia." Hazel said. Then I spat into my hand and shook his

"Deal " Apparently if you if you shake your hand with someone that is full of spit you get dirty looks from all of your friends.

"Eww that's so gross " said Hazel

"Dude that's gross" Frank said

"She's a girl " Jason exclaimed

"So what if she's a girl she's the one that shook my hand I didn't force her." Leo said

"For once I agree with Leo. I grew up with 2 guys all my life I'm use to it. " I said. Just then I heard clapping and cheering and the boat stopped.

"We're here !" Leo exclaimed. When we got to the top deck we were greeted with the other three teens from my dream. There was a boy with sea green eyes and black hair to one side. He was holding hands with a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. Next to her was a girl with brown choppy hair and a braid with feathers in it. Then all three of them walked up to us an the boy with the sea green eyes said

"You were only gone for a day and you already replaced us ?" he said with a joking around voice.

"This is Mia , Noah , and Abraham. They were at camp Jupiter and needed to come here so we gave them a lift. So now we have three new demigods." Hazel said

"Great . I'm Percy this is , my girlfriend , Annabeth and Jason's girlfriend Piper. " the boy with the sea green eyes said.

"So you don't know who your godly parent is yet ?" Annabeth asked

"No " I sighed

"Don't worry you'll find out soon enough. Let's try and see what your good at to see if they can claim you faster !"

"Why do people want to find out so badly ?"

"Because you guys are our friends and you need to find out. " Jason said

"Don't worry you will find out in at least a week." Percy said with hope in his eyes.


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