Chapter 4

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Dad wakes me up and we eat breakfast.
I go back to my room and change into some warm clothes and grab my hockey bag.

"Somebody is going to be picking us up soon." Dad yells from the living room.

"Yeah okay." I say as I grab my skates. Dad said today wasn't going to be a practice, just more or less an introduction. I head out to the living room and sit down on the couch with him. A few minutes go by and we hear a honk from the street.

"That must be the driver." Dad says as he gets up and puts on his coat. I grab my coat and put it in and grab my skates and we head out.

"You know, in the really 70s, i drove the tour bus for The Grand Funk Railroad. Man that was the life. Chicks, parties, amps cranked up to about eight jillion decibels." The driver goes on while he drives. "Doctor said all that loud music damaged my hearing, but i got no regrets. Except for the 80s". I sit there, trying to tune him out because it was getting boring.
Dad looked like he was getting annoyed with him too.

We pull up a street and see a lake covered in ice, with kids on it. We pull closer to the lake.

"Good god, that's the hockey team?" Dad says, which gets my attention and look. I can't see any faces from this distance so I start taking of my boots to put on my skates. "Drive out on the ice." Dad tells the driver and he does so.

Dad gets out and shuts the door. I can't overly hear what he's saying until I open the door and get out as well. That's when I recognize faces, more specifically Connie, Guy and Charlie.

"This is my daughter, y/n, she's gonna help me coach you guys but she'll also play." I wave hi to everybody, especially the ones I don't know overly know.

"All right get out on the ice. Let me see what you can do." He explains.

"Just so you know, we really suck." The red head kid says.

"I'll decide who sucks around here."
Me and dad stand by the car while they go scrimmage. Almost immediately, they all fall over. They really do suck.

The red head, who's name i overheard was Averman, starts giving a play by play instead of actually playing. He starts talking about Connie and she gives him a shove and skates up to me. "Hey y/n, I didn't know you played hockey." She tells me.

"Yeah, I've played it since I was little but this year, it just hits harder because I'm not with my home team." I explain to her and she nods. The rest of the team skates up.

"So what did your old coach have you do?" Dad asks.

"He just yelled a lot." Charlie started, and soon after Terry interrupted.

"That's how he hurt his arm."

"His arm?" Dad questioned. I wondered the same thing too.

"Yeah, one minutes he's yelling at us, 'little bastards, where'd you learn to play? Oh, you suck, you! Skate you little bast-'" then the kid named Peter gasps and falls over. Really good acting.

"A heart attack, great." Dad says to himself, "alright look, I gotta make a phone call. Keep scrimmaging." He makes 2 teams and him and I get back into the car. I grab a bottle of water and he had some tea. He's on the phone when suddenly the car starts moving. All of the team decided to jump on top of it. I just laugh at what they are doing but the driver and dad aren't laughing with me.

The doors opened and all the kids started piling in. We were all squished when somebody started chanting 'we want a ride'.

"I could kill one of them to set an example sir!" The driver yells over top of them all.

"Not yet, Lewis. Take 'em for a spin, anything!" Dad yells back. I was dumbfounded to find out that the drivers name was Lewis. Lewis started driving and all the kids cheered. We were only driving for a minute when a god awful smell came about.

"Goldberg!" Everybody yelled, and we all looked at him.

"It wasn't me!" He tried defending himself.

"Young man what did you eat!" Dad says to him.

Goldberg keeps trying to defend himself but it isn't working.

"Open a window." Connie suggests. All of a sudden Charlie sits up.

"Aw man, it's my mom." He says, referring to the woman waving frantically in front of the car, "she looks pissed." Dad quickly hits charlie back down to the floor, and i chuckle at his movement.

"Alright, out! Everybody out of the car right now." She says, after she opens the door. Everybody gets out.

Once dad is out, she grabs him by the coat and drags him away from the car. I didn't hear exactly what she was saying to him but I knew that she was giving him shit. She tells Charlie that they're leaving.

"You'll be at the game tomorrow night coach?" He asks.

"Yes, we'll be there" i quickly answer so dad doesn't answer in one of his sarcastic ways. I wave goodbye to everybody and me and dad get back on the car.

Lewis, the driver, takes us back home. Dad stayed behind to talk to him while I went up to the apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in. I took my coat and boots off and made my way into my room to put my skates in my hockey bag. Dad walks in a little while later.

I sit at my desk and decide to finish my homework, so I didn't have to rush to do it tomorrow. After what felt like hours, I finally finished all of it. I put it back in my backpack and look at my alarm clock. It was only 12pm, so i decided to go have some lunch. I ate and went back to my room. Connie was coming over later today to hangout so I tidied up my room.

An hour later, there's a knock on the door. I open it to not only reveal Connie, but the 2 boys as well.

"They bugged me to come, I hope that was okay?" Connie said as she walked in.

"Oh no worries it's fine." I say and the boys follow. I lead them all back to my room and shut the door.

We hang out for hours, some of it spent talking about the game the next day. They said it was against the Hawks and that they are a tough team to beat. Charlie said that they've always won peewee champs. Except for one year but that didn't really matter that much. They told me all about the three boys, Larson, McGill and Banks. Guy informed me that Banks was there best player, and a really good one at that.
"I bet you he's not better than me." I say, as i lean back against the wall.

"I've never seen you play, but I mean he's realllly good." Charlie chime sun and i look at him.

"Well. We will just have to see who's better tomorrow." I say, as i shrug my shoulders and we dive into the next topic.

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