Chapter 9

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We warm up on the ice by throwing around a football. Out the corner of my eye, i can see the Cardinals watching us.

"Every time you get the puck, you're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him, let him know it's comin'" Dad tells us, as we keep throwing the football in a zigzag line.

Dad brings Fulton out and both us and the cardinals watch him. He gets lined up with the net and dad drops a thing of pucks in front of him. He starts hitting the pucks, a few going in and the rest going rogue.

The referee blows the whistle.
"Alright, let's forget the past. We lost a few games, tough! That was District 5. Now we're the Ducks." Dad says to motivate us. We all chime in with some yeahs. "And the Ducks... are undefeated." Then he starts quacking and soon we all join in.

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack"

The period starts and I'm on the ice. Jesse has the puck and is going down to the Cardinals net. I see somebody heading towards Jesse, and the guy was just a bit bigger than me but i take him down. Jesse scored and we all grouphug. The crowd goes wild.

When the puck drops again, late in the third period, the cardinals get it first and start going towards our net. Karp skates backwards in front of the guy, and when the guy goes to hit the puck, Karp falls to his knees and he gets hit right in the helmet. Dad walks out onto the ice over to where Karp lays, me and the ducks that were on the ice went over to him as well.

"I don't want to go to school today, mom." Karp says as dad takes his helmet off and sets it beside him.

"Karp, how many fingers am I holding up." Dad asks, holding up 4 fingers.

"He wouldn't know that anyway." Peter remarks, which causes me to giggle.

"Shut up Peter." Dad replies fast, before turning his attention back to Karp. "Karp are you okay?"

"Look at this." I say as I hand dad Karps helmet. Dad flips it around to show a massive dent where the puck hit him.

" The Karpster used his head to stop the puck. Mr. Karp-a-lanee." Averman starts saying which cause me to giggle again. I shake my head at the boy. We all help Karp up and back over to the bench.

"Okay ducks we still got a chance." Dad says, as he quickly looks up at the board and back to us.
"Y/n, terry, Jesse, Guy, time for the secret weapon. Okay Fulton. Remember just like we talked about." Fulton nods and we all head out to our spots. The puck drops and we get it to Fulton, he stops and winds up for his shot. Everybody on the Cardinal team ducks and goes towards the boards, even the goalie gets scared. Then at the last minute, Fulton passes it to to me and I skate and pass it to Guy, and Guy scores. We all group hug and go back to the bench.

"That tie of yours might be what you need to make the play-offs." Jans says, as we walk far back into the shop. Me and dad follow him.

"The Ducks have shot?" I ask.

"Sure. Everyone but the last 2 teams are in, you remember Gordon." Jans replies and dad nods.
"Panthers got the measles and they forfeited the season. So, you beat the Huskies, and you'll make the playoffs." Jans says, pointing to all of the teams wins/losses board. I look it over, and see that the Hawks are 12-0.

"Well, we might have to play the Hawks." Dad says, annoyed.

"So?" Jans asks.

"So they're a tough team. Nothings changed since I played." Dad replies, which catches my attention because I knew he played hockey just not for the Hawks.

"Actually one little thing has changed." Jans starts, which catches my dad and i attention. "You wouldn't even be a Hawk now. They redrew the district lines last year. The lake is not the boundary anymore." Jans points to the map of district lines. Me and dad step closer to get a better look. "You see, you'd be a duck."

"I'd be a duck." Dad mutters.

We're getting ready for our next game, when I notice the Hall brothers and Peter not getting changed. I shrug it off and continue my conversation with Connie.

"Who gave you that bracelet, y/n?" Connie asks, noticing me fidgeting with it.

"My bestfriend gave it to me before I moved. He has a matching one, both blue." I answer and smile remembering Dean and that day. I look up and Dad walks in.

"Hey, why aren't you guys in uniform? We got warmups in half an hour." Dad asks, when he notices the 3 boys not dressed. "Alright everyone listen up. I got some good news. We're getting a new player, Adam Banks." Everybody starts talking, surprised. Dad had told me already and I was shocked at first too, but it would be nice to have him on the team, he's a good player and maybe I wouldn't get played as much.

"Look I'm the coach and I say we do need him. If we make it to the play offs, he could be a big help." Dad explains.

"If? All of a sudden, you don't think we're good enough?" Karp states.

"No, he thinks we're losers. That's what he told Reilly." Peter says.

"What?" Dad mutters, confused.

"We heard what you said. You said we were losers, we didn't deserve to live." Peter starts again.

"That's not what I meant." Dad tries to explain.

"I saw a picture of you missing that goal. You were a hawk, weren't you? Guess you guys stick together to the end." Peter finished, throwing his jersey in the ground. "You know what? I don't need your stinkin equipment." And with that he walks out. Jesse and Terry follow, and silence succumbs the room for a moment.

"All right, I'm goin up to the bench because that's where I'm supposed to be. Anyone who wants to join me can join me. Anyone who doesn't..." Dad says, and turns around and walks out. I sit there for a moment shocked about what the boys said and did.

Me Fulton and Charlie were the only ones who went out in the ice. Of course, we had to forfeit. I was really looking forward to knocking down some players.

Me and Charlie sit at the diner counter that Casey works at, doing our homework. The bell jingles and we look to see my dad. He comes over and sits on the empty seat beside Charlie.

"You talk to the guys?" He asks us.

"We tried. They think we're traitors for even showing up." Charlie explains and i nod.

"I guess they really hate me, huh?" Dad mumbles.

"Is it true you were really a Hawk?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah." Dad replies.

"Peter said you blew a really big game once." Charlie asks.

"Yeah, well, peters right." Dad replies. I asked dad about that picture when we went to Hans shop to talk about playoffs. He had told me the story.
"It was the last game of the state finals. We were tied to two in the end of third period. I get a penalty shot. I go in, a triple Deke. I fake the goalie right out of his pads. The pucks headed in and then... Clang! Hits the post. We lost in overtime." Dad explains and Charlie groans. I sit there amused by the story again.
"A quarter of an inch this way and it would've gone in. A quarter of an inch." Dad says, gesturing the inch.

"Yeah, but a quarter of an inch the other way, you would've missed the net entirely." Charlie says, trying to cheer dad up.

"I never thought of it that way."

"At least you got to play in a championship game. God that must've been so cool." Charlie exclaims.
Casey comes over and offers dad a coffee which he accepts.

"You know, she has many fine qualities that men find attractive." Charlie starts, and a grin forms on my face.

"I know Charlie, that fact hasn't escaped me." Dad replies. I know Dad misses mom, and he hasn't dated much since I was born. I only ever remember 2 ladies, and they didn't last very long. I was in my thoughts up until the point dad said this.

"I talked to Jesse and Terrys dad, and he's going to take over coaching for the rest of the year." My jaw drops.

"You're quitting?" Me and Charlie say in sync.

"I'm stepping aside to keep the team together. The guys can't play for somebody they don't trust." Dad explains.

"I trust you, we trust you. The other guys do too!" Charlie says, tears streaming down his face. I was shocked I couldn't move.

"Charlie I've done all I can." Dad starts.

"No, you haven't. You gotta tell them. You've got to make them understand. You can't walk out on the Ducks. We're your team." Charlie explains, trying to reason with him. The next few things blur out as the words keeping ringing in my head, 'take over coaching', 'I'm stepping aside'. I was brought out of my thoughts when Charlie ran off. Dad looks at me to see tears in my face too.

"Y/n/n..." he starts but i get up and go after Charlie, leaving dad to sit there alone.

I don't get back home till later that night. I walk into the apartment to see dad had brought my school bag home, thankfully. I grab it and head towards my room. Dad must've been in the shower, because I could hear the water running. I change out of my clothes and decide to just shower in the morning, so I set my alarm earlier. I crawl into bed and within minutes, I'm asleep.

"That's right, the red is oxygen. Now, what are the blue balls?" The teacher asks, and everybody snickers. I put my hand up. "Y/n?"

"Hydrogen." I say confidently.

"Correct. Now put them together, and you have a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. What is it?" The teacher asks again.

"Pizza?" Tommy answers. Everybody starts laughing at him. Then there's a knock on the door, i look over to see it's the principal.

"It's the principal. I'll be right back. Work on H2 CO3. It's a goody." He says and he exits the classroom.

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