🙏 Chapter 15. Bad luck 🙏

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Subhadra 's POV :

I wake up and sat with a sudden jerk . I got up from bed and looked out of the window and saw it's late night. I am late. I am full late. I checked mirror once and started running . I literally forgot about reunion. I was coming and running in the corridor from one side . I saw Draupadi jiji coming from the other end. Oh yes today they all were going to come. I facepalmed myself . I wanted to beat my head on wall for this stupid memory and for forgetting this. I came between the corridor and she too . Her face expression was shocked. Maybe she also forgot about me. She exclaimed and said ,"su....su.... Subhadra.

I said," jiji, what are u doing overhere. You should be for reunion. Or don't tell me that reunion is over".

I was so excited for today and if it would have got over then I would surely start crying but jiji said," no it's not over they are watching movies".

My eyes brighten up as like if stars were twinkling and I said,"WOW! I will also watch".

Jiji said," they are watching Harry Potter".

My twinkling eyes became faded eyes . What so boring thing they are doing. HARRY POTTER. SERIOUSLY!! It's good then if I go back and sleep. I said,"what rubbish!".

Jiji also yawned and said ,"ya, that's why I went out. I am going to chamber . I am getting bored . Will u come with me?".

It will be more good to spend time with jiji. And also it's so long since we both talked and spend time together time all alone so I nodded in yes while jiji knitted her eyebrows and looked at me and said," but Subhadra tell me one more thing why were u going so late for reunion".

I smiled sheepishly and said,"I actually overslept today. Whatever let's go to chamber".

Jiji said,"ohk! Let me bring something for us to eat. Then we will have it and plus we will have chit chat together".

I said," ohk. Fine".

I was a little bit hungry. Jiji said," you go and wait for me in my chamber".

I smiled sweetly and said," as u wish jiji".

Jiji went towards kitchen and I went towards jiji's chamber. When I entered her chamber I saw that the whole room was dark . No lamps or diyas were there. I was not able to see anything. I started searching for diya or something but then someone banged my head with something. I screamed in pain. My hands were there on head trying to press it as trying to somehow decrease the pain. My head started paining and slowly - slowly my sight also went dark and I fainted.

Draupadi's POV:

I went to kitchen took some fruits and some more eatables and I started going towards my chamber . When I reached my chamber with eatable items I saw that no one was there and also there was all darkness . I searched for table and kept things on the table and light up a diya and looked at the balcony . I asked her to wait here, then why she did not wait. Maybe she must have got some work. I was tired and so I sat down at one side of the bed and saw a big piece of paper , I opened it and saw it was a letter . Then when I read it , I got horrified and immediately ran towards assembly hall...

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