🙏 Chapter 17. Anger 🙏

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Draupadi's POV :

I was crying or sweating I didn't knew. I was just running towards the assembly hall with both anger and fear in my eyes. I opened the door of assembly hall with full force as it was big and heavy , made up of wood . Everyone was shocked seeing me in this condition . My head was read due to anger and sweat was dripping off from my forehead . I ran towards them crying and was having short pant.
I saw Duryodhan and Gandhar Naresh Shakuni talking or whispering something after seeing me. Something was wrong. Govind said,"Narad Ji stop the movie.

Narad Ji stopped the movie which they all were seeing . Arya Arjun came towards me. He was shocked to see me in this state. He said," what happened Draupadi ? ".

I was breathing heavily and somehow said," a...Arya .

I was not able to speak properly due to short breathe as I was running hard . Mata came and made me sit and said," putri ! You first breathe properly. Take a long breathe and then release it".

After 5 seconds everyone was eager to know what happened. Tension was filled in the room. After I was relaxed , I looked around and saw that everyone's face was tensed up and were eager to know what happened. I was now little fine . I took a long breathe and said,"arya....keshav..".

Sakha said,"What happened?".

I stood up and said,"keshav , Arya, just look at this letter. I got it in my chamber it was kept on my bed".

Arya Yudhishthir came and took the letter and then before opening the letter he looked at everyone at which the elders nodded as they asked to read it. Then he opened the letter which was audible to each and everyone present overhere.

!! Letter!!

Pandavas and krishna I am telling this to each and everyone present there . I kidnapped Draupadi and if u want her back just surrender yourself and come to kaumudi garden and become our servants and then only we will free her otherwise stop thinking about her that we will give her back to u and yes I am giving only 1 week time till then u can enjoy as royal as after that u have to become our servants for forever . And if u did not come till one week this Draupadi will be tortured and any other person which will be very dear to u will also be abducted and may get into trouble.

-- your enemy..

!! Letter ends !!

Pitamah bheesh stood up in anger and said," Who is this person!!?".

Then Rukmini jiji said,"but Draupadi is over here only".

I facepalmed. Yes I am here only but what's this letter. everyone became shocked. Arya Nakul giggled and said," I think this person has gone mad or he has kept the letter before abducting her".

Prati also says," I also think he is mad".

Everyone started laughing. What they all find joke ? Is there no one to take it seriously. My shrutsen got up and said,"but maybe he must have abducted someone else and thought it was maata".

I smiled at his intelligence. Maybe yes he is saying right! He is Just like Arya Sahdev. Narad muni said," this is genius ! ".

And Arya Sahdev came with a smirk and said,"aakhir beta kiska h ".

But Sakha said," stop it. This is very serious matter".

I giggled as I also forgot about this matter. Arya Yudhishthir nodded his head and said,"yes this is very serious matter".

Arya Nakul sat and said," but then who has been abducted because everytime the person who gets abducted is Draupadi and the kidnapper's attention is only at Draupadi and she is overhere only".

I gave a death glare at Nakul . Then I looked at Angraj Karn who was looking at Duryodhan . Is again they all behind all this. Then I looked at Sakha who was having CALM FACE AS ALWAYS. Sakha looked at Kakashree Vidur . Kakashree came forward and said,"and noone gone out of the hall also except putri Draupadi".

Pitashree Pandu said," there is noone missing also".

Yes...no one is missing also. Shrutkarma said," this is like a mystery".

Suddenly I shouted," wait! where is Subhadra?".

Mata kunti said,"Yes, where is she , she is only missing ".

We all looked at each other while Satya said," I have also not seen her since morning".

Bhrata Balram said to Keshav," Kanha did you invite Subhadra for reunion?".

Krishna exclaimed and said," yes dau ! How can I forget her ! I gave the invitation to her one week before only ".

I facepalmed and said," that means she is only abducted".

Mata Gandhari said to me," how can u be so sure putri ?".

I told whole thing that how I went to kitchen and subhadra went to my room and when I came back I didn't saw her at chamber.

Abhimanyu says," that means it's matashree only".

Bhrata Balram takes his mace and says angrily," I am not going to leave him whoever has abducted my sister".

Keshav said," Calm down dau. This is the time to work with mind not with anger. We don't know even who abducted Subhadra and also we Don't know how to save her.

I looked down as thinking of some was but then Arya Yudhishthir suddenly said,"by surrendering ourselves".

Everyone was shocked . I myself was also shocked. I expected this only from him but then too not this time and everyone was lookinh at him as if the biggest impossible words he said just now.

Arya Arjun looked at him while Arya Yudhishthir said," if this can save her then we have to do this".

I looked at Pitashree Pandu. He had a slight smile on his face. Maybe or he must be proud of Pandavas.

Keshav said," ohk! I think just now u all rest and have great sleep we will think from tomorrow and we will surely take out solution".

Arya Arjun said,"but keshav ...!!!".

Yeah ofcourse . How can we sleep or relax Knowing the fact Subhadra is not here. She is being kidnapped. I was also waiting for the reply from Sakha. Sakha smiled at me and looked at Arya Arjun and said,"paarth! It will be of no use to lack sleep. It will only decrease our mental stability".

Pitashree Pandu also agreed and said," krishna is saying right ! Nothing will happen to her..!".

Arya Yudhishthir kept his left hand on Arjun's right shoulder and said ," we all should sleep ".

Then everyone left the hall as to go to there respective chambers but dushasan, Duryodhan and Shakuni were overthere only....

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