🙏 Chapter 26. Doubts 🙏

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Nakul's POV :

Our discussion was going on after Draupadi went . We got very serious. We all sat up and looked at each other. Bhrata Yudhishthir as calm as usual. Bhrata Arjun serious. Sahdev thinking as usual and me as handsome as always. But this time uppandavas were seem to be also very serious. "something is wrong", I said while Shrutsen said," daal me kuch kaala hai ( Something is black in dal)

" ya fir poori dal kaali hai ( or whole dal is black) ", said Sahdev."ya fir draupadi ka poora dimag kaala hai ( or Draupadi's whole brain is black!)", bhrata Arjun said looking at us. " How can ANYONE'S brain get black pitashree", Shrutkarma said and rolled his eyes while Shrutsen facepalmed and said," it's meaning was something else".

" But what is wrong", asked Prativindhya. I said," Something is cooking inside Panchali's brain".

Ofcourse there is something or else why she will behave in this manner. Satainik got up and said," we have to find it out".

Shrutsen coughed a little as to grab our attention and then looked at us and said," I think there is something fishy between jyesth Pitashree and mata".

Bhrata Arjun was the first one to immediately ask,"what you want to say".

As always after hearing Jyesth bhrata's name he would be the first one to say about that topic. Both are connected too much to each other then also fight. I facepalmed mentally on my thought that what am I even thinking. "I am saying that there is connection between jyesht pita and maata because how much I know about matashree she cannot bear abuse for us and did u all see how she was trying that we go out of the chamber ", Shrutsen said and this sentence made me shock. Didn't knew about them but I was all sure something is now maybe there between them. Maybe Shrutsen is right! But I was now not sure that much when bhrata Yudhishthir said," but keshav also supported her".

Why it always happens that what I think get destroyed in between. I sighed as this they all can only do. And again my mind thought changed when bhrata Arjun said," keshav always supports her".

I will faint now. " then I don't think it's anything like that ", bhrata Yudhishthir said. Maybe then it's just our overthinking. Sahdev sighed and said,"but bhratashree I also saw bhrata karn nodding at Panchali ".

" I think we all are overthinking", bhrata Yudhishthir said. Maybe bhrata is getting irritated a little by these thoughts. I was also getting irritated now as first when I am thinking then someone else disturbs and make my thoughts break . I also thought to support bhrata and end this topic. I said," yes bhrata I also think we are overthinking because I don't think that Panchali will take side at bhrata karn".

Bhrata Arjun got up in anger and like a thunder falling on ground his words came out," don't call him bhrata . He is no longer our bhrata . He insulted all of us with that Duryodhan . Our jyesth bhrata will always be bhrata yudhishthir ".

"no. We cannot deny that he is our jyesth whether he has done right or wrong", bhrata Yudhishthir said. But I am feeling like to call him that so said," ohk. But we will not call him bhrata ".

"why? He is our elder we should give him respect", bhrata Yudhishthir said and my mouth was shut and we sighed as what can be done now.

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