🙏 Chapter 28. Preparations 🙏

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Arjun's POV :

It was a shining morning in which everyone's face were also shining in this daylight. We brothers, Uppandavas, all the ladies( except Draupadi)who were at dwarka in prithvilok and Shree krishna and most of us were here discussing about something of which we all were too much excited. I said," day after tomorrow is Draupadi's birthday and we are not able to decide what to give to her".

Satyabhama said," we have to do preparations also in which everything should be of Draupadi's favourite".

Subhadra told ," yes, jiji loved white flowers and roses".

" but we can not only present her with flowers mata", Abhimanyu said and rolled his eyes, while Subhadra glared at him and said,"yes i know i was just telling about decorations".

I giggled at their little talks. "i think we should do preparations for grand pooja too", Rukmini Bhabhi said and yet it was a great idea while keshav looked at me and I nodded in yes and so keshav said,"it will be great and sakhi will like to have a grand pooja for her".

Nakul then coughed and said,"i have a great idea".

I and Sahdev were not interested . We both were somehow knowing now what will happen. Time waste will only be there now. While everyone were looking at him as his eyes were shining like the idea which he was going to give will be the best idea in trilok . He said,"but my putr satainik will say from his mouth".

So nakul told his plan to satainik . And Satainik started laughing after hearing his father's idea . I was now all sure it must have been a bad idea whatever it is. Satainik was laughing and laughing and was not stopping . While everyone were looking at each other. Me and Sahdev looked at each other and nodded our heads as this Nakul can never change. Satainik finally stood up somehow and came at the middle and said,"so please before only i am telling this is my great pitashree's idea not mine so after hearing the idea don't take any reaction towards me. So the idea is ......is .....is we will say matashree happy birthday together".

I and Sahdev facepalmed. We were atleast expecting something good than this but this one was really worst one. Everyone's face colour changed. Satainik held his hand on his mouth as he wanted to laugh but after seeing the surrounding's condition he somehow managed not to laugh. I am Sahdev were also somehow controlling our laughter. But everyone were angry like hell. I also just somehow wanted to go and throw him out of the chamber. I said," you just keep quiet you can never give good suggestions, today you have proved that . Now don't utter a single word or otherwise my anger will rise to its peak".

Nakul said," bhrata i have one more idea".

"nakul please we are serious", Sahdev said while Satainik also said,"yes kakashree we are not in joking mood".

Nakul stood up while Satainik sat on his place. Nakul said," but.......atleast listen to me. I was saying that panchali is missing manjle bhaiya so we should call him overhere".

This was not good but better . Everyone now smiled at him. Nakul came and sat beside me. He whispered to me," Bhrata I thought If this one will go wrong then I will be surely thrown out".

I whispered him back," yes . Ofcourse. And then I would have been the first one to kick u out".

I smiled at Nakul while he gave me a nervous smile. Bhrata Yudhishthir said,"good nakul. Nice idea and i think this work of calling bheem can be done by satainik and you can take shrutkarma too with u ".

Satainik got up and said,"It will be my pleasure".

After satainik and shrutkarma went everyone again started thinking hard. Keshav and satyabhama were giving best suggestions . We all were having fun too while discussing . Sometimes laughing in between and then finally till evening all the work was distributed and everything was planned well. Now everyone went to sleep and tomorrow we have to do according to our plan. I was so excited but Draupadi, she didn't knew what was happening and going to happen and even she is not aware of a birthday which is day after tomorrow but went off to sleep and was seeing the words of dream.

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