🙏 Chapter 57. Games 🙏

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Bheem's POV:

Bhrata stopped me again. I looked at him and said,"Bhrata please don't do this mistake again. We..".

"You all can't do anything", that's what Duryodhan said while arjun groaned in anger and said,"You!".

Jyesth Bhrata Karn stopped Arjun too and he himself came forward and directly looked into Duryodhan's eyes and said,"Leave draupadi".

Duryodhan smirked and said,"I will not".

Yes until I break his boned he won't!

"Dushasan take this dasi to Kala Mahal and put her to level 5",Duryodhan said making my blood boil in anger. How dare he call my Priye that! My palm fisted in anger but I was helpless like that cruel dyut sabha only!

"No! Duryodhan why are you taking her there",Bhrata Karn said. While I was myself confused what are they talking about. Arjun looked at Bhrata Yudhishthir and me while we shrugged and he said,"What is this bhrata?"

"Duryodhan don't cross your limits",Govind came forward, shouted in anger.

They aren't replying to that question but why? I asked,"But what is this?".

There was silence. A little giggling of Kauravas was tickling in my ear, making a crave in my hands to kill them then and there only.

I saw tears in Bhrata Karn's eyes started falling and he just can't do anything and simply in a breakdown manner he asked Duryodhan that,"Now you want them to complete this. But why? What is their fault? They are your brothers. I am your Jyesth Bhrata. What wrong we have done to you that you hate us so much. Duryodhan I know that you want palace and you want to rule over trilok. But just think over, is your family more important or ruling over everywhere is more important. This gandhar Naresh Shakuni is making you down. He is trying to destroy everything. Don't do this to our family please".

With this Bhrata Karn's legs were not able to make him stand and he fall down on the ground on his knees, crying and was holding his hands as he thought maybe this could change Duryodhan's mind but no he was not interested in the talks. Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev went and held Bhrata Karn. They made him stand up. Duryodhan said,"Don't think that I will melt down".

That's what I expected from him. The person who can do such evil things from a very small age in Prithvilok then how can he understand dharma and righteousness. Now Arjun came forward and said,"Then fine, be ready for continuing the war".

He lifted up his Gandiv followed by me taking up my mace and Nakul and Sahdev too picking up their swords but Krishna went and placed  his hand on Arjun's palm where he was holding Gandiv and said,"Parth don't be in a hurry, you can't fight now. Let's go".

Arjun knitted his eyebrows at Keshav and said,"But where we have to go. We have to conti....."

"Parth!",Keshav said while asking him to go by indicating from his eyes.

I sighed. My anger is not going to calm down soon now. After seeing Panchali's state I can't control.

We all went to our shivir and settled down at out places. I was just looking down at the blank ground with anger. I threw the utensils kept beside me on the table. The tangling sound of the utensil was too loud in this silence.

I looked a little above at everyone and their faces showed the tension and all were looking at Krishna and Jyesth in with the emotions and questions which filled their eyes and was read by Krishna. Krishna knew that they were wanting an answer as what Duryodhan said.

Krishna sighed and looked at us and said,"Kala Mahal is a place which was used by Devtas long ago for enjoying. There people use to play different types of games. But one day one devta lost in the game and he became angry and decided to make it a worst place. He added black magic in it. He changed the whole game pattern. Now it is locked but I think Duryodhan open it when he captured indralok".

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