🙏 Chapter 70. The Final Level 🙏

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Narad Muni's POV:

Both of them slided downwards. Arjun slided down perfectly but Karn's leg slipped and he jumped on Arjun. After a few seconds Karn looked here and there and said,"Arjun where are u.. arjuuunnnn".

Arjun said,"Bhrataaa....iii....a..m...here".

Karn got confused and asked,"Where? I am not able to see you".

Karn narrowed his eyes and looked here and there and shouted,"Where have you gone anuj?".

Arjun said,"Bh..bhraaattaaa...look downnnnn".

Karn got up and said,"What are u saying anuj how can you be dow...".

He stopped as he saw that arjun was lying under him and he was till that time over him.

On the other side :-

Shree Krishna started laughing and said,"What Jyesth did just now!!".

Bheem started laughing and said,"OMG".

Radha too was laughing and was not able to speak. Rukmini laughed and said,"These brothers will kill us someday".

On the other side:-

Arjun said,"Bhrattaa...now please get up from me ...you are so heavy..".

Karn moved away and said,"Ohh. Sorry. I am so sorry anuj".

Karn giggled and they started to move ahead.

On the other side:-

"All the preparations done bhanje?",Shakuni asked and yes was the reply from Dushasan. Shakuni was moving everywhere and said,"because they can come in any second".

"Mamashree will this plan go well because till now our all plans are ruined",Duryodhan asked. Tension was filled in their expressions then too Shakuni said,"Let's see if our luck is there or not because sorry bhanje but everytime these are saved and all this is because of that mayavi vasudeva".

Dushasan came forward and said innocently,"But he is the incarnation of vishnu".

Duryodhan moved his hand in air in attitude and said,"That krishna is making fool to everyone. I don't want to spare him too but".

On the other side:-

Gandhari - why doesn't my children understand anything clearly.

Dhritrashtra- till now also they are thinking that vasudeva is mayavi .

Krishna smiled and said - let the people say whatever they want. They know everything but their attitude is not letting them to say the truth...and the attitude only always leads the person to destruction.

Radha - When will this game will end krishna..I want to go back...

Madri - where?

Rukmini smiled and said - You all will come to know soon

On the other side:-

The scene and the whole background changed . The closed room made of bricks changed into an open space with the ground covered with golden sand and with a brick boundary around that circular open area. With a stage don't know for what and at the opposite of stage held a big throne for three people.

Arjun - What's this now..

Karn- this is last stage.

Arjun - that means after this duryodhan will be defeated?

Karn - I think yes.

The lights immediately showed up from four ends of different colours and the stage opened with the coming of a women hanged up on cross edge wooden planks tied her hands and legs with rope. Arjun cried her name " krishnaa" and started running towards her but karn held him tightly by holding Arjun's shoulder as it is not possible that it will be so easy to go towards draupadi.

Arjun held his gandiv and spoke some mantra by pointing it upwards and shooted it on the ground towards Draupadi. They both were amazed that the arrow burnt into ashes and they were in relief that thank god arjun didn't go overthere. Then they heared the laugh of three evil persons which was so familiar. They both turned and looked them angry. The three evils went and sat on that big throne.

Duryodhan - welcome jyesth and anuj.

Arjun - Duryodhan leave draupadi otherwise it will not be good for u ...

Shakuni - don't worry bhanje we will leave her ... soon ...first let US capture you two.

With this a rod cage bonded karn and arjun seperately.

Karn - but that is cheating..

Shakuni - Cheating is my favourite word in my dictionary bhanje...and who doesn't know about my favourite word will get destroyed like u all....

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