🙏 Chapter 8. Ladoos 🙏

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Shrutsom's POV :

(I think u all must be remembering the names of the uppandavas if not then u must go back and revise cause in this u will need it)

I was seeing the faces of everyone. Bhrata Prati was also having tears who hardly ever gets. I got so emotional after seeing my other brothers crying and then my mata of whom we all were waiting . We brothers never got that much love from our parents. We were most of the life away from them. And when finally the time was there after the war then we left them. I sighed and all these memories when came to my mind more tears started falling and when Mata was talking to them I went and hugged her tightly. Mata was shocked but my brothers were not. I got all emotional . I sensed that the pallu of my mother whom we all never used to leave got wet because of my tears. Mata patted my back and tears also falling down from her eyes. She also have missed us so much. I was not able to believe just now also that finally we will be together. Now there is no one to hurt us or to seperate us. I then wiped Mata's tears and Mata wiped mine.

I still remember that day when I was 8 and I was holding three ladoos. One -one on each hand and one was there inside my mouth. While my other brothers were running behind me to take ladoos . It was me only who took their ladoos . We were supposed to get only one - one ladoo today. But I took theirs also . But while I was running I don't remember how but I fell down and I got a little hurt on my elbow and the two ladoos fell from my hand and I spit that ladoo also which was there inside my mouth and started crying badly. Bhrata Prati came to me and asked me to get up but I was not getting up. I was all crying and going on taking out tears from my eyes like there was a waterfall. Then Mata came and they told Mata everything. But Mata didn't scolded me she hugged me and patted my back and she wiped my tears. A few drops of tears fell from her eyes too when she was treating my elbow with some herbs. I knew she was crying because of me . She wiped my tears and I wiped her tears too and when I did that she was smiling at me and again hugged me.

And just now also again she hugged me and said, " I thought my Shrutsom must have grown up but he still crying like that time ".

I smiled while still hugging her. I didn't knew exactly but maybe she also remembered that day. Then I broke the hug and said, " Mata can I say something".

Mata smile and said, " ofcourse. Putr tell what u want to speak ".

She gave a sweet smile to me. Ofcourse she was the most beautiful lady in whole Aryavart and her motherly smile was making her beautiful more than anything. I then remembered the ladoos and said," mata, I ...".

I was interrupted in between which I didn't felt good. Who came between now me and mata .

Someone called - ' Panchali '.

We all turned and found Angraj Karn, and Pitashree's coming towards us. While Pitashree Nakul and Sahdev were coming while running.

Mata called out, "Arya!".

She was so seemed to be happy. She was having tears of happiness in her eye.

While we said, " Pranipaat!".

Pitashree Nakul & Sahdev said, "OMG!. PUTR TUM LOG YAHA".

There mouth were hung open. We brothers were giggling by looking at them . Then Abhimanyu bhrata said," kakashree , close your mouth otherwise we will put dead mouse in it"

All of us started laughing. Then I was seeing at Pitashree Yudi and matashree. Their both eyes met. And Pitashree said to mata, "Panchali ! How are you? I did not know that you would be here".

Then I again remembered about ladoos . Then Mata was about to say, "actually ....".

But I interrupted her , "mataaaa!".

Mata said, " oh ...yes ....yes putr tell , you were telling or asking something".

I knew if their talks will start then that will never end that's why I interuppted them but this Satainik opened his mouth, " mata , can bhrata talk about anything except food"

Everyone started laughing except me. I was now very irritated . I glared and was going to say something to Satainik but now Pitashree Nakul said,"infact, this is because he is manjle bhaiya's putr"

{ ohk so maybe many of u must not be knowing who is manjle bhaiya or what is manjle bhaiya so just listen manjle bhaiya is referred to bheem }

My eyebrows were knitted and I was full angry now. I looked at Mata showing my irritated emotion face. She smiled at me and then said to Pitashree Nakul, " now, shut up Arya! My shrutsom has lot of work other than eating ".

Oh no. What mata said! I was asking her for ladoos only and she is saying this. I facepalmed myself what wrong mata said. Now when I will tell them then they all will again laugh and this Satainik and Shrutsen will again laugh. Then I said, " but maata!".

Mata smiled at me and said, "yes say".

I looked at everyone and then said, " don't say like this, because I was asking about that only that can you make ladoo and kheer for me ".

My head was bent as I was feeling too much embarrassing and my cheeks turned pink .Seeing this everyone started to laugh again very badly infact Pitashree Nakul Sahdev and my brothers were lying on the ground and were rolling and laughing. Now I got angry and that must have been clearly visible on my face. I said angrily," ohk! You all laugh ,mata! I will not eat ladoos!".

Mata looked at me and said, "no don't take it seriously".

But then bhrata Prati said, " ohk! Shrutsom you can eat ladoos later but did you all forgot we have to go for reunion ".

And bhrata Abhimanyu was already so excited and he too said, " ya , let's go".

We were going to leave but then shrutsen said,"mata! Pitashree! Will you all will not come with us"

Mata knitted here eyebrows and said, "but what is this? ".

She doesn't know that. Maybe she must have come just now only . Then Pitashree Yudhishthir said , "putr, you all go we will come".

They are just thinking for themselves not of my ladoos. I made a pout and said, " but! Pitashree what about my ladoos?".

And again this shrutkarma interuppted us and said, "you can go to your pitashree's house . He must be having ladoos only".

Then Pitashree Sahdev said, " but where is manjle bhaiya ?".

Yeah I also didn't see him . Then Jyesth pitashree came forward and said, "he is with his brother hanuman".

Then I made a sad innocent face and said, "then nothing would have left for me .

I don't know what they all find so funny in my words that they all started giggling. It seems like they are controlling their laughter. And mata was trying not to laugh and then she said, " it's ohk putr. Whenever I will get time I will make it for u ".

Mata then winked at me. I was very happy and I said,"yay! And these ladoos will only be for mine not for any other brother".

I smirked by looking at them. While their eyes were wide with full shocked expression and were scared for not getting to eat as they also loved the ladoos and eatable items made by mata . They shouted, " WHAT!!".

I started giggling but then Mata said, " hey! Just calm down I will make it for everyone ".

She said while we all smiled. Pitashree Yudi said, " now u all should go !".

And we all like sanskaari children said, " jo aagya ".

And then we all left the place.

Draupadi's POV:

My putr ...they all are my putr ....I met all of them today. It's like my so old dream came true. I saw them all leaving the place going for ...aah...it was a word reon....or I don't know what it is so I asked, "but Arya! What is this.....reounion....reuonion..".

I was not able to speak that word. Actually I forgot that word whatever that was. Then Arya Sahdev said, " it's reunion".

I got it now. I said, "yes, reunion".

And then Arya Nakul explained me all about reunion. I became all excited now and said, " wow! That means everyone will come overthere".

But then Arya Yudhishthir said, "we don't know. Maybe".

We were not sure who all will be there but I was full excited. But then Angraj Karn reminded us that we are late . I don't know why but I was not having any hatred towards him now. And then Arya Yudhishthir asked me to move and we all went for reunion . Not to forget my excitement. Yes I am full excited.

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