Tale 16: Bread Crumbs

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(Hansel and Gretel AU. Bran & Arya Stark. Mage!reader. violence, angst with a happyish ending. The original story was by The Brothers Grimm.)

"We're lost, Bran," Arya stated as the two of them wandered even further into the woods. Bran rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid. We're not lost. Besides, I thought you were trying to prove Theon's story wasn't true." Arya let out a little scoff. "It isn't," she insisted. Theon had been telling the three youngest Starks a tale about a blind witch that lived deep in the woods that ate children. Rickon had stopped listening half-way through, but Arya and Bran began arguing about whether or not it was true.

"Maybe we should go back," Bran admitted, "We've never been this far into the forest without Father." Arya paused for a moment as she thought. Bran let out a little sigh before he remembered something. "The bread. We could use bread crumbs to find our way back." He took out the loaf of bread and began sprinkling bread crumbs as the two walked deeper into the woods.

After a while longer, Bran began to get discouraged. There was no sign of the cottage Theon had told them about. He hated losing bets to Arya. He turned to her to recommend going back. Arya smirked. "See? I told you it's not..." she trailed off causing Bran to turn back around. "True," Arya finished. Bran's jaw dropped open. Standing there across the creek in a little clearing, was a cottage.

The two broke into a run toward the cottage only to stop again. This cottage was like nothing to two had ever seen before. The smell wafting from the cottage was sweet and the architecture looked different. The two Starks slowly drew closer to the cottage only to realize that it absolutely was no ordinary cottage.

"Gingerbread? It's made of gingerbread," Bran whispered. Arya's eyes widened. Not many people knew, but Arya had a little bit of a sweet tooth when it came to certain things, gingerbread being one of those. Bran also loved sweets, which appeared to cover the rest of the house. "S-Should we try it?" he asked, turning to Arya only to find her already stuffing a bit of gingerbread into her mouth. Her eyes widened and Bran laughed. With his sister's approval, Bran started eating as well.

The two were so engrossed in stuffing themselves with sweets they didn't hear the door of the cottage open. "Who's nibbling at my house?" Bran jumped and looked to see you standing in the doorway. You were turning your head to and fro and it only took a moment for Bran to realize that you couldn't see or at least couldn't see very well at all.

"Sorry! We didn't realize anyone lived here!" You chuckled lightly. "That's quite alright. It's been so long since I've had company. I have something more substantial for your hungry bellies inside as well as some milk to wash it down, if you're still hungry." Bran and Arya exchanged looks before agreeing. They were still hungry and thirsty after walking for so long.

They followed you inside the cottage. The inside also smelled like sweets, but it was warm, homey, and inviting. "Have a seat and help yourselves to whatever you'd like while I get you something to drink," you told them. Bran felt a bit weird, but the growling in his stomach won and he sat down. Arya followed suit and the two began eating.

They ate and ate and ate until they could hardly move. When they tried to get up, they realized how dark it was outside. "Oh dear. I hadn't realized it had gotten so late. I can't let you children walk through the woods at night. It's dangerous. I must insist the two remain here until morning. For your safety." They were too tired to argue and didn't even question the appearance of two small beds as they laid their heads down and fell asleep not knowing that the next morning would change their lives forever.

When Bran awoke, he was no longer on a soft and comfortable bed. He was lying on a bed of straw, as was Arya. In fact the entire cottage was different. No long did it smell sweet and inviting. Rather, the horrid stench of death and decay reached Bran's nostrils, making him gag. Everything around him was dark except for the fire roaring in an oven that appeared to be much too large for the small cottage.

"Bran," Arya whispered, "Look." Bran followed his sisters gaze to where you sat, humming to yourself. Something had changed in your expression. You didn't look as kind or friendly. Something had twisted in you. Without a word, you came over and grabbed Arya's hand. You let out a little scoff before doing the same to Bran. A sick smile came to your face. "You'll do nicely. A little fattening up and you'll be ready."

"Ready for what?" he asked, but you only grinned in response. "I think they mean for that," Arya whispered pointing to the giant pot sitting just next to the oven. "The story...but Theon said it was a witch." You laughed, a hollow sound that sent shivers down Bran's spine. "Witch, Warlock, Mage. All the same. The point is that the two of you will be my next meals. Once I add a little more meat to your bones." Bran watched as you walked back over toward them and cut a little rope on the wall. Before they could say anything, a cage came down over the two Stark siblings.

*time skip*

Day after day passed while you kept feeding the two children only to get more and more irritated. Arya had the brilliant idea of sticking chicken bones through the bars of the gate every time you wanted to feel their hands. As long as they weren't getting fat enough, you wouldn't cook them and they had more time to plan. One day, however, Bran accidentally dropped the bone, causing you to actually be able to tell.

"Finally," you muttered, reaching in and dragging Bran from the cage. You pulled him over to the pot that now held boiling water. Bran fought and fought, but you had magic on your side. Bran just barely managed to avoid being put into the pot by pushing it a bit to the side with his feet. As you dropped him, he made sure to drop the plate he's been holding in his free hand into the pot so you would think he'd fallen in.

As you went back for Arya, Bran knelt down next to the pot, ignoring the heat radiating from it. Arya's screams filled the air as she fought you off and when you were close enough, Bran shouted, "NOW!" You whirled around, letting go of Arya. The Stark girl took that moment to shove you into Bran. Bran used your momentum against you, dumping you face first into the hot pot.

You screamed in agony, but the children didn't stop. There was only one way to stop a magical being. Fire. Together, the two used the cart the pot was on and pushed it into the burning oven. The smell and sound would stay with the Starks for the rest of their lives. Without waiting another moment, they ran from the cottage as quickly as they could. They ran through the creek and back in the direction they had come.

"The birds got the bread crumbs!" Bran cried, but Arya gave him a gently push, urging him to keep going. "We can't stop now." They were both panting with effort, but knew they needed to get away. If their plan had failed, you would come after them. "Keep going!" Arya cried, but both stopped short when they heard the sound of their names being called.

"Isn't that Father?" Arya asked and Bran nodded as other voices called out. "And Robb. And Jon," he added with a smile. Bran and Arya began crying out for their father, brother, and cousin. It didn't take long to see the three men coming toward them. The two young children ran as quickly as their legs would carry them into the arms of their family. As they hugged their father, the two swore they would never let go. 

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