Tale 2, Part 2: Red Will Stain White

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(This is a continuation of part 1! Angst, Violence, Blood, Death. Typical fairytale magic. Ramsay Bolton x fem!princess!reader)

Ramsay let out a sigh as his aching bones cracked. He'd been chasing you for weeks now and he was growing bored. The song and dance between you was getting old. Stale. He decided that, this time, when he found you, he was just going to end the game. That is, if the queen didn't get to you first.

Ramsay wasn't stupid. He knew the queen could have killed you herself a long time ago. She had the power. She just didn't want to get her hands dirty. But now she was impatient, waiting on Ramsay to find you and kill you. It was no secret she was gifted with magic and Ramsay knew she was finally going to use it to kill you. Ramsay couldn't have that. You were his and his alone.

Unfortunately for Ramsay, he was too late. Your latest hiding place had been the home of seven miners and the queen had found you just before Ramsay. Ramsay could see several sets of footprints heading away from the cottage and one set heading back toward it.

Ramsay approached the cottage just in time to see you take a bite of a bright red apple. In an instant, you began gasping for air as you choked on the apple. A wicked laugh came from the old woman standing at the window. When your form fell to the ground at the window, Ramsay saw red. Anger built up in him. This old hag destroyed his game! She took his pretty pet from him! In a rage, Ramsay ran up and slaughtered the old hag.

She let out a strangled cry as her magic disguise melted away like the snow underneath her feet. Red blood dripped onto the ground. The queen's eyes widened in shock. "What did I tell you? I told you that blood would stain the ground before the end of winter. Now, for now, you are alive. However, the moment I pull my sword from your gut, you will be dead as your innards are ripped from you. I suggest you tell me how to save the princess before I do that."

The queen glared at him, but gasped out, "Kiss. True love's kiss." Ramsay gave a nod of his head before pulling the sword from the queen's body. "Damn," he cursed under his breath. If there was one thing Ramsay knew, it was that he didn't love. He told himself that it wasn't a big deal that you were dead, but he was upset that his game had been cut short on someone else's terms.

After cleaning off his sword, Ramsay pushed his way into the cottage. He scooped you up in his arms and carried you out of the cottage just as the residents returned. They glanced between you and Ramsay and the queen lying dead on the ground. They instantly knew what had happened.

"Can she be saved?" one of them asked. Ramsay's frown deepened. "The witch said true love's kiss." The miners all mirrored Ramsay's expression. They didn't think you had a true love. The eight men looked at you for a moment before another miner spoke up, "D-Do we have to bury her? The thought of her being locked away in such darkness doesn't suit her. She was too kind and generous."

The miners decided not to bury you. Instead, they created an ornate glass coffin for you so that you could still have sunlight, even in death. Ramsay thought it was a little too much, but indulged them. They had tried to keep you safe. It was your good heart that lead you to speak to an old woman you'd never seen before, even through the window.

When the coffin was finished, they laid you in it. Each one dropped a kiss to your forehead by way of a final farewell. Ramsay had to admit that you still looked beautiful. And peaceful. Almost as if you were merely sleeping. "Would you care to say your goodbyes, sir?" Ramsay arched a brow. The very thought seemed ludicrous. Then again, he had stayed while they took the time to forge a glass coffin for you.

Ramsay slowly approached the coffin. He had to admit that this was unlike any death he'd ever seen before, magic or not. No blood. No violence. Just...quiet stillness. The huntsman was surprised to find that his heart ached for the loss of his little pet. He felt a tug in his chest at the thought of never being able to chase you down again. Of the end of his game. When he reached the coffin, he glanced down at you. A bit of sunlight came through the trees making you look almost ethereal. With a soft sigh, Ramsay leaned down and whispered, "Rest well, Pet," before pressing a gentle kiss to your cold lips.

As he was about to turn away, a gasp caught Ramsay's attention. The miners all made a similar noise, prompting Ramsay to turn around. If he hadn't known it was magic, he'd swear it was a miracle. Your eyes were open, gazing up at him in disbelief. Your chest was rising and falling as you breathed in air for the first time in days.

"True love's kiss," one of your friends reminded the rest. Ramsay's heart almost stopped beating then and there. How could he possibly be anyone's true love? Let alone yours? Without warning, you wrapped one arm around Ramsay's neck. "Thank you," you whispered in his ear. Ramsay wasn't sure how to react to that. No one hugged him.

Before Ramsay even knew what was happening, he felt you pull away and place his own dagger at his throat. Your eyes, that were normally full of love and naiveté, were hard and icy. Clearly you'd been training since the last time Ramsay had seen you. "If you ever kiss me again without my permission, I will use this dagger to run you through. True love or not." Your voice was a soft hiss, but held a strength that Ramsay couldn't help but admire.

"As you wish, my princess. Now, if you would be so kind." You pulled the dagger away and moved to stand. Lack of use caused your legs to buckle underneath you. Ramsay caught you in time, lifting you up and carrying you over to his horse.

"Where are we going?" Ramsay grinned. "Why, your castle of course. You are queen now after all." You arched a brow. "Am I? And I suppose you're going to say that you're the king." A deep chuckle resonated through Ramsay's chest. He placed you on his horse before climbing up behind you. "Of course not," he answered, "Because you'll always be my little pet," he whispered in your ear. He felt your face grow warm under his lips and he laugh again as he urged his horse toward your castle. Things were going to change and Ramsay couldn't wait.

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