Chapter 1: Tommy Oliver and Bruce Wayne's Last Day/Musical Villain

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(At the Abandoned Union CIty, the Megaforce Squad is seen walking around.)

Hellboy: I can't believe they abandoned this fucking city.

Batgirl: All because of that civil war. I thought there were only bad guys in Union.

Superboy: Union can be either good or bad.

Batgirl: There must be a way to reverse it.

Green Arrow: That's impossible. Only Mazinger ZERO and Getter Emperor have the power to do so.

Supergirl: What if we can go to each Union-Verse to return the heroes back to their original selves?

Hellboy: Only Doctor Strange and Vector Prime could have the power. Who will help them?

????: Someone else can do it.

(Then they turn to see a familiar man in a business suit and an adult man in a scientist suit.)

(R.I.P. Jason David Frank and Kevin Conroy.)

(They are revealed to be Tommy Oliver and Bruce Wayne.)

Green Arrow: (eyes widen) Bruce?

Superboy: (eyes widen) Tommy Oliver?

Tommy: (nods) Yes, we're here to give someone else the powers of the Master Morpher.

Bruce: And the inheritance of the Wayne Fortune.

Supergirl: But, who will be the next Power Ranger? And who could ever be the next Batman?

(Tommy gives the Master Morpher and the Power Coins while Bruce hands over a testament of his fortune.)

Tommy: (smiles) Our time has come, give these to two individuals willing to follow our legacy.

Bruce: And tell the one who will inherit my fortune that Hideki Go left a suit based on his Ultra form for him to use as the next defender of Gotham.

(Then both Tommy and Bruce's physical forms dissipate, as Tommy's spirit looks at Kara as he notices she became a Power Ranger as well.)

Tommy: And Kara?

Supergirl: Yes?

Tommy: Once a Ranger, always a Ranger.

(Kara's eyes widen as Tommy knows she became a Power Ranger once, and then the duo leaves as Batgirl starts crying, and Green Arrow pats his shoulder. Supergirl cries as well and Superboy comforts her.)

Green Arrow: (looks down) You may not be OUR Bruce Wayne, but... we'll miss you.

Supergirl: (sobs) Thank you, Tommy Oliver.

(Then Green Arrow places both the Master Morpher and the Wayne Fortune's testament in a suitcase as he looks at the picture of Ultraman Jack's suit.)

Green Arrow: So this is the suit based on Ultraman Jack. Hideki Go was a good man as well. I should have asked Bruce to send him my regards.

(Suddenly Batgirl hears footsteps and turns around to see nobody. Supergirl turns to her.)

Supergirl: What is it, Babs?

Green Arrow: What is that?

Batgirl: 🎵An unknown force, but where's the source that has us this way?🎵

(She closes her mouth and her eyes widen as she sang out of nowhere. Hellboy, Green Arrow, Superboy and Supergirl's eyes widen at her as they start singing out of nowhere as well.)

Green Arrow: (shocked) 🎵Who's doing this to us?🎵

Superboy: 🎵And on this, we must concour.🎵

(Then a yellow line shows both Daikaiju Squad and Megaforce Boys singing in unsion.)

Daikaiju/Megaforce: 🎵They're dastardly, despicable, disturbingly, inexplicable.🎵

(Green Arrow pulls the screen back to Megaforce-Verse.)

Green Arrow: 🎵And imminently kickable.🎵

Megaforce Squad: (angry) 🎵That dirty rotten rat is...🎵

(A villainous musician shows up.)

????: (devious) 🎵The Music Miester!🎵

(Outside the city, five people wearing some high-tech suits are seen watching Hellboy and his teammates.)

???? 2: It looks like the Anti-Registration Union was right. There ARE visitors from another universe.

???? 3: Are they aliens?

???? 4: Only one, the other is an hybrid, the red guy is a cambion and the other two are humans.

???? 5: (confused) Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

???? 2: Dude, they DO look like the ones we saw in comics or TV.

???? 6: They're at our side, aren't they?

???? 4: The only exception is for Earth's monsters.

???? 5: Uh, why?

???? 4: Because Earth's monsters cannot coexist with aliens, the main thing is... they might go at war for thousands of years.

???? 2: We need to contact Ichika, Kirito's Squad, Night Raid and other Anti-Registration Union back at the hideout. We have a mission to do, but first to get rid of Music Meister.

???? 6: Yeah, I don't want to get hypnotized.

???? 2: (smiles) Alright.

(They reveal themselves as Glitch Techs.)

Mitch: Okay, I'll contact Phil to send out Ichika and Todoroki's Squad to help those five. You guys distract the Music Meister.

(A/N: Todoroki's Squad is a group led by Shoto Todoroki, who sided with the Anti-Registration Union Heroes against Dekusquad who joined with the Pro-Registration Union Heroes. Shoto's teammates are Tsuyu, Iida, Fumikage and Saiko. Saiko became Shoto's girlfriend after Momo betrayed him for Dekusquad.)

Five: Alright.

Haneesh: Let's go.

(Back to Music Meister.)

M. Meister: 🎵Oh, I'm the Music Meister!🎵

(All of Megaforce Squad members are seen under his musical hypnosis as they carry him to the top.)

Megaforce Squad: 🎵He's the Music Meister!🎵

M. Meister: 🎵And everyone is just pawns.🎵

(They carefully put him down.)

Megaforce Squad: 🎵He's the Music Meister! And we're just his pawns!🎵

(Music Meister slides over the abandoned laboratory building.)

M. Meister: 🎵And so for me it's destiny: To become the maestro of villainy! Yes, I'm the Music Meister and I'm here to settle the score!🎵

(He chuckles evilly as the Megaforce Squad marches to the laboratory.)

M. Meister: (smiles deviously) Now with these heroes of another world, not a single Union Hero will possibly stop me!

(He turns back at the Megaforce working on his project and smirks deviously before being blasted by a beam. He turns around and sees the Glitch Tech running towards him.)

M. Meister: (growls) Those damn Glitch Tech brats. (realizes) Wait, if the blondie is an alien... (smiles wickedly) Oh yeah, Mosnters against aliens.

(He snaps his fingers and the Megaforce Squad turns to him.)

M. Meister: (points at the GT) Take care of those Glitch Tech kids.

(Hellboy, Green Arrow, Batgirl, Superboy and Supergirl get in their fighting stances before charging at them. Mitchel, Five, Zahra, Haneesh and Miko's eyes widen.)

Haneesh: Okay, this isn't good.

(The five mind-controlled Megaforce Heroes prepare to attack as the screen fades out. Suddenly Superboy draws the "S" Symbol with his heat vision in the screen.)

(To be continued)

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