Chapter 16: Curing Friends

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(The Megaforce Squad is seen along with Iron Jugulis and Great Tusk as they look around to find the giant crystal kaiju as they go to the kingdom where the crystals are.)

G. Tsusk: TUSK! (Well, here we are.)

I. Jugulis: (Hollow Earth, not we can find the guardian and cure your friends.)

Hellboy: We don't have much time left. We have only...

U. Jack: Two hours, five minutes and tewnty seconds.

Knight: Damn, we've got no time.

(Suddenly they see Gridman and Devilman who just got freed from Kaiser Dormammu's commands.)

Devilman: Uh, where are we?

Gridman: I don't know... maybe we are... (realizes) Hey, we're back to normal!

Devilman: (smiles) Heck yeah! (sees Hellboy and his team) Hey, look. Hellboy and the others are here.

Gridman: Good. Let's go.

(Devilman and Gridman approach them, and Hellboy notices that they're back to normal.)

Hellboy: You're back to normal, I see.

Devilman: (nods) Yep, we're back! Nobody makes us as puppets!

(Then they see Knight Gundam.)

Devilman: (confused) Are you a Gundam?

Knight: Yeah, I am. Knight Gundam, at your service.

Gridman: Hmm, who knew.

(They turn to Great Tusk and Iron Jugulis.)

Devilman: Who are those two?

Knight: They're Great Tusk and Iron Jugulis. They used to live here in Hollow Earth, but Union Academy destroyed their home.

Gridman: Oh, sorry about that.

G. Tusk: It's okay, we get it a lot.

I. Jugulis: Your friend here reminds me of rodan, except for he's human.

Devilman: (nods) Yep, now what's the mission?

Hellboy: Bring Supergirl, Green Arrow, Superboy and Batgirl back to their normal selves. They're currently transformed into their DC Superhero Girls' selves. How's everyone?

Gridman: Back to normal. We can send Ultraman Jack and Okina back to Earth Prime to fix the world.

(Gridman opens a portal, and then gives the Patrol Morpher to Okina.)

Gridman: Give this to Zach Snow when you find him. We'll handle this.

(Okina nods, and he goes through the portal along with Ultraman Jack. After that, they go to the kingdom, but then two female kaijus come in.)

Celestia: What brings you here at Crystal Guardian's kingdom?

Hellboy: We need to bring our friends back to their normal selves.

Luna: Let me guess, they suffered transmutation because of the cursed crystal dust, right?

Hellboy: (nods) Yes.

(Then the Crystal Guardian comes in.)

C. Guardian: Celestia, Luna, you know what to do.

Celestia/Luna: Yes, master.

(They walk towards the crystal collection, and find the specific crystal as Luna grabs it.)

Celestia: (smiles) here you go, fellow friends. Here's the cure to transform your friends back to normal.

(Luna gives them the healing crystal.)

C. Guardian: This is the healing crystal.

Luna: We'll go with you and undo the curse. But first...

(Celestia and Luna revert back to their human forms.)

Celestia: We heard about your hideout having some... beings from other planets. That's why we changed into human forms...

Luna: Because we know Kaijus and Aliens can't technically coexist. Now let's go and save your friends.

(Celestia and Luna teleport themselves and the Megaforce Squad to the human realm.)

(Meanwhile at Secret Union Headquarters, after Team RWBY, Batgirl, Supergirl, Superboy and Green Arrow returned from the carnival, Team NDGO, Asia, Irina, Gasper, Rossweisse and Todosquad tied both Team RWBY and the transformed Megaforce Heroes to some chairs. Suddenly an aurora beam brightens in front of them, revealing Hellboy and his team along with Celestia and Luna.)

Knight: Let's get this job done.

(Both Celestia and Luna combine their magic powers with the crystal as they transform the four Megaforce heroes back to normal.)

Supergirl: (groans) I should never do it again.

Green Arrow: Ugh, Did I commit a pedophilia act or something?

Batgirl: (groans) Man, I should've gone out more instead of reading books.

Superboy: I should've hunted more...

Megaforce: (smiles) GUYS!

(Then She-Ra and Catra untie the four Megaforce Heroes and Team RWBY.)

Hellboy: (smiles) I'm so glad you're back.

Green Arrow: Huh? What are you talking about?

Devilman: That's a long story.

Supergirl: How long?

(Five hours later)

(Supergirl, Batgirl, Superboy and Green Arrow's eyes widen as they heard what they did in their DCSHG forms.)

Supergirl: (shocked) A bully? You mean I became a bully?

Green Arrow: Dude, Canary's gonna kill me.

Batgirl: Never thought I could be THAT fanatic for superheroes.

Superboy: Don't worry, you'll find other boys out there to be your boyfriends. (looks at Yang and Blake) But I think you two should give each other a chance to have a romance.

Blake: Well, it's worth a try.

Yang: Yep.

(Then Blake and Yang have a passionate lesbian kiss)

Angela: I'm glad everything is back to normal.

Bow: All Megaforce heroes are back to normal.

G. Tusk: TUSK! (Speaking of what, we might as well as go back to Etheria.)

(They walk out as they wave at the heroes. Knight Gundam waves back.)

Knight: See ya. I'll come over next time.

Devilman: But it's not over yet, Hellboy's friends are not here.

Green Arrow: (eyes widen) WHAT? Rodimus and Raymond are here?

Knight: Yeah, but Sludge and the others are looking for them.

Supergirl: I hope they're alright.

(Everyone looks at the window as the screen fades out, and then an SD version of Knight Gundal bumps into the creen cracking it.)

(To be continued.)

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