Chapter 1: Back to Metropolis?

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(It was 10:00 a.m. in the morning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the wind was blowing peacefully and the water was shining clear. People are ready to work, children are ready for school..but today is the last day of school before summer break. On the roof of the building, Superman (Jon Tennyson) is looking around to make sure he doesn't get caught.)

Superman: Strange... this doesn't look like my Metropolis...

(He then brings out a communicator he got from his cousin Henry Tennyson.)

Superman: Testing, testing, this is Superman here. Anyone over, Hellboy, Slash and Sludge.

Hellboy: (intercom) Break, break, this is Hellboy. Loud and clear.

Slash: (intercom) This is the awesome Dinobot Slash here.

(A bonk is heard as Sludge speaks up.)

Sludge: (intercom) We succeeded as well.

Superman: What do y'all got?

(At the National Park, Hellboy is seen drinking some vodka while sitting in the bench.)

Hellboy: It's all clear around here. What about y'all tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb?

(In another hiding spot, Sludge is seen contacting Hellboy while Slash is knocked out.)

Sludge: All clear here too.

(Slash gets up while feeling dizzy.)

Slash: Sufferin' succotash!

(Back to Superman, he turns to his alternate cousin Cobalt.)

Superman: Looks like it's all clear.

Cobalt: Alright, what now?

Superman: There's something unfamiliar about this Metropolis. It's like we're in another dimension or something...

Cobalt: Does that mean...

Superman: We're not in my Metropolis anymore, and I'm sure this isn't YOUR Metropolis either.

Cobalt: Yeah... but there's something I remember witnessing... weeks before my world was destroyed by Anti-Monitor.


(At Cobalt's home world, he witnessed his parents being defeated and killed by the new Reverse-Flash, who then glares at Cobalt while preparing to kill both The Flash and Supergirl.)

Flash (Arrowverse): (weakly) You're not Thawne... who are you?

Supergirl (Arrowverse): (glares) Whoever you are... you won't get away with this!

(Reverse-Flash ignores both The Flash and Supergirl, and keeps glaring at FlashBolt.)

Reverse-Flash: (glares at FlashBolt) Your father killed mine, so... why should I let this version of your parents live?

(He then vibrates both of his hands, and pierces through The Flash and Supergirl. Barry then weakly speaks to his son.)

Flash (Arrowverse): (weakly) Run, Cobalt... run...

(The Flash draws his last breath, and dies as FlashBolt attends his father's last request and runs away, much to Reverse-Flash's delight.)

Reverse-Flash: No matter how far you run, FlashBolt. I will always reach you, and so will your suffering.

(Flashback Ends.)

(Superman gets shocked by what Cobalt witnessed.)

Superman: So a new Reverse-Flash was the responsible for the deaths of your Barry Allen and the alternate Aunt Kara?

(Cobalt nods.)

Superman: Something tells me we're gonna have to face him, sooner or later.

(As Superman and Cobalt fly away, Lockdown is seen watching them from afar.)

Lockdown: Reverse-Flash, eh? Looks like Grievous and I have a potential ally for our cause.

(Meanwhile at Metropolis Airport, a certain group of mercenaries is seen getting out of the plane.)

Akame: So this is Metropolis.

Tatsumi: Never thought we would be able to leave Japan.

(Leone sees a newspaper, and gets shocked by what she just read.)

Leone: Guys, you gotta see this.

(The Night Raid turns to see the news about a new Superman saving children from Heathcliff's Squad, much to their shock and amazement.)

Tatsumi: Superman?

Leone: Wanted to know who was he too.

Akame: What do you think, Sheele?

Sheele: He looks like a human.

Bulat: A normal human can't fly though.

Lubbock: When who is this Superman? WHAT is he?

(Then a male voice is heard.)

????: He is a kryptonian.

(They turn to see an elderly man, and rush towards him while curious about it.)

Najenda: A Kryptonian?

Chelsea: What is a Kryptonian?

Elder Man: Kyriptonians are a race of aliens coming from a planet named Krypton. Unfortunately said planet was destroyed, some say it was due to overpopulation and so little resources while others say it got destroyed by another race. But before its destruction, a biological baby was sent here.

Akame: (eyes widen) They sent a baby to Earth?

Elder Man: Fortunately, he was taken in by a couple of farmers, who taught him to be a human until he finally discovered his kryptonian powers.

Mine: (scoffs) This is ridiculous. There are no extraterrestrial beings.

Elder Man: (glares) Yes, they exist, you spoiled brat!

Mine: (growls) What did you say, old man? Say that again if you're brave enough! GRRRR!

Elder Man: (glares) Did I stutter by any chance?

(Mine growls angrily and tries to strike the Elder Man, but Tatsumi holds her.)

Mine: (grunts) GET OFF ME, BAKA!

Susanoo: How was it possible for him to have awakened his powers?

Elder Man: He wasn't sent here for nothing. The yellow sun's radiations give him the strength he needs. Well, I better head out, my grandson is waiting for me.

Akame: Before you go, can you tell us your name?

Elder Man: (smiles) My name is... Ryo Shimizu.

(A/N: Meet the Megaforce-Verse Ryo Shimizu, he's different from the A. R. Ryo Shimizu from "Kamen Rider Ichigo and Special Forces vs Union Academy".)

(He then walks towards his son's child to meet him as the Night Raid watches the whole thing.)

Akame: He's a nice man.

Susanoo: I guess he came from Japan too.

Sheele: Yeah, to visit his grandchildren.

Chelsea: He's such a nice man.

(They then walk towards a bus, unaware that a certain villain is watching them from afar.)

Overkill: So Night Raid is here in this New Metropolis, eh? I'd better report this to my master.

(He walks away to report to his master.)

(As the screen fades out, Slash slashes the background, and a "To be continued" appears out of it.)

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