Chapter 2: Meeting Gone Horribly Wrong

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(Ryan is seen parking his car I'm the Tennyson Technology and Research Center, and sees Victor Von Doom's car. He sighs and leaves his car as he walks towards the building. His company is filled with technology to help humanity and nature while discovering lives on other planets. He walks past his coworkers and goes to the elevator.)

Ryan: (sighs) Let's get this over with...

(He presses the button, and then the elevator goes up until it rings as it stops at the top. Its doors open up as he walks out and goes towards his office where a female coworker greets him.)

Coworker: (bows) Good morning, Mr. Tennyson.

Ryan: (smiles) Good morning, Sarah.

Sarah: Mr. Von Doom is waiting for you.

(He nods and gets in his office as he puts his coat in the hanger and sees Victor Von Doom, who turns to see him as well.)

Victor: Mr. Tennyson, right on time.

Ryan: Mr. Von Doom... "glad" to see you in my office.

(He walks to his chair as he sits down.)

Ryan: So... why are you here for?

Victor: It's about time for this company to associate with Latveria, together we can build a new future.

Ryan: Uh... no.

Victor: (curious) Why not?

Ryan: My brother's company is meant to discover life forms in other planets, like Cybertron, Titan, Xandar, and help the balance of the universe. Not making things worse.

Victor: This is just a conspiracy.

(Ryan slams his fist on his desk and glares at Victor.)

Ryan: (angry) NO! (glares deathly) This Center is not for tools, it's meant to find lives in other planets, helping humanity, nature and animals. Not your little secrets behind other people's back. This place is like home to me.

Victor: Mr. Tennyson, we know those Avengers will soon come after you, and ever since the Alien Dino Thunder Force is gone...

(Ryan gets pissed and punches Victor's face. He sees a scar in his face opening and wipes the blood.)

Ryan: (angry) I. Want. You out of my office, you're not getting me involved in those Avengers and Fantastic Four bullshit. I'm tired of their acts. I will find true heroes to take down Juggernaut, Avengers, Green Goblin, robbers, traffickers, and all villains... (points at Victor) and that includes you.

(Victor glares at Ryan as he gets back up.)

Victor: Then from now on, Latveria is in war with the Tennysons. And believe me, I'll win.

Ryan: (glares) Just get out of my office before I call the security.

(Victor growls as he leaves the office. Ryan sighs as he goes back to his seat. He gets a call from his wife Neo that some of the X-Men are headed towards G-Academy on Prom Night. He sighs as he texts back that he'll contact Toad and Patrick. He goes to his computer and contacts both of them.)

????: Coming, Mr. Tennyson.

(Then a screen shows both Toad Skywalker and Patrick Solo, descendants of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.)

Toad: We're here, Mr. Tennyson. What's the emergency?

Ryan: Change of plans, gather the Ranger Keys at Prom Night.

Patrick: Uh... why?

Ryan: Neo texted me that some of the X-Men are heading to G-Academy when both Kamen Rider Venom and Parasite are planning an attack. I'll text Taiga and the others while you gather the transformation devices.

Toad/Patrick: (nod) Yes sir, we'll get right on it.

Ryan: (nods) Good.

(Ryan hangs up and faces back at the window, seeing the sunset.)

Ryan: The time has come, Ulrich. You and your friends are ready to become the next generation of the Earth's True Mightiest Heroes, you will become the New Alien Dino Thunder Force known as... Omniverse Dino Fury!

(Meanwhile at G-Academy's gates, everything seems peaceful as two security guards are guarding the entrance. Suddenly they hear footsteps and see six individuals walking towards them, and then they block the way.)

Guard 1: Sorry, we don't want any intruders from Union or Avengers in this school.

???? 2: Don't worry, we're students here.

Guard 2: You don't look such as ones.

???? 3: We missed five days because we were all sick.

(The guards face back at each other, and then they step aside.)

Guard 1: Alright, get in.

???? 4: (nods) Thank you, kind sir.

(They walk inside of G-Academy and reveal themselves to be Scott Summers, Anna Marie, Hank MccCoy, Alex Summers, Wanda Maximoff and Kitty Pryde.)

Scott: This is the place where the Professor told us.

Anna: When are those villains planning to attack?

Kitty: At Prom Night.

Alex: Pfft, that's such a stupid plan.

Hank: Said the guy who's nothing but his brother's shadow...

Wanda: We're not here for a party nor to argue. We're here to defeat those villains.

Scott: Wanda is right, we'll deal with them and put them in prison for good.

Kitty: Let's go inside and transfer ourselves in.

(As they walk away, both Toad and Patrick are seen watching them.)

Toad: Remember the plan, Patrick. Wait till tonight, and then Taiga will give the devices to Ulrich and his friends.

Patrick: And then the Dino Fury Power Rangers will be finally completed!

(As the screen fades out, two holograms of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are shown.)

(To be continued)

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