Chapter 4: Welcome to Megaforce Club

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(When Jake Arkos is about to go to Gemoetry Class, he bumps into Malty.)

Malty: There you are, murderer!

Jake: What are you talking about, bitch?

Malty: (glares) Cynical! I know it's you who murdered Motoyasu and Arios!

Jake: Please, it wasn't me.

Malty: Wanna play smart, huh? Very well...

(She snaps her fingers, but nothing happens. Then she turns to see Gin down as someone is standing with a foot on his face.)

????: Well well well, look what we have here, a bitch trying to call her new pet. When will you ever learn?

Malty: Who the hell do you think you are, brat?

????: (smirks) I'm just a a big bad kid in the block who causes trouble against bullies, rich & snobby kids, pretty girls, show-off boys, perverts, rapists and annoying people. Does that ring a bell?

(Malty realizes that she just messed with the Pirate Toublemaker of G-Academy: Shiro Peterson.)

Malty: (scared) Hey, Shiro... you look adorable today.

Shiro: (glares) Tch, really? I may look like an regular everyday normal nerd, but I can be very dangerous.

Malty: (frightened) Okay, okay...

Shiro: Now leave Jake alone unless you want to get your hair shaved!

Malty: (scared) Right...

(Malty runs away scared as Gin gets up and turns to see Shiro, who smirks at him.)

Shiro: Boo.

(Gin runs away scared, and Jake sighs in relief as he faces back at Shiro.)

Jake: (smiles) Thanks, Shiro.

Shiro: No problem, I always help innocent people from bullies, perverts and others. And also I steal their belongings to make sure they get embarrassed.

????: Hey Jake.

(They turn around and see Ulrich Akana coming their way.)

Ulrich: Did that bitch bother you again?

Jake: No, Shiro helped me from her.

Ulrich: (smiles at Shiro) Thank you for helping him.

Shiro: (nods) No prob, I can always help many fellow students. I heard about your parents, sorry for your loss.

Ulrich: It's okay, bro.

Shiro: Hey, I heard that you guys are in a group together.

Ulrich: (nods) Yeah, meet us at my house. Me & my friends are going have our own club.

(Shiro nods, and they walk away as Jake is approached by Woz.)

Woz: You're joining their club, aren't you?

Jake: (nods) Yep.


(After school, Ulrich invited his friends to his house, and as they get in there they see a treehouse.)

(They get shocked by seeing the treehouse, and Jaina's eyes sparkle.)

Jaina: My future boyfriend has a nice treehouse.

Laura: (chuckles) Calm down, pipsqueak.

Jaina: (glares) I may be a pipsqueak, but at least I HAVE a boyfriend!

Laura: (sarcastic) Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Herbert: (smiles) This place looks cool, partner.

Ulrich: (smiles) Yes, me and my parents built this for everyone before they died.

????: Am I late?

(They turn to see Shiro, and Jaina points at him.)

Jaina: (serious) What are you doing here?

Shiro: Hey, come on. You know we both cause trouble.

Jaina: No, I just prank those who act high and mighty. You're different!

Ulrich: She's got a point, Shiro. She just picks the money, not the belongings.

Jaina: (kisses Ulrich) Thanks, love.

Shiro: (sighs) At least I tried.

Jake: I admit you've got a nice place here.

Shiro: Thanks, Jake.

Taiga: (nods) Let's go inside.

Ryuji: Yeah, let's go.

(Kotaro nods)

Kyle: We're all together. Let's see this treehouse.

Ulrich: Come on, guys.

(They went inside of the treehouse, everyone saw the amazing view of the place. But, they saw the posters of the Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce & Plumbers working together and fighting against Union Academy. Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce action figures, Taiga & Ryuji looked around as he saw the comic books of Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce as he sees the title of it.)

Ryuji: Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce, eh?

Taiga: My father was part of the group along with my mom.

Ulrich: Yeah, I heard they turned Union City into Neo Bellwood.

Jake: (shocked) WHAT?

Ulrich: Yeah, they came back somehow...

Jaina: Why don't they wanna become celebrities?

Shiro: Because they're not those type of guys.

Ulrich: Yeah, they don't wanna be famous, they just want do do what's right, like the Super Sentai do.

Shiro: Exactly, they don't want fame or money.

Kotaro: That's what all Alien Dino Thunder Heroes always do, all they want to protect the innocent people, restoring the world, fighting corruption & crimes, facing fake heroes and others.

Laura: It'd be cool if we were those guys. My favorite is Power Girl, she is strong, capable of beeaking anything, and she doesn't wear skirt. I mean, skirts are not my stuff.

Jaina: Mine is White Dino Ranger. He's good at what he does.

Jake: My hero is Kamen Rider Zi-O, he fought to reach his dream to become a king.

Herbert: Well, partners... my favorite is Rook Blonko. He shoots like a cowboy.

Taiga: My favorite is Hellboy, he's a cambion. He also saved my father's kingdom when Atlas invaded it.

Ryuji: Mine is Garo, he's a Makai Knight.

Kotaro: (smirks) My favorite was Kamen Rider Black. He's the Century King and the most serious of the team.

Kyle: Lunar Wolf Ranger is my favorite hero. And he... is my father.

Ulrich: Yeah, Grimlock is my favorite. He's noble, royal, heroic and protective.

Flint: Well, my favorite hero was Kamen Rider Zolda.

Shiro: I have no favorite hero... well, except for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.

Herbert: You mean "the" Gokaigers, the Pirate Squad?

Shiro: (nods) Yep, I imagine myself as one of them...

Ryuji: We all wish we can save the world, but we got a prom to do.

Ulrich: He's right, we got prom night to do.

Jaina: Hey guys, do ya know we got new students.

Kyle: Yeah, those new students are strange though.

Ulrich: How strange?

Kotaro: Secretive, they look similar to someone. But I don't know how they got here?

Flint: Yeah, who were those guys? That Alex kid, he's about to get on my nerves. He thinks he's cooler than anybody.

Ulrich: Yeah, who are they or where are they from? We'll find out till prom night, I hope there's a miracle.

(As for Ryuji, Kotaro, Kyle, Flint & Taiga, they nodded together as they were ready to give them their equipment. They walked towards them.)

Flint: By the way, guys. We brought you this.

(A/N: Pretend there are four of them.)

Taiga: You've earned your equipment. All you need to do is say "It's Morphin' Time! Dino Fury Key activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!". (calls someone) KIVAT!

Kivat: (comes in) You called?

Taiga: It's time. Now, all of us might be ready to fight these evil-doers. We will do this for our home town Academy City, we will do this for the Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce.

Ulrich: Well guys, we'll fight any opponents who gets in our way.

Jaina: What about the Avengers, darling?

Ulrich: We won't let them get in our way, I don't trust them. They're working side with society, it's time to face their enemies so around this city in peace.

Kyle: As long as we are in this club, right?

(They nodded together as Ulrich speaks again.

Ulrich: Welp, welcome to Megaforce Club. 

Everyone: (smiles) Yeah. 

Taiga: So get ready guys, we got some prom tonight.

(As the screen fades out, the heroes stand in front together as they shadows transform into the Alien Dino Thunder Heroes.)

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