Prologue (Part 2): Decisions

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(At Jake's house, there is a room filled with golden walls, a stuffed lion, and a picture of himself along with his parents and his family. Finally Jake is ready for school.)

Jack: And we're done.

(Suddenly Jake's grandfather comes in along with Woz.)

Mario: (smiles) Hello, my grandson.

Jake: (smiles) Grandpa.

(Jake hugs Mario, who hugs back.)

Mario: Well, you're up for this morning.

Jake: Yep, I'd better get going.

Woz: I know you don't want your grandson to get hurt, but I assure you he's gonna be alright. He'll make good friends, just like Ulrich and Rosa who he mentions. And also, I'll make sure he doesn't get in trouble with that spoiled bitchy princess and her gang.

Jake: Yeah, grandpa. I'm gonna be fine. And besides, I'll be a king. You'll see.

Mario: You promise?

Jake: Yes, I promise.

Mario/Woz: Atta boy.

(Mario ruffles Jake's room before he leaves along with Woz. Jake smiles at his grandpa as he's his only family left.)

(At Jaina's house, her room is seen decorated with electric bands, party items and accessories to prank on naughty teenagers. Finally Jaina Jones is seen.)

Jaina: (smirks) Time for a prank on these naughty boys and girls, let these chicks dig it.

(She grabs her school bag before goes to the kitchen, where she is greeted by her aunt Daisy.)

Daisy: (smiles) Morning, Jaina.

Jaina: (smiles) Morning, Aunt Daisy

(She is about to go out when her aunt stops her.)

Daisy: (smiles) Not until you eat your breakfast.

Jaina: (groans) Ugh, I should have known you would stop me.

Daisy: (giggles) You're just like your father. I always stop him to make sure he eats his breakfast.

Jaina: (nods) Yep, that's my dad, alright.

Daisy: (smiles) Now eat your breakfast and I'll drop you off at school,,,

Jaina: And go to work, right?

Daisy: (nods) Yep.

(At a Gun store, two cowboy siblings walk inside their uncle's store and put some boxes on the desk.)

Herbert: Here are the boxes, uncle.

(They look around to find their uncle. As they walk into the office, they see their uncle sleeping. They smile, walk towards him and put their hats on his desk.)

Laura: Sleep tight, uncle Carlos.

(They walk outside the store and go to the school.)

(At G-Academy, Ulrich Akana is seen at the workout gym, breathing hard for lifting barbell weights. As he puts the weights back, he has a flashback of his parents killed by Parasite. Suddenly he picks up a ball and throws it so hard that it hits one of his "teammates".)

Eugene: (glares) Hey, what's the big idea?

Ulrich: (mocking) Oops.

Arios: (glares) Just who do you think you are anyway? DIdn't your parents teach you good manners?

Ulrich: (glares) Unfortunately for you, I'm having a bad day!

Motoyasu: And it will get much worse if you don't learn your place, brat! And your parents deserved to die!

(Ulrich approaches Motoyasu, and glares at him.)

Ulrich: What did you just say?

(Suddenly a whistle is blown as the coach known as Marconi yells at them.)


(Coach is approaching the four.)

Coach: (glares) What's going on here?

Ulrich: Nothing, coach.

Eugene: (angry) NOTHING? HE JUST...


(Eugene is about to punch the coach, but Motoyasu stops him.)

Motoyasu: Leave them, let's go and meet Malty at the cafeteria.

(Eugene reluctantly nods, and the three bullies leave, but Eugene glares back at Ulrich.)

Eugene: This isn't over.

(Then the coach talks with Ulrich.)

Coach: That Thompson really gets on my nerves, and still had the audacity to try to punch me, even though he would get suspended for this. (puts his hand on Ulrich's shoulder) Look, I can help you and everyone as well. But there is a guy who once told me: A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born in a time of adversity.

(Ulrich looks down, and the coach pats his back.)

Coach: (smiles) As long as you have true friends by your side, don't let yourself down, okay?

(Ulrich looks back at the coach before nodding at him.)

Coach: (smiles) Alright, kid. You might as well go to the Principal's Office. They need you for the meeting.

(He nods and grabs his bag before going to the principal's office. The Coach sighs.)

Coach: Poor kid, wish his parents were here.

(At the School Hallway Locker, all of the students are seen packing their textbooks and supplies. Herbert and Laura are gathering their books, and suddenly Keyarga pushes Herbert.)

Keyarga: (smirks deviously) Hey, kid. Did you do my homework.

Laura: (glares) Leave my brother alone!

Keyarga: Or what, cowgirl?

(Laura then kicks his left leg, making him groan in pain. Keyarga then glares at Laura and grabs her neck.)

Keyarga: (angry) That does it! I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU!

(Suddenly Ulrich comes in and punches his face.)

Ulrich: Why don't you just leave them alone, dickweed?

Keyaru: (growls) You're always getting on my nerves, Ulrich.

Ulrich: (glares) Says the guy who raped innocent girls.


(Keyarga gets angry and charges at Ulrich, who punches him in the face, knocking him out, and the Laura roughly steps on Keyarga's balls.)

Laura: This is for threatening to rape me, you dickweed!

(She spits on Keyarga's face before turning to Ulrich.)

Laura: Thanks for saving my brother.

Ulrich: No problem. I gotta go now. See you later.

(He waves at the siblings, who wave at him as well before going to the classroom. Jaina comes in, kicks Keyarga's balls before picking his wallet, taking his money.)

Jaina: Hell yeah, thanks for the cash, bitch. Hahahaha!

(Jaina then goes to the classroom as well.)

(At the principal's office, the Principal Ivan Daniels is seen talking with the sheriff Nate Lewis are discussing about something.)

Principal: I understand him, but you need to explain this.

Sheriff: I know, it's hard for us to explain to him.

(Suddenly the door opens and a lawyer named Matt Murdock comes in.)

Matt: Sorry, I'm late. I got held on the court, and the traffick was goddamn terrible.

Principal: Oh, you came, Matt. Sit down.

(Matt sits down and places his case in the desk.)

Matt: Well then, let's begin.

Sheriff: Yes, as I was saying, we are here to discuss where we go from here, or more aptly put... where you go from here.

Matt: Thank you Sheriff Lewis, as for sure you're aware. Your parents left you everything in their possession. (brings the papers to Ulrich.) Including the house.

(Ulrich looks at the papers, noticing that his parents left everything for him, and then he turns back to them.)

Matt: That might sound like an awful lot for a young man your age to handle, which is why we've come up with two options.

Sheriff: Now, according to the state of Academy City, Vernon, you are legally allowed to emancipate yourself and continue to take up residence in your parents in your home or your aunt or your other relatives will agreed to take you in for the time being.

Matt: If you choose to live with your uncle, the house will of course, stay your name. But, controlling interest will invert to him until such a time you desire to take it up residency... is this all making sense?

Ulrich: (nods) Yeah.

Principal: Ulrich, there's no right or wrong answers on this, son. Take all the time you need, okay?

Sheriff: We just want what's the best for you and your family.

Matt: It's your decision, Mr. Arkana. Take all the time you need. (smiles) Choose wisely, young man.

(Meanwhile at the mountains cave, Parasite is seen looking at the city.)

Parasite: Hungry...

????: I know you want to hunt more humans, Parasite!

(Parasite turns to see Maurice Brock, also known as Kamen Rider Venom.)

Maurice: We'll hunt down more humans, and we'll kill them all.

Parasite: (stern) What about the Avengers?

Maurice: (smirks) Don't worry about them. We're gonna wait for the successor of Void Knight.

Parasite: Yes indeed, and we're gonna destroy Academy City since the Alien Dino Thunder Force saved it years ago.

Maurice: They are nothing compared to us. (smirks deviously) But. there are no warriors, no heroes... and nothing to help them. Let the hunt begin.

Parasite: (smirks menacingly) Yes, let the hunt begin tonight. Hahahaha!

Maurice: But first...

(Maurice pulls out a driver and places it on his waist.)


(Then he pulls a progrisekey.)




Maurice: (smirks) Henshin!


(Maurice becomes Kamen Rider Venom.)

Venom: Kamen Rider... (smirks) Venom!

(Then the screen fades out as Kamen Rider Venom's eyes glow.)

(To be continued)

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