Dragonzord/Tigerzord/Q Rex

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Name: Justin Sonow



Superhuman Enhanced ->Absolute/Beyond Godly condition: Absolute/Beyond Godly:Strength, Speed, Durability, Endurance, Agility, Stamina, Reflexes, vision, senses, Healing(absolute Level), Regeneration(absolute level), Resurrection(absolute Level), Adaptability, Indestructibility, Invulnerability, Invincibility, Prep time, Master Martial Artist, Master strategist, Master Combatant, Photographic Memory, Photographic R&R, combat Mimicry, Explosion Manipulation, flawless precognition, future vision, Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Anti Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space Time Manipulation, Space Time Travel, Fate Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Law manipulation, Still force manipulation, Negative Still force manipulation, Strength Force manipulation, Negative Strength Force Manipulation, Durability Force manipulation, Negative Durability force manipulation, Cosmic Energy Manipulation, Meta Power Negation, Meta Power Immunity, Meta Power Nullification, Meta Immunity Bypassing, Meta Manipulation, Author Authority, 4th wall awareness, 4th wall interaction, 4th wall break, 4th wall contact, 4th wall Manipulation, 4th wall breach, Void Manipulation, Anti Void Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Anti Energy Manipulation, Anti Energy absorption, Anti Energy Projection, Electricity Manipulation, Power Manipulation, Electricity Absorption, Absolute Flight, Self Sustenance(Types 1,2, and 3), Statistics Amplification, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation,weapon mastery, Master Marksman, forcefield creation, Dimensional Travel, Time Travel, Dimensional Manipulation, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, BFR, Acausality(all types), Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Large Size(Types 1 and 10), Reality Warping, Matter Manipulation, Anti Matter Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Summoning, Attack Reflection,  Morphin Grid Manipulation, Morphin Grid Absorption, Morphin Grid Creation, Morphin Grid Destruction, Morphin Grid Empowerment, Morphin Grid Embodiment, Life Manipulation, Life force manipulation, Life Force Absorption, Technological Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Forcefield generation, Forcefield Creation, Universe Manipulation, Universal force manipulation, Multiversal Manipulation, Multiversal Force manipulation, Omniversal Manipulation, Omniversal Force Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Conceptual Erase Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Big Destruction Manipulation, Prime Universe Manipulation, Prime Multiverse Manipulation, Prime Omniverse Manipulation, Universe Destruction, Multiverse Destruction, Omniverse Destruction, Universe Creation, Multiverse Creation, Omniverse Creation, Light and Dark Manipulation, Absolute Destruction, Hakai, Metaphysics Manipulation,Afterimage creation, Afterimage generation,Vibration Manipulation, Shockwave Manipulation, Vibration Generation, Shockwave Generation, Invisibility, Transmutation, Black Hole Creation, Strength Augmentation, Speed Augmentation, Durability and endurance augmentation,Intangible Dopplegangers, Attack Reflection, Summoning, Master Leadership skills,Plasma manipulation,Violence empowerment, Violence inducement, Violence Manipulation,Wrath Aura, Wrath Embodiment, Still force, Negative Still force, Rage form, Berserk mode, Rage power, Rage Constructs, Rage Aura,Pain Suppression,Analytical Prediction,death empowerment, Death Embodiment, Death Force Manipulation, Death force absorption, death force: Artillery, attacks, aura, combat, constructs, weaponry, Darkness manipulaion, Dark energy manipulation, Abyss Lordship, Absolute erasure, Absolute destruction, Primordial nothingness manipulation, Abyss Manipulation, Absolute Soul Manipulation, afterlife manipulation, Afterlife: Border, marking, prevention, insanity inducement, Darkness manipulation, primordial darkness manipulation, absolute Darkness, bio darkness manipulation, bio twilight manipulation, black hole attack, black hole manipulation, Darkness constructs, Light absorption, Holy Light manipulation, Holy Light empowerment, Holy Light embodiment, Light Dark force manipulation, Light Darkness Aura, Light Darkness attacks,Angelic destruction, Virtue Empowerment, banishment, exorcism, destruction embodiment, all destruction powers, destruction manipulation, destroyed matter manipulation, destroyed space manipulation, destroyed soul manipulation, destroyed time manipulation, destroyed universal manipulation, destruction negation, destructive force, energy manipulation, judgement manipulation, judgement inducement, meta fear inducement, punishment,angel lordship, angel manipulation, angel summoning, Angel Soul, Angelic/divine aura, divine presence, holy blacklight, light aura, Divine force manipulation, Angelic force manipulation, Demonic/Divine slayer, Sacred energy generation, virtue manipulation, smiting, divine banishment, meta teleportation, purification, Greater Divinity/Supreme Divinity, Godly Incarnation,ultimate power, Heaven Lordship, Divine Authority, Heaven Manipulation, Divine Environment manipulation,Statistics amplification, Empathic manipulation, Homing Attack,Master tactician, Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Existence Erasure, Energy Projection, Telepathy,  Clairvoyance, Extrasensory Perception, Sealing and Purification Manipulation, Holy Manipulation,Absolute Creation, Absolute Destruction, Longevity, Quantum Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Time Travel, Barrier Creation, Cosmic Energy Manipulation, True Divinity, Light Manipulation, Holy Light Manipulation, Dimensional Storage, Matter Manipulation, Portal Creation,Pocket Reality Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Higher Dimensional Existence, Abstract Existence(type 2), Non Physical Interaction, Absorb manipulation(He can absorb ranger powers to gain access to his other transformations. This is a reference to Lord Drakkon absorbing rangers powers by the morphers and gaining new forms), Existence Creation, Chaos Energy Manipulation, Chaos Energy Absorption, Chaos Energy Empowerment, Chaos Energy Embodiment(All these Chaos Energy powers Via Green Chaos Crystals. Along with the Master Emerald), Judgement Eyes
Combat proficiency,Mental Powers, Super Ventriloquism, Super Hypnotism, Tactile Telekinesis, Causality Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation,Self Duplication, Matter Transmutation, Anti Matter Transmutation,Pure Data Manipulation/Pure Technology Manipulation, Toon Force(he doesn't use it that much), Undetectability, Cosmic Awareness, Ability Replication(can copy abilities of his opponents),Absolute And Beyond Omnidimentional Authority : His authority is the highest and beyond any god known possible in every type of verse ( Universe , Multiverse , Omniverse , Chronoverse , Metaverse , Xenoverse , Hyperverse , And Beyond These Types Of Verses), Absolute Restoration/Reparation(Can fix the Morphin Grid and his suits whenever they get battle damaged)

Absolute & True Omnidimentional Authority Manipulation : He has the capability of manipulating the authority of any god possible , despite them being "the beginning" , "the end" , etc . He can change their authority and how much they can manipulate , this cannot be blocked or avoided , this attack or change is everywhere , he controls everything about the being no matter whom the being is.

Complete Freedom: He cannot be controlled by real world creators, even those with True Author Authority.

Creator Summon: Can call upon the powers of Real World Creators to gain authority of their fictional creations.

Omnilock, Omni Immunity,

Absolute&True Omnipotence

He can't be overpowered. If there is someone who is stronger than him and they fought each other, he will increase in power till he becomes stronger.

Absolute&True Omnipresence

Can exist all places at once. inside and outside the fictional world and the real world.

Absolute&True Omniscience

Absolute&True Immortality

Can never truly Die. He's Immortal.  He literally can't die. Even if you try to kill him in anyway possible. He still can't die.


Megazord Forms:

Main Weapons:





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