Part 1

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after the whole anime war was delt with you were trying to help meggy get used to her new human form, after you finsihed cleaning the side of the castle peach told you to clean, you went over to see how meggy was doing

Y/n: hey meggy who's it goi- ahh

you duck down and a broom misses your head.

Meggy: i'm fine y/n

Y/n: looks like you haven't even started yet.

Meggy: i know y/n

Y/n: do you want some help

Meggy: why are you acting like this

Y/n:.....because i'm your boyfriend...and you always like it when i act like "this"

Meggy: well i don't need any help


Meggy: yes Y/n, just leave me alone

You go get the broom in the hallway and hand it to meggy

Meggy: Y/n.

You inch the broom closer to her

Meggy: stop it Y/n.

You kept moving the broom closer to her face until it touches her nose

Meggy: Give Me That!

She takes the broom and tries to hit you with it, you caught the broom in your hand without even looking

Y/n: I'm just trying to help you get use to your new body

Meggy:.........Fine....but promise me you'll do whatever it takes

Y/n: i promise, i will do whatever it takes for you to get use to your new body

Meggy smiles a bit and hugs you

Meggy: thanks Y/n

Y/n: no problem, now let's get started, you know how peach is when we mess some shit up.

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