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I was tagged by worldofwarcrafty

So here I go!

1. What's your favorite anime opening song?

Grrr. Right now it's between Share the World from One Piece and Ashita O Narase from Fairy Tail

2. What's something other than internet/ phone that you could never live without.

Ppffffttt. I can live without the internet or the phone. Heck I was there when you had to do the dial up!

Anyway I would say my hands..... Without hands you can't draw.....or eat....

3. If you could draw angel wings, would you want white or black ones?

Lulz. Black ones all the way

4. If you draw, what is the scariest thing about drawing?


5. If people could have any hair color as their natural hair color what would you want your be?

Hmm.... Red.

6. If you could travel back to any point in time, what time period would you want to visit?

...... The past is a dangerous place.....

Hitler I'm coming for you , you piece of sh-

7. What's your biggest pet peeve?

When people chew with their mouth open and smack. It drives me crazy!!!!

8. Do you have or have you had a pet?

Ya. I have a pit bull, her name's Mumba.

9. What do you like to do in your spare time ?

Eat, draw and finish my writing fanfictions.

10. Who is / are you favorite anime character and what do you like about them.

1. Masrur (magi) he is future husband!!

2. Erza (fairy tail) I love her to bits

3. Luffy (OP) HE'S AWESOME

4. Yunan (magi) so cute

11. Are you a morning bird or night owl?

Both? Both? Yes, both is good

12. Do you have funny/ silly quirks?

Stay out my coolaid!!!!

13. If you could instantly master anything , what would you master?

Pokemon!!! Lol just kidding.

Um...... Hell I don't know, it wouldn't be drawing because I like the time it takes to practice.....

So I guess cooking.... So I could eat all the time!!!

I shall tag!!



If you've already done it then don't mind me. Bye!

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