The Neon Smoke and more

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Me and BetaDemons made some original characters today oh boy

Alright, so right here we have Janet, inspired by Interplanet Janet. This is a collaborative piece in which Beta drew the lines and I colored. She's got some nice curly hair, along with eye-blinding colors on her outfit fit to be in the 80's. Hoop earrings are also there, along with blue, yellow, and pink eyes (Beast!Wirt colored). She's Kricc's girlfriend, so she forces him to where that neon yellow coat of his. She pretends to hate Kricc's smoking (vaping?), but she actually does it herself because she doesn't understand how he smokes rainbow smoke, so she smokes cigarettes she created herself in order to discover how he does it.  She considers herself a scientist. She's also the only one who calls Kricc as you would imagine it being pronounced (with a hard 'c' instead of a soft one). She's got the 'really freakin peppy" character trait, and plays the bongos in their band.

This is Kricc, but it's pronounced like "Cris" would be. Also a collaborative piece, but this time I drew the lines and Beta colored. He's pretty emo and says "dope" very often. His eyes are like Janet's but the colors are reversed. He's got silverish colored hair in an emo Robbie haircut, with a winter hat with the pom-poms instead of a beanie. Under his neon trench coat that Janet makes him wear, he has a black and white version of their band logo on a tee shirt. He smokes vape (vapes?), but the smoke he blows out is rainbow. He plays the banjo in their band. This poor man just wants to be emo but Janet keeps being preppy and so he's often the victim of her enthusiasm. He kinda sorta hates Janet, but he secretly values her friendship. Is actually best friends with Kate. He's probably the most #relatable character so far.

(Im sorry about her l e g s) Here's Kate, and she's just the pretty much average one. She has red hair, a green sweater, jeans, and sunglasses to hide her eyes; one is all black, and one is all white. She was Kricc's original friend, but then along came Janet and joined them thus creating a friend group. She alsokinda sorta hates Janet, but secretly values her friendship. She's the singer of their band. She noticed that she had to wear something flashy along with Janet and Kricc, so when they play as a band, she wears a Rubix cube costume:

During these times, she wears those rainbow rave glasses instead of sunglasses.

Their band is called The Neon Smoke, with Janet on bongos, Kricc on the banjo, and Kate as vocals.

If I forgot anything, then Beta will tell me in the comments, probably. >u>


I doodled some stuff such as DAY 10!!: FAVORITE TOWNSFOLK:

Pacifica! I'm pretty sure I screwed up her normal outfit, so ye

Here's a random lower-body:

idk what to say about it, heh

Her name is Garcia, and those are goggles on her forehead.

One more collaborative piece! I drew a cat outline, and Beta colored it in:

Here we have Gleamstar (aka Starkit)


I think that's all for now!


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