Anyways, short notice...

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Since this IS Wattpad, one of the apps for authors to post their stories in and Readers to, well... read them, of course...
Well, I basically just decided that I, too, could finally, FINALLY start the story I wanted to start two years ago or something like that... but now, after finally having a concept of what it might look like, I decided "Hey, I could try it!"

Just... I splitted it a bit.

As you can see, there are four "Acts". One plays in Unova, one in Alola AND Kalos, one in my own region called "Detaota" and the last on Pasio.
I basically splitted it, so I can have more freedom (when I get an Idea for Act 3 I can write there without noticing that there is something missing in 1 and 2), and so my tablet doesn't lag 24/7 when opening that story... it happenes with one of my unpublished works (I wouldn't have published any part anyways, they are my oneshots and mine alone... they were basically there for me to practise my English writing...).
But also so people don't get confused... at least, I hope that with different 'Acts', some might be less confused... okay yeah that probably isn't that much true, but... yeah.

I also will draw covers for those, so... yeah, stay tuned if you want to read them.
Once the cover for Act 1 is done, the first part will be released... and yes, I hope to be able to update at least once a week-

Anyways, that was all.

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