Number 7's thoughts

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'What is she doing here?!' I screamed out while trying to continue focusing on freezing the dragon.

'I don't know?! She was well asleep when we were still a base!' Ene/Takane screamed out as the girl tilted her head.

'Where am I?'

'In a magical place filled with dragons and rainbows of course!' Kano said and got punched by Tsubomi. 'Idiots should just be idiots and keep quiet,'

Suddenly, the sound of ice cracking was faintly heard but everyone turned around, worried.

The ice slowly, slowly, ever so slowly broke and the dragon was free again. The dragon stared at me and said 'You weak little Yukibito, you can't even do a single thing right! I'm sure you have a ton of burdens and regrets, don't you?~'

I took a step back and tried to form a protest, but I couldn't. Not now.

The dragon laughed filled the building as the others continued to attack him. 'I was once like you, weak and a burden. Why not let me help you become powerful? Just hand the girl to me and I'll give you powers never seen before! Powers of every living creature in the world!'

'Don't do it, Shintaro!' A familiar voice said. I turned around and only saw the girl which was here before but now, she looked more serious and have her eyes always been always been gray? Wait, no dark brown. Wait, no, it's gray again. Wait, now it's her normal eye color purple. Again, her eyes are gray again.  What's going on?! And how did she know my name?!

'I agree with the spirit that posses me now, don't die now Shintaro!' The spirit that posses her? The girl opened her mouth again but a voice a little more caring said 'Shintaro, don't believe that monster! He is just trying to find a way to go through your mind!'

The voice sounds so familiar but I can't seem to pinpoint it now. A loud growl came from behind me and said 'Tsk, what annoying spirit or yōkai has posses you now, girl? No matter. I still need you if I want to conquer the entire sea on my own!'

'Wait........... your one of those Watatasumis!' Seto said and tried to aim for the dragon's eye again. I think he missed as I heard him growl out in pain.

'Finally! At least one of you know me! After I take control of this girl, I will be able to rule every sea in the world!' he said and pointed at the white haired girl who looked scared but confident.

The white haired girl looked at me and said 'Shintaro, please, don't fall for his tricks,'

'Got him!' Kido said and blasted a powerful wind spell at the dragon. The dragon touched his eyes in pain and said 'This will not be the last of me! Every Ayakashi and Yōkai will go after her! Your lifes will only be harder! You have not faced the wrath of-' and disappeared.

The girl's eyes slowly back to purple and said 'So.............. your name is Shintaro right?' I slowly nodded and the girl gave a smile. 'The spirit who possessed me just now was a kind girl! She told me to tell all of you a message!'

Everyone walked closer to the girl and the white-haired girl said in the other voice: 'Hello minna-san! I know that everyone misses me and probably want to kill me but please listen to my one request. This girl is powerful and her existence is crucial to everyone! Please protect her for me, please. I will see everyone again someday! Tsubomi, Kousuke and Shuuya, onee-chan will forever watch over everyone including the 3 of you! Goodbye for now!'

Kido covered her mouth while Seto and Kano gasped. Now I know why that voice sounds so familiar.

Marry let out a small cough and said 'C-can we head b-back now?' Seto smiled and said 'Of course, Marry. Can you change to a dragon again please?' Marry nodded and turned to a dragon again.

Momo and Kido helped the girl up and everyone got on Dragon Marry again. She slowly took off and flew in the sky.

I looked up to the clouds and said 'Keep watching over us................. Ayano,'

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