9. Gas station

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I woke up and started to panic as I noticed tanner shaking me awake, though when he started laughing at me I dead panned and smacked him in the arm

"Oww! Dude!" He yelled while rubbing the spot I smacked with a frown

"What do you want" I yawned sitting up and stretched my arms out above my head

"Do you wanna go to the gas station with me?"

"You can't drive, and I'm not driving" my brows furrowed in confusion

"Well yeah- I thought we could get Isaac to take us and maybe we can invite Larry too" he rolled his eyes sassily and placed his hands on his hips

My gaze narrowed on him for a moment as I thought about it which seemed to make him nervous as he cleared his throat and shifted his weight to the other foot, some of the guys find me scary when I've just woken up, I don't blame them

"Fine, let me change and I'll meet you guys at the house" I rubbed my eyes with another yawn

"Yippieeee! Okay!" He yelled before running out of my room all giddy


I sighed before opening the door and walking into the house, I immediately spotted yumi and rolled my eyes as he walked up the stairs and didn't even spare me a glance.

Tanner ran over to me and gave me a big hug almost suffocating me "oh my god tanner-"

"Y/n! I missed you buddy!"

"T you saw me like fifteen minutes ago, please let me go" I gave him a small Pat on the back before trying to pry him off of me to which he let me go with a frown

I glanced behind him and on the couch was Larry and Isaac, Larry was showing Isaac a tik tok on his phone.

I walked up behind the couch and placed a firm hand on each of their shoulders causing them to look up at me with a scared expression while I rubbed their shoulders

"Y'all are uh.. pretty mature for your age.." I joked licking my lips causing Larry to scream and Isaac to immediately stand up and back away

"Where are you guys even going?" Isaac asked laughing a bit as Larry looked disgusted

"Oh- can you take us to 7-11 Isaac, pretty pleaseee" Larry dragged the 'please' and batted his lashes at Isaac with pleading hands (🙏🏼)

"No, I'm too tired, have y/n drive" he said simply before sitting back down on the couch

"Oh my god I don't want to" I sighed with a shake of my head and Larry instead turned to me with the pleading and so did tanner, copying what Larry was doing

I groaned before nodding "fine y'all are lucky I want Reeces"

They both smiled and began to cheer and celebrate a "Yippie!" -coming from tanner as I laughed a bit

"Okay- Come on let's go, I want snacks"




These guys randomly came up to me and offered me drugs, y'all know them? 🧐

I laughed as I posted the photo to my Instagram before putting my phone in my pocket, Larry shook his head as he had watched me type in the caption and then he turned to the slushy section of the gas station

"We should get slushies"

Tanner almost started jumping in joy with a goofy grin "oh my god dude yes!"

"I call red!" I yelled running over to the slushies and grabbing a big cup, filling it with the cherry slush

"What do you mean you 'call' red?" Said Larry as he appeared on my left side and tanner appeared on my right, reaching over me to grab a slushy cup too

"If we all get the same flavor that's kinda lame"

"I call blue, fuck you Larry" tanner said while filling his cup with the blue raspberry slush

Larry's jaw dropped and he scoffed "what!"

He sadly grabbed a cup and walked over to the last flavor besides red and blue which was purple, he sighed and got the grape slush before grabbing a straw and taking a sip "oh shit this actually isn't that bad"

"Ew dude!" Tanner yelled before grabbing a straw too and handing me one

I took the paper off my straw and poked it into the top taking a long sip before gripping a hand over my heart

I set the slushy down and began to shake and slowly laid on the floor which- might've been a little gross

Tanner got down next to me and began to shake me as I pretended to be getting heart palpitations "we need a doctor! She's got a brain freeze!"

Larry started laughing before setting his slushy down too and straightening up before crouching down and cracking his knuckles "don't worry I am a professional" he said in a British accent

He started to do CPR by basically using his fist and punching my collar bone "ow! That's not even the right spot!" I groaned before sitting up

"I don't think that's how they put their hands either" tanner giggled before getting up and pulling me up too

Larry started laughing before getting up as well and grabbing his slushy "we need to get out of here before we get kicked out for being stupid"


We walked through the door laughing about some stupid joke about apes tanner said which caused Isaac to turn to us as well as Blake who were both sitting on the couch

"Why were you guys gone so long?" Isaac inquired with a confused expression at what we were laughing at

"We got snacks and then we went driving and we're playing embarrassing songs with our windows down, whoever rolled it up first lost and of course y/n lost" said tanner with a shrug

Larry laughed remembering it "yeah we were playing the gay version of mask by dream, that shit was so funny" he laughed even more and so did tanner

"Dude! There was an old lady in the car next to us and she was staring at me!" I laughed a little too and covered my face with my free hand in

Blake started to laugh and so did Isaac, I started to shake my head and pulled some candy out of the bag and threw a packet at Isaac and a packet of gummy worms at Blake who caught them and gave me a smile

I swear he's bipolar cus now he's smiling at me after ignoring me earlier?

I gave him a small confused smile back before heading upstairs away from the conversation the others were now having and taking my bag of snacks with me, sipping on my slushy in my other hand

Blake had popped up next to me as I walked up the stairs "what flavor is that?" He motioned to my slushy as we got to the top of the steps and walked halfway to my room

"Cherry, why?" I said after taking a sip

Immediately after I took a sip he grabbed the slushy, his fingers overtop my own as he leaned forward and took a sip from the straw

Leaving me in a little bit of shock that he just shared the straw like that, he pulled back and began to walk to his room with a smile "thanks"

I stood there for a moment long after he went into his room and tried to process that, it didn't seem like a big thing but usually Blake was very germaphobe about that type of stuff

Why has he been so weird, I'm so confused by this man


Hey guys, kinda shitty chapter but I did this in class hiding in a corner so no one saw me writing it lmao cus embarrassing 🙈 but I just put this out to give y'all SOMETHING cus I been slacking due to finals but I'll have smth better out soon.

Also girls, if any man has you confused about his feelings towards you EVER no matter what, kick him to the curb bc if he truly wanted you he would have you 🤞🏼

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