I Hear You

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This is a continuation from the last part, Hope you guys like it :)

(I feel like this is such a wholesome song, 2020 needs this and it fits what this story is trying to do. Just sit and listen to it for a minute if you'd like. It's what I've been doing)


Elizabeth shot back suddenly and covered her mouth with her hands. Did she just...? From the look on Meliodas' face, she knew her answer, but she wasn't sure if she could accept it. Was it him being so close to her that made her talk or was it all the emotions he helped her to remember? She didn't know, but by God, she wanted to find out.

She wanted to revel in this feeling, she never wanted it to leave. She felt a gentle touch on her hand making her raise her gaze once again to meet his own. "Well done Elizabeth! That was amazing." She blushed at his compliment and shrugged her shoulders. Truth is, to her it was a big deal, it's the first time she has spoken in years- whisper or not, she was proud. But to someone who has spoken their entire life, a whisper is nothing out of the ordinary. It may have been a simple 'squeak' to one person, but for her, it was the beginning of the long journey ahead. "Honestly Elizabeth, that was awesome! You know what, everyday after school can we meet in the music room? I want to help you speak again, if you want to that is..." Meliodas trailed off a slight pink colour dusted his cheeks ever so slightly, but Elizabeth nodded eagerly. If anyone could help her, it would be him. If anyone could fix her, she knew she was in no safer hands than the boy infront of her. While she wasn't bullied at school and she didn't neccesarily have a horrible time there, she was in the first time of her life excited to go in the morning, excited to learn, and excited to speak. She knew it would take a while, and that she couldn't wait, but the thought of her being included in an actual conversation, not that's what she dreampt of.

Elizabeth watched Meliodas do a small fist bump and giggled inwardly at his childish nature. She wished to be like that, and she knew that if she stayed with him, her dream would come true.

He grabbed her arm, firmly but gently. He had something he wanted to show her but he was afraid to scare her away, she felt this through his touch, but she had this overwhelming sensation to follow him no matter where he took her. Before she knew it, before she could even think about what was going to happen, or whether this was even a good idea, she stepped forward. Her heart skipped, it felt as though her whole body was buzzing. Suddenly she felt everything, in this moment everything felt right and it was almost as if anything that happened from this point on would happen for a reason, if it included him, she'd take the world head on, and for the first time since she could remember, she felt strong enough to do it. 

Her eyes shone, the stars reflected in the most wonderous of ways and she could think clearly. Meliodas' grip slid down her forearm and rested in her own plam. In an attempt to keep him as close as possible she slowly curled her grip around his hand, which he happily reciprocated. he turned to meet her gaze, his lips curled into a careless smile that she knew reached his eyes, it reached his heart, they were really, true emotions. He expressed them so freely and openly. 

She loved it. Her grip tightened every so slightly as she returned his expression with a gentle smile, and but a moment later, he had stopped, and lead her up the path to her front door. Her grip retreated from his warmth and she had only just noticed the slight shiver within her movements that begged her to retreat to her bed and escape the cold. 

Meliodas chuckled at her expense and pat her on the head. Stepped back and spoke softly into the wind, "See you tomorrow Ell." Turning and walking into the darkness. Elizabeth slowly took the keys and inserted them into her front door. Waiting a moment, no, savouring the moment as though it were a dessert she never wanted to finish. She inevitably knew that she had to go inside no matter what, and so she did. Her door opened and closed behind her, she knew she would never forget what had happened to her that night, she wasn't sure if speaking to his class mates in the middle of the night and walking them back home was a normal activity of Meliodas', but she'd be more than happy enough to replay the events of the evening. this night would be a night that she would more than likely relive for the rest of her days. Even if she couldn't share her most precious memory with her sisters, even if she couldn't tell anyone about the way her body felt like it was flying, or the way her heart pounded when he said how proud of her he was, or even how proud she was that she managed to speak, even if it was a whisper. 

Her footsteps were light and uneven beneath her body, but she made it up the stairs and into her bedroom and fell face first into her bed. In this night everything happened. She found someone that made her feel as though the world wasn't unfair, it wasn't her against the world, and she was not by any means on her own. She had someone in her corner now, someone to help her and guide her. She held onto that envisionment with all her might, and she promised herself she'd never let go. Her eyes closed and she welcomed the comforting darkness and fell into  a peaceful slumber. 

Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes, and raised her head. she looked at the clock beside her bed- Friday. Elizabeth liked Fridays, it was the day she could spend the longest in the music room and she could add more to her sheet. Her sheet, Elizabeth's widened in fear, she was sure she had grabbed it before she left. Now that she thought about it she wasn't so sure, she left in such a hurry, she didn't know who had spied on her, so she remembered running away. Her head fell in her hands, she had worked so hard on that piece of music for so long, she hadn't finished it, had she really lost it now? It was currently 7am, she had time, she she had a quick breakfast and left to school she'd have time to look for it, she'd find it, it would still be there. Or at least that's what she'd tell herself in the meantime until she found it again. 

Plan in mind, Elizabeth dressed herself in her school attire and grabbed her bag, taking both downstairs. Her bag was placed by the door and she walked into the kitchen- the empty kitchen, she was used to her sister Margaret cooking in the kitchen, breakfast for everyone before she left to go to work, but not today apparently. Elizabeth didn't mind, she put a slice of bread in the toaster and left to put her shoes on, took the toast, grabbed her bag and left without saying a word. She remembered what happened yesterday, the anger between both sister Margaret and Veronica, and she wanted to stay as far away from that memory as possible. Though she knew that wasn't the best way to go about the situation, she knew it would take time to get over this, and she knew she sisters were arguing for her sake and about what was best to do for her, but she wished that she wasn't treated as a baby so much, she was becoming an adult now, and she just wished that they could recognise that. As much as it doesn't seem like she is trying and avoids everyone as best she can, Elizabeth has grown since her accident as a child. She takes the time to learn from everything she does, and she makes it a habits to make sure she is safe where ever she goes, with whatever she does. Which in her opinion was not too bad a trait to have.

Upon reaching the school she walked towards the music room, and immediately began her search, did she leave it on top of the piano? Or perhaps with the music stand? It wasn't here. Had someone taken it? Would someone take it. While she knew it wasn't the best thing to do, her heartbeat started rising, the blood rushed around her body and she felt as though she was going into panic mode. A gentle tap on her shoulder, and the friendly face of someone she knew eased her trembling. His eyes read her expression, and his carelessness was swiftly replaced with concern as he tried to work out what was wrong. Elizabeth sheepishly pointed to the resting post for a music sheet, almost as though she were embarrassed to be associated with any thing of the sort. Though he inwardly chuckled and opened his bag searching for something. returning with a piece of paper. 

She lunged at Meliodas hands and snatched away the paper, eagerly opening it and seeing her composition and hugged it close. The tears threatened her as she fought them back. "I think-" Meliodas began, "That I should have a reward for looking after it." He grinned, Elizabeth nodded her head happily, she'd do anything for him anyway- not that she'd tell him. "I'd like to hear it." and there he was standing before her, he clasped his hands together and practically puppy dog begged her to play, and she stood still. She never thought that was what he would ask her, or perhaps she was hoping for something different?  Melidodas seemed to take notice of her hesitation and spoke "You don't have to if-" Elizabeth covered his mouth with her hand, and took a deep breath in. She nodded and slowly took a violin off of the holder on the wall, grabbed a bow and got into position, "Elizabeth really, I don't want to force you to-" 

And she struck her first chord, the chord turn into a melody and that to her song. Individual and unique, personal yet relatable, so sad yet inspirational. She'd made it to where she was yesterday, the loneliness and longing before she knew how it was going to end. This was it, her final piece. She was accepted, she knew what it felt like, and she knew what it meant. And now, she was finally ready to tell the world. Then it was over, but by the time she had realized upon where she stood, and where Meliodas sat, the tears on his face were undeniable, the emotions she she used to feel were there. 

And it was then she knew,

"I heard you Elizabeth, I heard everything."

That she finally had a voice.


I hope it's up to your expectations! and that you enjoyed it. 

As always likes are appreciated but leave a comment too! I'm a Uni student now guys T~T so I'd love to engage with you more and get to know you

And if you like this idea or want to continue it yourself please do, I'd love to see where you take this, tag me in or send me a message I'd love to read it and give you my thoughts! 

Much love guys, stay safe :) <3

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