I tried to scream

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I tried to scream, I tried to run,
But his lust was overpowering, I was done.
I was uncomfortable, shaking with fear,
As he binded me with his desires near.

I asked myself, what did I do wrong?
Why was I subjected to this for so long?
I wanted to die, to escape the pain,
But the darkness of night left me in vain.

Thrown on the streets, feeling so low,
Whispers about me, everywhere I go.
I wore a sleeveless dress, they said it was my fault,
Blaming me for his actions, assault by default.

I cried and cried, never left my room,
Haunted by memories of that night of doom.
But I will not stay silent, I will not hide,
I will stand up strong, with my head held high.

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