Majestic Whales

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Oh majestic whales, so magnificent and free
In the vast oceans they roam, a sight to see
Unique and beautiful, in their grace they glide
Mysterious creatures, in the depths they hide

Nurturing their young, forming friendships true
Innovating ways to survive, a clever crew
Grieving loss, playing games with joyous glee
Singing melodies, harmonious and free

Cooperating with each other, in harmony they dwell
In the vast expanse of the ocean they excel
Their songs reverberate, for miles and miles they roam
Guiding their way, in the depths they call home

Oh whales, so wondrous and wise
With your gentle nature, you hypnotize
We admire your beauty, your grace and your might
In the endless oceans, you shine so bright

May you forever swim, in the deep blue sea
A symbol of strength and grace, for all eternity.


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