Red Rose

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In the vast expanse of the sea of bouquets,
amidst a myriad of colors, she stood in a blaze,
a single red rose, a beacon of grace,
petals delicate, like velvet they embraced.

A testament to beauty, a symbol of love,
this captivating flower, sent from above,
in its crimson hue, a fiery passion unfurls,
an enchanting power that enraptures the world.

Oh, how it glimmers, this radiant bloom,
with each petal like gold in a sunlit room,
its fragrance, oh so sweet, like heavenly perfume,
drawing me closer, dispelling all gloom.

In the depths of the chaos, a tranquil symphony grows,
a harmonious blend of whispers and woes,
yet in her embrace, my solace is found,
in her vibrant red rose, my sanctuary is bound.

Long black hair cascading like a raven's wing,
a smile that steals hearts, a captivating thing,
adorable brown eyes, twinkling with delight,
she is an enchantress, a beacon of light.

The world may see me as popular and bright,
but in her presence, my soul finds respite,
for in her radiant smile, I am forever held,
oh, how I have fallen, unlawfully compelled.

In the confines of my lonely chamber I dwell,
but her crimson red rose, the stories they tell,
I find solace in its fragile allure,
a love so pure, so sacred, so sure.

she didn't want my riches, my worldly acclaim,
but her smile bewitched me, igniting a flame,
in the library, she would often be found,
unaware of everything, yet my heart she had bound.

Lost in the labyrinth of books and dreams,
she became my serenity, my everything it seems,
i would wait a lifetime if she would have me,
for my love is true, boundless and free.

Call me crazy, call me mad,
but my adoration for her is all I have,
a love that stretches through eternity,
my heart, forever tangled in her tapestry.

In the sea of bouquets, I found my solace,
in her one red rose, I discovered my own grace,
petals delicate, like velvet, they caressed,
radiant beauty, the epitome of the blessed.

Amidst the chaos, a tranquil symphony grows,
my sanctuary, my solace, that vibrant red rose.


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