Sky is on Fire

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O the majestic sky is on fire,
As nature burns, its beauty turns dire.
Once adorned with hues of sapphire and gold,
Now tainted with flames, a story unfolds.

The land upon which factories proudly stand,
Spewing pollution, poisoning our sacred land.
Streams once pure now run murky and brown,
The water, once life-giving, now brings only a frown.

Oh, how the air now breathes toxic despair,
Its once-refreshing breeze now reeks of despair.
The lungs gasp for purity, choked by the smog,
As our very existence slips through this dense fog.

Once fruitful fields, no longer bearing crops,
As seasons change, the harvest never pops.
The soil depleted, a barren wasteland remains,
A cruel reminder of the toll of human gains.

Animals, once safe in their natural domain,
Now tremble in fear, their peace a distant refrain.
Their habitats destroyed, a tragic plight,
Their future uncertain in this endless night.

Oh, the sky is on fire, a symbol of our demise,
As the consequences of our actions arise.
We must bear witness to this self-inflicted plight,
And take responsibility, for Earth's sake, to make it right.


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