Introduction//Welcome to Golden Bridge...

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"James! Wake up!" My little brother yells. 

"Shut it Ryan" I mumble. 

"We have to leave in 5 minutes!" Ryan explains. 

"Shit" I bolt upright "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I ask. 

"I tried! I'm 7, What do you want from me?" He asks. 

I roll my eyes, kicking him out. 

I grab my glasses and throw them on my face, walking to the bathroom. 

I get ready, combing my hair, putting in contacts and other essentials while playing music and slightly singing along to it. 

I quickly get dressed, throwing on my letterman jacket and running downstairs. 

"Good morning!" I smile, entering my kitchen. 

"I ask one thing James, Wake up on time, and I don't even get that?" My mom asks. 

"Sorry, I was out late last night" I shrug, Grabbing a muffin. 

"Yeah Yeah, Now go" She orders. 

I kiss her cheek and grab my bag "Bye mom!" 

"Bye mom!" Ryan echoes as we exit our house. 

I help him into the backseat then get into the drivers seat. 

The drive to his school isn't long and I quickly get him dropped off then start the jorney to the high school. 

The streets weren't busy, which makes sense, most people were either just waking up or already at work. 

That's how things work around here. 

Golden Bridge wasn't a very busy town, and I liked it that way.

However, Petiton for school to start later, 7:55 Is too early.

And school has only been in session for a week. 

"Aye it's James!" My friend, Liam yells, seeing me pull into my parking spot. 

I put my car in park and grab my keys and bag, getting out of the car and walk over to my friends. 

"What's up losers?" I yawn. 

"You still tired, Poor Jamesy" Pouts Erin.

"Shut it, I don't understand how you guys are standing" I scoff. 

"Coffee" Tyler nods. 

"Yeah okay" I run my hand through my hair and look over my shoulder.

Everyday is the same. 

I come to school, meet up with my friends, we joke, and then wait for Kyle. 

Kyle is our teams quarterback. 

He's our leader. 

So we follow him. 

Talk about cliche, right? 

We all knew each other.

We all grew up together. 

We've all witnessed friendships end, relationships end, and saw Reputations burn. 

It's how we live. 

Stick to your group and no one gets hurt. 

Popular kids hang with popular kids, nerd with nerd, music geeks with music geeks. 

Welcome to Golden Bridge....where nothing changes. 

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