M and W

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Soon enough it was homecoming week. 

Today was Monday and we had to wear our grade colors. 

I'm a junior so I had to wear blue. 

This was hands down the best week of school. 

Because nobody took it seriously. 

So it's basically a whole week of goofing off with your friends. 

"Hello beautiful" I smile, putting my arm around Whitney. 

"Hi!" She smiles "You ready for the week?"

"Of course" I nod. 

"Good, Because the rest of your team looks like a bunch of monkeys trying to dance" She sighs "It's hilarious!" 

"I knew you were going to say that" I chuckle. 

"Because I'm your favorite person ever" She smiles. 

"Yup!" I smile. 

We walk to the music hallway and go to the choir room to see Tyler and Melody laughing and smiling. 

"That is not how you play the guitar" Melody giggles. 

"Okay, so then...like this?" Tyler asks, strumming the guitar and making it sound bad. 

"No, That is-" I cut Melody off clearing my throat. 

"Oh, Hey guys" Tyler smiles. 

"Hi, I have your lemonade Melody" I say, holding it out. 

Melody smiles and gets up, walking over to me and taking the lemonade. 

"Thank you" Melody smiles. 

"You two seem to be getting close" Whitney smirks, looking over at Tyler. 

"Yeah, we've been having a lot of fun working on music together" Tyler explains. 

Whitney nods "Tyler can I talk to you for a sec?" 

"Sure!" Tyler says, following Whitney out to the hallway. 

"So Melody, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today after practice? We could go get pizza and go to my house and watch movies" I say. 

"Tyler and I have plans, maybe another day?" She asks.

"Um, Yeah sure, just text me" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Okay! Maybe after Friday though, Tyler and I are hanging out almost everyday this week and Whitney and I have stuff to do for the pep rally" Melody explains. 

I nod "You have been hanging out with Whitney and Tyler more recently" 

"Yeah! I finally feel like I have friends now" She smiles "Not saying we weren't friends before it's just nice to have Whitney there as a girl friend" 

"I get it" I smile "I'm happy that more people know you now" 


Thursday hit and let me tell you. 

When I said I was happy that Melody started getting new friends, I lied. 

Whitney and Melody have now been known as M&W. 

They are inseparable. 

Everyday they plan out  what they are going to wear so they look like twins. 

And Melody...She isn't herself. 

She's changed. 

And I don't like it. 

She has turned into a real bitch. 

She sits with the cheerleaders at lunch and makes fun of kids. 

It's not her. 

And I had to talk to her. 

We didn't have a practice today so I went to the choir room. 

"Hey James!" Mr. Henry smiles. 

"Hey! Is Melody in here?" I ask. 

"No, She should be here soon, you can wait if you want" Mr. Henry smiles. 

"Okay, thanks" I smile, sitting at the piano. 

Mr. Henry left and I waited. 

And waited. 

and waited. 

She didn't come. 

She never did. 

"Where's Melody?" Tyler asks, walking into the room. 

"I don't know" I shrug.

"Weird, we were supposed to meet in here today" Tyler shrugs. 

"She's always in here" I state. 

"Not as much anymore, her and Whitney hang out mostly" Tyler explains. 


Whitney and her hang out the most. 

Whitney tells her what to do. 

And Whitney is the one who invited her to sit by them at lunch. 

Whitney is the reason for Melodys new attitude. 

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