17 - The Amulet

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Melody's POV

"Guys? Are you still here" I say while reaching my hands out in the club house But couldn't feel anyone. "Right here." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sigh in relief. "Now, can you tell us exactly what happened? And why your eyes were like that?" Kane asks me. "Well... I was sitting on the beach, and then all of a sudden everything went black and I saw it." "Saw what?" Liam questioned. "The dragon amulet, Hunter was holding it. And he spoke some sort of phrase to unlock it I guess. When he did he was covered in armor. I know how to use it. We just need to find it..." I explain. "Wow. What does it look like maybe our parents know. Or maybe even the dragons" Terra suggests. "Well... its round, it looks like it's made of stone maybe, it has a dragon carved into it. And it glowed a blue light.. until Hunter unlocked it then it glowed red." I described it.
"Hmm do you think you could draw it?" Liam asked. "Well... if you haven't noticed... I'm kinda blind." I reply. "Oh right..." he mumbled. I sigh again and hide my face in my hands. "Ugh! He was right! I will only drag you down! I am a disgrace! I don't deserve to be your leader" i yell, I felt tears running down my face. "Who told you that?!" Kane yelled obviously mad. "Y-you... and Liam and Dad..." I mumble thinking about the dream. "What?! We never said that!" Liam and Kane yelled. "Yes you did! I saw it! You held torches in front of your faces, all of you! You said I was a disgrace! You said I couldn't be your leader, you couldn't trust me! Th-then Hunter... he pinned me to the wall again." I fell to my knees crying. "Melody... none of that happened... we never said that and never would.. it must have just been a dream" Kane protests. "B-but" I felt someone hug me. I shut my self up but don't hug back. Then it hit me. I had an idea. "Let me go..." I start. "Kane I know that's you... let me go." I pause. "No" he replies. "Kane I said let go of me!" I yell at him. Even though I couldn't see him I could I tell he was shocked. I don't normally turn down a hug but I needed to do something. I feel him slowly back off of me. "Hero, I need Hero" I say and stand up. "What are you going to do? Fly away?! You can't see!" Kane yells. "Would you just shut up for a minute Kane!" I yell back. The others were silent. "Here girl. I need you..." I say while reaching my hands out to try and feel for her. Then I hear loud foot steps then felt her head in my hand. "There you are girl." I smile while petting her head. "Now.. I need you to shoot me" I order. "What?!" Kane yelled. "Melody are you insane?!" Liam yelled. "Maybe.." I mumble. "Will you boys shut up?! Just watch!" I can hear Terra yell. "Hero. Shoot me. You know what I need. Do it!" I yell. She hesitated but I soon her her blast getting ready. "Do it!" I yell again. "NO!!! Melody!!!" Kane screamed. Then she shot. I fall back on the hard ground. I heard footsteps then felt someone lift me into their lap. "Are you stupid?"'it was Kane. "No. Actually she's a genius" Terra responds for me. "I used her blast, her healing blast" I say while putting emphasis on healing. All he did was sigh. Then light started to fill the room. "I-I can see!" I yelled. I look up and see Kane's face above mine. I look him in the eyes and smile. I get up from his lap and go to the table. "Paper. I need paper" I say while looking around. "Stay here" I say before running off to my hut. I grab my note book and head back to the club house.

I lay it down on the table and open it to the first page. I haven't taken any notes in here yet because I haven't had the chance or need to, My Mom gave this to be before we ventured off in search of an island.

"Alright." I say while sitting down. I slowly draw the amulet shape by shape. One step at a time. The others stood and watched.

"There." I say when I finish I stand up and hold it up so the others can see.

"So that's the dragon amulet..." terra says. "Yep" i reply.  "I don't recognize it." Liam says. "Try showing it to the Dragons" Kane suggests. "Ok." I say and turn around to all of our dragons. I show the four of them and they sit there staring at it. "Maybe they don't know.." Liam says. "Give it a second" i say. "Come on girl. Do you know where this is?" I ask Hero. She turned and seemed to be speaking with the other dragons. She turns back to me and nods her head yes. "She knows!" I yell. "Can you take us there?" I ask her. She again nods. "Alright, we need to find it before Hunter does. We leave first thing in the morning." I tell the group. They all nod with a smile.

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