21 - Deals

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Melody's POV

"Finally this storm has let up." Kane says while walking in to the club house. "Yeah we can finally go to the edge. And I can see my parents." I smile. I only got to see them for a minute or two after I was rescued because I fell asleep in Kane's arms but when I woke up they had already headed home. "I know you miss them. I miss my parents too" Terra walks up to me. "Yeah. We should I saddle up then get going." I say. "Well.. sounds good to me but where's Liam?" Kane's asks. "Hm. I don't know. I saw him earlier. Then he rushes in to the club house holding a terrier mail, he was out of breath he must have been running. "It's for you." He hands it over to me. I open it and read it silently.

Dear pretty Melody,
Oh, dear, I do hate to inform you of this but I have captured your parents, and all of the riders you call your family. I want you to come alone. I will give them to you alive, maybe not unharmed. But alive. Today. In three hours. On the floating island. I know you have the amulet, because I can not seem to find it here on the island. The amulet for your family. I think that's fair.
-Hunter Grimborn

"No!" I slam the paper down on the table. "What's It say?" Kane asks. "They have the others... all of them.. and they found the island." I look up at them with my eyes. "No... the other dragons.. we need to go Melody. We can't leave them" Hero sounded worried. "I know Hero. But he wants the amulet. I can't just give it to him. Do you know what he will do?" I look down at her. "This isn't good. We need to go now Melody" Liam tells me. "No. You can't. He wants me to come alone. In three hours" I tell them. I take my hands off the table and walk over to Hero and place my hands on the saddle. "You can't seriously be going in alone. Remember what happened last time you were alone?" Kane protests. I look down to the saddle not saying anything. "Oh. I'm sorry." He apologizes. "It's fine. But I need to prove my self.." I look up at them. "To who Melody? Who do you need to prove your self to?" Liam asks. Terra hasn't said a word. "Me... I need to prove myself to me, Liam. And... I'm not alone..." I say and look at Hero. "I have Hero, and the amulet, and there are other dragons there... I'll be ok" I say while getting onto Hero's back. "Melody..." "Kane you can't stop me" "I know I can't. But if you aren't back by sunset we will come looking for you. Got it?" He steps towards me and Hero. I give him a small nod. We go to take off before I hear Terra. "Bring our family home safe Melody. Please" her voice was sad. "I will. I promise." I say before Hero and I take to the skies.

Hiccups POV

"Toothless. Toothless can you here me? Come on bud wake up" I say through the cage. "Hiccup..." I hear Astrid. I turn around and lean back on the cage. I let my legs give out and I hit the floor. "This isn't us. Have we really lost our spark?" Heather asks us. "There's Nothing we can do.." I respond. "That's not the hiccup i know. The hiccup I knew and fell in love with wouldn't let us just sit here. He would put himself before others, he would do anything to get his team out of here.." Astrid tries to boost my confidence. I lean my head back on the cage. "I can't think straight... I don't know why.." I say. Then I heard someone walk up to the cage. I get up and turn to see who it was. It was Hunter. I give him a strong glare. He smirks at me before turning to toothless who was still out cold on the floor. "Get up you overgrown lizard." He said rudely before kicking him. "No!! Stop! Leave him alone!!" I yelled, then I see him flutter his eyes open. His eyes were red and he growled deep in his throat. "Toothless! You need to get out of here! Find Melody!" I called to him but he turned to me and growled. I was shocked. He's
Never done this. "What did you do to him?!" I demanded. All hunter did was laugh. "I made him... useful." Was all he said before he laughed evilly. Toothless looked up at him then his back. "No... you have to be kidding me... he doesn't let anyone ride him but me or Dad..." i say in shock. "Hiccup this isn't him. He's not being himself. What ever he did is causing this." Fishlegs informs me. "Yeah... I know. He would never do this to me." I say back. Then all of a sudden the cage shook and I look around then up to see a titan zippleback lifting the small ship and flying after toothless and Hunter. "Where are we going?!" Snotlout yelled. "Well.. the floating island of corse." Hunter responded. All I do is sit back down and wait till we arrive.

Melody's POV

"There it is. I want you to circle around it to scout it out before we land." I tell hero. "Sounds good" She replies as we take a lap around the island. "There they are! Land there!" I call out and she does. As soon as we land I get off her back and slowly approach hunter. He was standing in front of a cage with the other in it. "Mom! Dad!" I yell to them and race to the cage. "Melody." Mom says while reaching her hand out and placed it on my cheek. I hold her hand. "I'll get you out of here I promise." I say to them. "Where are the others?" Dad asks me. "They aren't here. I was told to come alone. Or els.." I stop myself when I hear Hunter, "Well you came my pretty." I see Dad glare past me at him. "I'm not your pretty." I turn to him with my fists clenched. "Did you bring what I want?" He asks me. "I did. But I'm not handing it over until I know I'm getting everyone." I tell him. "What do you mean. Every one is there. And the dragons are in those cages there." He says and I turn to look. I saw them all other than toothless. "Where's toothless?" I demand. "Oh, you mean him?" He says while pointing to him as he walked out from behind a tree. His eyes were red and he was growling at me. "What did you do to him" I continued to demand. "Like I told your father, I made him useful. He will now listen to every command I give" he tells me. "You will undo what ever you did to him or the trade is off" I tell him. "You would really risk your whole family for one dragon.. he can be replaced. Your father can find another dragon." He tells me. "No he can't. Toothless is like my brother. I'm not leaving him in the hands of you. Who knows what you will do to him after he's no use to you..." I pause. "Actually I do know... you'll do exactly what you did to me... you will throw him out to sea like trash..." I glare at him. All he does it glare at me. "Toothless attack to kill" He says. "Oh dear" I mumble before he pounces at me. "Melody! Run!" I could hear Dad yell. "Hero!!" I yell and she came running. "Not so fast." I hear hunter say before pulling at her saddle to hold her in place. "No! Hero!" I yell. Toothless continues to pounce at me but I continue to dodge him. "Toothless it's me. Come on. It's me Melody." I try to snap him out of it. "Melody!" I hear Hero. "Use the amulet!" She yells again. "Oh yeah." I say while digging through my bag. "Melody move!!" I could hear Ruff yell. I look up to see toothless getting ready to blast me. As soon as I hand my hands on the amulet I grip it tightly. "For the protection of dragons the seas are mine to command." I say the chant and the armor appears on me. "What the Thor?" I could hear Mom. "Alright bud. I know you recognize this. I know you know what this is" I say to him. He froze. "That's it. Come on bud. It's me Melody, your protector. Come on, I know you know what I am" I continue. I see his eyes fading back and forth between red and his normal greenish yellow color. "That it. Just remember. It's me." I reach my hand out for him to place his head in. Then I notice his eyes go red again and he tackles me. We go sliding right to the edge of the island. "Melody!!" I could hear the others yell. I turn my head to look down and I see rubble falling, then I turn back and see toothless on top of me. "Come on bud." I say in clam way trying to think of what to do. I look over at hunter and he was smirking, then I turn to the other dragons. "Melody. You can do this. You need to just connect with him!" I could hear Stormfly yell. "That's it! Connect!" I yell. I look right into toothless's eyes. I push on his chest and flip him over so I was on top. "I know who you are." I start. "I know your Mission." I add. "I know you name." I go on. I get up off
Of him and stand up in front of him. He gets up and glare at me with his red eyes. "Eclipse." I say and he froze again. "That right. I know your name. I know it all. You needed a protector, you thought my father, Hiccup would be the next protector. But he wasn't. It was me! I'm the protector! And you Are eclipse! You are the only Nightfury! There are 6 fury drgaons! Solè! Wave! Evergreen! Ash! Avel! And eclipse." I lower my voice. I see his eyes fade back to their natural color. "There you go. That's it. Remember who you are. Remember your goal. Remember your role" I say to him. "Y-you really where the protector" he says. "Yes. I am. I knew you would come around." I say and hug him. "Melody! Toothless! Move!!" I hear Dad yell. I turn around to see hunter getting ready to swing at me. Toothless bites my shirt and pulls me out of the way and we go tumbling right off the edge. "Nooo!!!!" I could hear Mom and Dad yell. "Toothless!" I yell for him. He was trying to fly but he can't get his tail to open. I drive after him and grab his saddle. I struggle to sit down but I eventually do and use my foot to open the tail fin right before we hit the water. "Up bud" I say and we fly up to the others. When we came into view I could see the relief in their faces. Other than hunters of corse. "The cage. Get them out" I say and he shoots the latch on the cage. The door popped open and the others ran to their dragons and I unlocked their cages. "Dad. go to him" I tell Toothless and I jump off his back. He lands and Dad gets on and I hold my sword in my hands and glare at Hunter. The others gathered around me and Hero stood next to me. "This is what you have coming when you take my family. Just imagine what it would have been like with the rest of my team here." I step towards him. He backs up a few steps. "Don't ever mess with my family again. Or I will actually kill you." I say to him. I give him one last glare before walking over to Hero. "Let's get out of here" I say before we all took to the air. "You have some serious explaining to do young lady" i hear Dad. I turn and smile at him. "Haha." I hear toothless laugh. "You did amazing Melody" I heard Stormfly. "Thanks Stormfly" I thank her and the others look at me like I'm crazy. "Haha." I laugh before the armor disappears.

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