𝟬𝟬𝟵. Daddy Dearest

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009 ────────────── VARIOUS

 Eris Krennic had a price on her head.

 It was none other than her father who had placed it—her term in prison didn't last longer than a few months. Eris was shipped off to his Star Dreadnought immediately after a guard had reported to him that her bounty had located her in a Hoth prison sector. Eris would have much rather live out her ten year sentence instead of be with her father but hey, at least the bed is warm. Eris Krennic isn't what she was a few months ago. No, she was no Imperial. She was a rebel at heart, and her father beginning to trust her was only fueling her fire. She looked different, too. She was skinnier, paler. Her eyes were more tired. Her hair was in a short style now, having been cut on Hoth. In her head, Eris Krennic was just starting to figure out how exactly she'd find Cassian Andor. Her Cassian Andor. Eris knows all eyes are on her here—a little rebel runaway in the presence of her father? It's nothing but trouble. She knows her father is no idiot about her ideas to flee, but Eris doesn't really care about the likes of him these days. It had been months since Eris had seperated from Cassian on that beach. And now, Eris Krennic has every intention of getting back to him in one piece. Hopefully Cassian Andor manages to do the same.

Orson Krennic knew about everything. Her life of stealing, running away—he knows about Morlana One, Ferrix, Aldhani...all of it. Eris doesn't know how but he does. Orson Krennic knows about Cassian Andor, and that's just gotten right underneath her skin. Eris Krennic didn't do much on the Star Dreadnought. She gathered as much information on Cassian's whereabouts as she could. It wasn't easy. She had to keep up an act of someone she wasn't—a friendly Imperial officer requesting files on offworld prisoners? It's highly likely. Eris hid every piece of media given to her underneath her cot, where she hid the Rebellion necklace. She has no idea how it's managed to last this long—especially through her few months on Hoth. She's also gone great lengths to hid it, or just tossed it around right underneath the guards noses. Eris never felt at home on this ship, no—her home was elsewhere. He was on Narkina 5, doing Maker knows what and going through unimaginable things. Eris doesn't feel prepared enough to make a run for it. But, the Empire doesn't exactly take a moment to catch their breath.

It was the late hours of the night when Eris Krennic left her quarters silently. With papers tucked into her trouser pockets and the necklace secured to her neck, Eris headed for the hangar. It was never quiet in there, at all hours it was busy. It was almost like the Empire never slept. Eris had always thought that, but now she was seeing it first hand. Eris shifted her eyes as she passed people, fiddling with the strap of her leather black gloves as she headed for the stairs to the TIE Fighters. Some looked at her oddly, one even stopping her. "Where are you headed, Krennic?"

Eris stopped and plastered a smile on her face. "Father sent me to do a routine check on a TIE, someone's reported it malfunctioning. So, he sent the best." She replies politely. The trooper nodded and headed on his way. Eris took the chance to bolt into the hallway. She scampered up the flight of stairs before stopping abruptly at the sight of someone.

A TIE Pilot crouched with their back to Eris, tightening the strap on their shoe. Eris looked up quickly, trying to find the cameras. She found one pointing directly at them. Eris threw caution to the wind and ran at them, foot stomping on their back, pushing them to the ground. The woman groaned loudly, trying to see her attacker. Eris wore a wicked smile as she drew the zap stick from her belt. "Thanks for the uniform, flygirl." Eris chimed, holding the stick the woman's neck.

"What?" Scoffed the pilot.

"Said thanks for the uniform, blondie! And the TIE. I'm taking your ride. Tell father I said to go fuck himself." Eris said, clicking the button—the woman seized painfully for a moment, crying out. "Oh! And that I'm worth more than thirty thousand credits. Night!" Eris said, shocking the woman again. The woman fell limp, unconscious. Eris hissed through her teeth at the sight of her before peeling off the woman's uniform off of her body and slipping it on after pulling her belongings from her pockets. She hummed, pulling the uniform away from the woman's hands where she'd been holding it. "Snug fit! Perfect." She comments.

Eris placed the helmet on her head and made a run for the flight deck. Eris started at the first ship pulled the zap stick back up. She jammed the stick into the port of the ship and zapped it—no doubt knocking it unusable and disconnected it. Then, she looked at the small console of buttons on her forearm and found the number of her ship. 8832. Eris sprinted down the grated floor. She was visible to everyone below, but she didn't care. Her steps were loud, she felt the eyes of people looking up at her. Eris found the ship and opened it, practically throwing herself into the seat. It had been a long time since she'd been in one of these pieces of junk—but now she knows her mistakes. Eris flicked her arm up and clicked the disconnect button. The chord that held her to the flight pad flew off, freeing her. Eris smiled in content. This was easier than last time. Eris connected gas transfer tubes to her helmet—she sucked in clear cool air, sighing in relief. As soon as the ship powered on, so did the polarized lenses inside the helmet. Eris awed at it for a moment. "Cool." She comments, watching as the screen tracked the movement of her eyes. "Super cool." Eris restated as she grabbed the handles of the TIE Fighter in preparation.

Eris launched forward, immediately hearing a few loud bangs. She'd thrown the ship into the ceiling. Chaos began pooling around the hangar. Eris looked down as she began to fly out of the hangar. "Pilot 8832, you are taking unauthorized flight!" Cracks from the comms. Eris hisses through her teeth and switches it off, disconnecting herself from the Dreadnought. As soon as Eris is far enough away, she tears off the helmet and switches the ship to autopilot for a moment while she reaches for her datapad and sets in her lap. She punches in the coordinates for Narkina 5. Eris has just made quite possibly the best Imperial getaways in all of the galaxy. She has to hand it to herself, it was quite flawless. A satisfied smile paints itself onto Eris Krennic's features. She felt alive, now. After months of misery and mental isolation, this was her spark. Eris Krennic felt aflame again, and it was only time before Cassian Andor helped her feel whole again. She grins.

 Cassian Andor is losing his mind.

 All the unanswered things running through his head were driving him mad. Where Eris Krennic was currently, what was happening on Ferrix, why prisoners thought they were being listened to, and what the hell he was helping build here in this prison. His mind wasn't the only thing he was losing, sleep was another. He often sat awake at night staring at the tiled floor. One step on it and he'd probably succumb to the Empire once and for all. There wasn't anything to do besides eat, sleep, and work here. But now, avoiding rest was new. He couldn't help but thinking about jumping on to the floor and letting it all happen. Just getting it over with. He shook the thought from his head and continued to think.

It felt like the days were getting longer. Shifts, especially. Ulaf seemed to endure it the worst. He health had only been worsening and then, he died. Cassian wasn't surprised, but, after getting to know the older man, the death felt like a pin prick to his heart.

Things were happening, too. Rumors were spreading from different floors about happenings. What those happenings were, Cassian didn't know for sure, but he had an idea. Rebellion. Kino ordered them not to respond to the rumors or anything so, Cassian never said anything. But deep down he had an idea that resistance was spreading through the prison. A spark lit in his heart. Just how he felt when Eris was around. It was her little flame im his heart. That's when Cassian knew. He sat in his bunk late at night, and began plotting. He was going to get out of here. For her. For himself. For Maarva.

He was going to escape.

bleghhh shitty chapter

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