27 BMC

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Jeremy, while having his SQUIP: No wonder why Rich won't date you, you're not even pretty

Michelle: *starts to cri*

Michelle Protection Squad (Michael, Elizabeth, Christine, and Rich): b i t c h s a y i t t o o u r f a c e


Squip: Jeremy, why'd you get dressed before showering and getting ready?

Jeremy: ...I am ready..

Squip: ..that's what I was afraid of...


Michael, whispering in Elizabeth's ear: Do you want to look at memes with me?

Elizabeth: Why do I feel threatened by that statement?


Sharaug: Shotgun!

SQUIP: Ugh, but you had it on the way h-

Sharaug, loading a shotgun: No, I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat.


Madeline: Oh, are you suggesting a, how do you say, "ménage à trois"?

Chloe: Really? You're really asking how to say "ménage à trois"? It's a fucking French word, you little bitch!


Jeremy: Are you two flirting or arguing?

SQUIP: We're arguing

Sharaug: We're flirting


Mr. Reyes: What's upsetting you?

Michelle: He's always using common phrases incorrectly.

Jake: Oh cry me a table, Michelle


SQUIP: Sharaug and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's -

Sharaug: - sentences.

SQUIP: Don't interrupt me


Rich: From now on, we'll be using codenames. You will address me as "Eagle 1".

Rich: Jake's Codename: "Been There, Done That".

Rich: Michelle is "Currently Doing That".

Rich: Michael is "It Happened Once In A Dream".

Rich: Elizabeth's Codename: "If I Had To".

Rich: Christine is "Eagle 2".

Christine: Oh, thank god.


Rich: Elle, you look absolutely stunning tonight.

Michelle: Aww, thanks.

Michael: Liz, all your facial features are in the right spots.

Elizabeth: [sighs] Thanks, Michael.


Elizabeth: Michael is full of sunshine and candy and hope, and every time i try to tell him the world is on fire, he just hands me a marshmallow to roast.


When Jeremy started to ditch them

Michael: Christine doesn't like you because your memes are bad!

Jeremy: *dramatic gasp*

Michael: That's right. I went there.


Jeremy: I heard you trying to take over the school.

The Squip: Wha--?

Jeremy: *lifts Mt. Dew Red*



Christine: Halloween is stupid. Dressing up, pretending to be someone you're not.

Elizabeth: Christine... You're an actress.


The Squip: That's it, laughter! It's the key to everything! It's the way to solve all the sadness in the world. I mean, not for the people that are actually sad but the Squips' like us that gotta fucking deal with them all the time.


Sharaug belongs to Sharaug

Elizabeth belongs to Choco_Corpation

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