28: Love With Legoshi (1)

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Legoshi drank in the sight of you standing before him, clothed only in a flimsy dress that barely covered your most sensitive parts. Your fur was nearly totally on display, looking needy and so very soft. He caught his first glimpse of your generous breasts heaving as she panted lightly, wanting so very badly to break free from the narrow edge of cloth keeping them hidden. And the look in your eyes, even slightly clouded, did nothing to hide the desperate lust you were feeling at this time.

And in your eyes, Legoshi looked like the most dominant male specimen you'd ever laid eyes on. The way he sat there so calmly, it was obvious he expected you this way, expected you to present yourself to him without shame or hesitation, even after all that had happened. He expected you to submit to him, to obey with every shred of your heart and body. You bit your lip as you breathed in. Legoshi's scent saturated the air, stronger and more demanding than ever.

There weren't any words that needed to be exchanged between you and the beast. You both knew that this moment was a long time in coming, you knew that your lust and love would consume you the rest of this night, it had always been inevitable.

Silent, simply radiating his dominance, Legoshi leaned forward, breaking the line blurring him and his prize. His grey-and-white hands reached up and delicately, yet demandingly, took a hold of your arms, feeling so slender and powerless in his grip. You had no chance and no right to escape now.

Your face tilted up slightly, your eyes burning deep into the ravenous picture of the wolf's single-minded expression. No longer rejecting your destiny, your desire, you embraced your rightful lover, your hands sliding behind his lithe yet muscular torso as the boy, no, the man's, face dipped down towards your own. You closed your eyes in a final acceptance.

Legoshi's muzzle slid down to encompass your lips, and you happily parted themin eager acceptance. A soft sigh of happy acceptance ghosted out of you as you allowed the canid's wide, flat tongue to invade your mouth, to tangle and writhe with your own.

You kissed back your familiar partner without any reservation or shame, relishing in this new touch, this new feeling of surrendering your body totally and completely to another, to a carnivorous beast. The scent swirled all aroundyour head, utterly staining your thoughts with savage lust.

And Legoshi relished in his familiar mate's long-awaited submission. You so eagerly opened yourself to him, practically worshiping his tongue as he kept your lips locked down where they'd always belonged. His paws greedily moved past your arms to envelop your body, a body that now fully belonged to him. Legoshi snared you, his captive, around your waist, clutching your body close to hisown as he finally pulled his mouth away and freed you of your kiss.

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