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I woke up.
"Newt?" I asked.
"Bella, I wanted to come to tell you that..." He trailed off.
"What?" I asked.
" bloody stink." He concluded.
"Wow, thanks for putting it nicely."
"Think about it, you haven't showered for two whole months, what do you think you smell like? Roses?"
"Fine. But you have to guard the door." I said.
He nodded.
Right after I got out of the shower, the most annoying sound in the entire world started blaring across the Glade.
"What is that?!" I asked Newt.
"New Greenie!" He shouted back
We ran to the entrance of the box.
The alarm had stopped, and everyone was silent.
The doors began to open.
A teenage girl sat on the floor of the box.
She looked at everyone,
She started to mumble.
I could just barely understand her words.
"No, no no no no no no no no. Clarissa."
Then she started screaming.
"Clarissa! No! Where are you!"
Newt jumped in the box and began to approach her.
He helped her out of the box.
Another girl was close behind.
Literally, she jumped out of no where and followed Newt out.
Both of them stood there, watching everyone.
The one that had been previously yelling looked at the other girl.
"There you are." She said.
The other one-Clarissa glared at the other.
"Ally, leave me alone." She growled.
Ally, after a look of hurt, pulled out a sharp blade.
I need to do something. I thought.
I focused all of my energy on my so called power.
And pointed it directly at Ally.
A Griever charged out of the maze.
It stopped, turned toward us, then charged once again.
People started freaking out and running.
Ally turned around and screamed.
She stood frozen in fear as Clarissa ran.
I ran too.
The Griever picked her up, threw her on it's back, then ran back into the maze.
What have I done?
I didn't have time to think because the box went back down.
Shouts erupted throughout the Glade.
Half-an-hour later the box alarm went off again.
The entire Glade was discussing what to do without our month supply of food.
Everyone ran back outside to the box.
The doors opened to reveal a boy.
I didn't need him to say his name to know who he was.
It was Thomas.
I started backing away.
Once I thought that I was far enough away I ran toward the homestead.
It was pretty far, but I didn't stop.
I ran in, up the stairs, and into Ben's room.
I plopped down on the chair by the bed.
"Bella?" A raspy voice asked.
I nearly screamed.
"Ben, you gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him.
Oddly, after all that running, I wasn't tired.
"Why were you running?" Ben asked.
"Uh, we got a new Greenie. Well, two." I replied.
"Yep. And a girl." I said.
"What's the girl's name?" He asked.
He nodded.
"Wait, why'd you automatically think that it was Thomas?" I asked.
He took a deep breath.
"The changing gives you your memories back. And, it makes you a little crazy, if that explains why I knew." He smiled. "Do I seem crazy to you?"
He smiled even bigger.
"Weirdo." I said playfully.
Then I stood up, and began walking toward the door.
"I hate him." Ben suddenly growled.
"What did you say?"
"I hate him." He repeated.
He had a maniac look in his eye.
"Ben, I swear if this is a joke-"
"Don't trust him! He sent us here!" He yelled.
His face suddenly went soft.
"You'll leave me, for him." He whispered. Then he looked angry again. "For him!"
Then he let out a deafening wail, so loud that I had to cover my ears.
I ran toward the stairs, tripped at the last second, and fell down.
After I hit the ground floor, everything was blurry. Then I passed out.


I sat up with a jolt.
I remembered everything.
My past, Wicked, my parents.
The Cranks.
The Flare.
The disease that I was immune to.
I looked around.
Clarissa sat in the chair by my bed.
Lucky, she was sleeping.
I snuck past her, and outside.
The entire glade stood outside one of the maze doors.
They were shouting.
I sprinted to the crowd, and pushed my way to the front.
I was about to ask what was happening, before I saw.
Minho was carrying an injured Alby toward the door.
The doors started to close.
"They're not gonna make it." Newt muttered.
"We can't just leave them!" Thomas replied.
"And we're not going to." I said under my breath.
Newt had heard me, and tried to grab my arm.
But before he could, I took off into the maze.
Everyone's shouts grew louder as I ran.
When I got to Minho, I proceeded to help him carry Alby.
"What the shuck are you doing!" He yelled.
"Helping!" I yelled back.
Minho suddenly tripped, taking Alby and me with him.
Then, I heard the doors shut.
Someone tried to grab me under my arms and pull me up.
"Get off me!" I yelled.
Then I stood up on my own and spun around to yell at whoever tried to help me.
Thomas stood there with a surprised look on his face.
Instead of yelling, I brushed myself off and looked down at Alby.
Thomas walked up to him and tried picking him up.
"What the shuck are you doing?" Minho asked.
Thomas stopped and looked at Minho.
"We should try to put him on the wall to keep him away from Grievers."
Minho rolled his eyes.
"Nice job Bella." Minho said. "Now even more people can die following you in the maze."
"What are you talking about!" I yelled back. "I tried to help you! It's not my fault if he decided to follow me!" I gestured toward Thomas.
He shook his head.
"And, if I remember correctly, we would have made it through the door if you didn't trip!" I finished.
"Guys! This is no time for fighting." Clarissa said.
She scared me to death.
I looked around. "Where did you come from?" I asked.
"I followed you." She replied nonchalantly.
"The reason why I tripped." Minho said while pointing at Clarissa.
Then he walked over to Thomas who was currently tying vines around Alby's torso and shoulders.
They began to lift Alby up the wall.
I heard a Griever.
Minho looked panicked.
"Just a little farther." Thomas said.
Clarissa ran.
I ran up to the boys and began helping them.
The Griever started running toward us.
Minho took off.
I was about to leave too.
"Please, help." Thomas said.
I used all of my strength to pull the vine up a few more inches.
What about my power?
Wait, my power.
I focused my energy on telling the Griever not to attack us.
It stopped.
Then it turned around and went back where it came.
"What?" Thomas said.
He finished tying the vine and looked at me.
"Let's go find Minho and Clarissa." I said.
He nodded.
We started jogging toward the direction that they went.
"How did you do that?" He asked.
"I don't know, I just...can." I replied.
He paused.
"Have you told anyone?" He asked.
"No. Are you going to?" I asked.
"Not unless you do."
We heard a shrill scream from up ahead.
" can't be." I whispered.
The person that was standing there, with a crazy, almost demonic look in their eye was-

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