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I woke up in a cold sweat.

Where am I?

I noticed in the the dim light that I was in some sort of, box?

More like a cage.

I crawled to a corner.

Then I noticed that the box was moving in many different directions at a fast speed
Then, a blaring alarm interrupted my thoughts.

Frightened, I hid behind a nearby crate, hoping whatever was making that noise wouldn't see me.
'Where are my parents?' I thought.

Wait, who are my parents?

I couldn't remember anything.

I started to panic.

The only thing I could remember was my name.


The ringing finally stopped, and I could hear voices nearby.

Sunlight flooded the small box as someone opened a door-type thing on the ceiling of the cage.

On higher land, a group of boys stood looking into the cage.

"It's bloody empty." I heard an accented voice say.
I crouched lower.

I heard a thud, then footsteps walking around the cage.
'He's going to find me.' I thought.

Then I saw my way out.

A fairly small crate was in a corner near the way out.

It was tall enough to get out, and short enough to climb on top of with ease.
I bee lined for it.

In a swift motion, I leaped on top of the crate, and pulled myself out.

Then, I ran.

I had no idea where I was, so I ran to the nearest place.

There were vine-covered stone walls surrounding the large area.

There was an opening in the wall.

I heard a whooshing noise, then part of the wall began to shut, like some sort of door.


I ran inside just as the door was about to shut.

'Now I'm safe.'

I heard an animal/monster type screech come from somewhere close.

'Or not.'

I hid behind some thick vines.

Giant, mechanical spider legs came past where I was hiding.

Another foul screech filled the air.

The thing got closer.

Then everything blacked out.


I woke up on the ground.

Wait, I'm alive!

The ground started to shake as the stone doors opened again.

"Greenie?" A voice called. "Are ya here?"

Greenie? What does that mean?

I got the feeling that I could trust this guy, whoever he was.

I rolled out of the vines then stood up.

An Asian guy was standing in the entrance of this place.

His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head when he saw me.

"You're a girl." He said accusingly. 

"And your a boy." I replied. "Now, I have some questions and I'd really like them to be answered."

He looked around. "How did you- survive?"

"You mean those spider things? Those things were no problem, I easily hid from them."

"Come with me." He said.


We started walking out of the place and toward a building.

"I'm Bella by the way." I said, breaking the silence.

"Minho." He replied.

"Oh that's an interesting name." I said.

He just nodded and kept walking.

Talk about rude.

When we arrived at the building Minho stopped.

"This is the homestead. Our leader, Alby is in there and he'll give you a tour."

"Okay." I replied.

"Alby! Newt!" Minho suddenly shouted.

Two teenage boys walked out of the building shortly after.

I recognized one of them as the guy who jumped in the cage.

"A girl?" The other one asked once the were in hearing distance.

"Yeah, I know." Minho said.

"What, do you guys not have very many girls here?" I asked.

"You're the first one." The other kid said. "I'm Alby, by the way."

"Bella." I replied. "And you must be Newt?" I asked the accented kid.

He nodded.


All three of them looked at me weird.

"Was it something I said?" I asked.

"It's what you didn't say." Newt replied.

"I'm confused." I said.

"Most people ask a lot of questions." Alby explained.

"Oh." I replied. "I do have one question." I pointed to my head. "Why can't I remember anything?" I asked.

"We don't know." Alby said.

I shrugged.

"Wow." Minho said. "Well, I have to go run so...bye."

He jogged away.

Newt and Alby started to whisper to each other.

I just stood there looking like a dork until Alby walked away and Newt turned to me.

"Come with me Greenie, I'm going to show you around." He said.

"Do I look green or something?" I asked after we started walking.

He chuckled.

"No, that's just what we call the new person."

He showed me all the buildings in the Glade. After telling me what the Glade was.

Then it was dinner time.

"Good, I'm starving." I said.

We walked to a building that smelled great on the inside.

I got some food from a guy named Frypan and sat down, alone.

After about five minutes, a blonde guy came and sat down across from me.

"Hey there Greenie, just thought you needed some company." He said.

"I don't like to be called that." I said.

"What, Greenie? Sorry, I won't call you that anymore. But, what should I call you?"

"Bella." I said. "What's your name?"

"Ben." He replied.

I smiled at him.

We'd both finished our food.

"I can help you set up your sleeping area." He said.

"Sure, I'd love that." I said.

We put up a hammock between two trees.

"There ya go." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"No problem." He said. "I should go now, bye Bella."

"Bye, Ben."

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