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I silently rode in the jolting metal box on my way back to the Glade.

I was sitting on a box, clutching a blade in my right hand, making a fist with my left. A second blade was hidden in my left boot, ready for when the plan goes into action.

And it will, soon.

My target, is Thomas.

The box suddenly stopped, the familiar alarm blasting through the Glade. I closed my eyes, saying goodbye to the pitch-black darkness, and hid the knife behind my back.

I am ready to fight.

I opened my eyes as the bright light streamed through the opening above me.

Familiar faces formed as my eyes adjusted to the light, and once the boys started whispering and gasping, I knew that they recognized me.

Just follow the plan, Bella. I thought to myself.

An unfamiliar boy held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it, and he pulled me out of the box.
"I know what it's like to be watched like that when you first come up." he said. "I'm Carter, the former Green Bean. Or newbie, in terms that you'd understand." he paused. "Can you remember your name?"

"Bella." I answered. "My name is Bella."

He smiled. He had a nice smile, with dimples on both sides of his face. He had blue eyes, and blond hair too.

My grip on the knife loosened, and I remembered the plan. I brought the knife out from behind my back, and held it out.

"I found this in there when I was waiting for the box to stop moving." I said.

Carter took it, and Minho came walking up.

"What is going on?" he asked. "About a month ago, I see you jump off the cliff, and now you're back!?" He said, pointing a finger at me.

Alby stepped in front of Minho.

"Minho," he said "she probably doesn't remember anything. And if she does, how is it her fault that they sent her back? Shouting at her won't solve anything."

Before I could interrupt, someone ran up and hugged me.

I flinched when I noticed that it was Thomas, and then wondered why he would ever hug me.

"I can't believe you're back." He said, backing up. "When you ran off, I was so worried, and after Minho said that you jumped, I felt really guilty, like I'd done something wrong."

I forced a smile, trying not to stab him with my knife. How could he do this? My sister is dead because of him, my brother soon to join her if I don't act fast.

"You did nothing, Thomas. Wicked did something, they made me jump. I'm so sorry for worrying you." I lied, remembering my lines perfectly.

He looked puzzled for a moment, then hugged me again. I rested my head on his shoulder, seeing a confused Carter, questioning Minho, and unconcerned Alby watching closely. The rest of the Glade watched with slight smiles, probably thinking that Thomas and I were in love or something.

I don't understand why they would think that though. Sure I'd been here for a long time, but most of my time in the Glade was spent unconscious. And the times that I was conscious, I'd hardly spoken to Thomas.

Obviously he'd felt something for me, 'cause he'd probably act like the rest of them were if he didn't.

It must be an act.

But two can play at that game.

The plan was simple. First, gain their trust. Giving Carter the knife somehow showed them that I could be trusted. Then, I was supposed to wait three days. During those three days, I was supposed to keep Thomas out of the maze, which was harder now, since he's become a runner. After the third day comes, the box will be sent back up. A crate with my name on it will be the only thing in there. Inside the crate, will be several useless things. I'll be looking for a book. They've hollowed this book out, and put a list of detailed instructions inside.

Then it's all up to me.

I don't know what's going to happen exactly. All they told me was that I'd get my revenge.

And that seemed like enough.

But for now, I just have to wait.

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