Memories lay with you.

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It was gloomy afternoon. The heavy rain made people on the streets run to the first dry place or their homes. No one was ready for that bad weather as in the morning it was beautiful and sunny. The streets quickly became empty, only one alone girl walked down the street with her head down so she won't get wet. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes hiden under her (F/C) hoodie and her hands in her jeans pockets. No one cared about the alone girl caring only about their selfish selfs.

As the girl walked and time passed the high blocks turned into small homes. The girl stopped in front of one of the smallest homes and took out the keys from her pocket, opening the door. She sighed and looked at her very small house. It was little but big enough for one, alone girl. Why she was alone you ask? She couldn't remember anything from her past. The last thing from her past she remembers is a horrible pain in the back of her neck and then someone yelling her name.

She sighed and plopped down on to the couch since she knew she couldn't fall asleep with the heavy rain hitting her window making a noise every time it hit the glass. She took her (F/C) blanket and made some popcorn and took something to drink. She sat down on the couch and turned on the Tv. She choosed the Netflix and looked through the films and shows. Eventually she decided she will watch the usual, her favourite show 'Transformers Prime'. She smiled and choosed the first episode, watching the show for who knows which time.
The screen lit up as she watched and quoted almost every line that an character said. By the time the first episode almost ended she was squeaking as her favourite character showed up. She didn't know why but all the Autobots looked odly familiar to her. By the time she was through the half of the first season she was already asleep.

Timu skipu!

(Y/N) groaned as she sat up. The show was still on and it was the last episode of the first season. She sighed and groaned. She had the same dream again. That one dream she have every night. She doesn't know if it means something but it is really weird.

In the dream she see as someone but she doesn't know who. She see two robots fight using swords and the red and blue one starts to lose. The person she's in runs to the red one and helps him fight against the grey one. Then the person hears a groan and turns around to see white, blue and red bot. The person helps him and then hears A warning about something. Before anything more happens she would wake up.

She turned the Tv off and then cleaned up what was left after yesterday. She made some (F/F) and (F/D). After she was done She changed her clothes into something more comfortable. She walked out and closed the door behind her. She walked down the street for thirty minutes and stopped in front of a building. She walked inside and was meet by her coworkers. They smiled and greeted her but she just nodded and went to her own alone spot and startes to repair a car with broken engine.

Meanwhile deep in the desert, hidden inside a mountain, in a base almost no one knows that exist, something or rather someone has a mental breakdown. After a thing that happend to someone very close to him, he was only a shadow of who he once was. He was deep in thoughts, looking at the celing and saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again. From that state snatched him out a knock on his door. "Optimus get out of there now!" Someone's booming voice said. The robot known as Optimus sighed But got up to open the door. He knew that angering Ratchet even more won't be a good idea. He opened the door and was meet by his very worried and mad friend. "Did something happened old friend?" Optimus asked with now tired tone. The other robot known as Ratchet sighed. "Optimus. I know you're still crushed by her death, everyone is but we need you. We need that fearless leader who would do anything to protect the earth. Megatron is still on the loose. I don't know why he stopped attacking after you didn't showed up, but I know that he isn't a patient one and he will soon attack again." Ratched said and put his servo on his friends shoulder plate. Optimus sighed again and then walked over to the main area, his friend following him. When they reached the main room everyone was there, but the once happy and always ready for a fight atmosphere dissapeard. Everyone was down and even Smokescreen, the newest member of the Autobots that knew her for only few weeks was just standing near a wall, his optics looking down with a sad expression. When Optimus walked in everyone immediately looked at him, a glimpse of hope in their optics, but when they saw their leader tired and broken expression they looked at the floor. Same with the humans. Raf stopped playing games and he was always studying, trying to forget about what happened. Jack stopped going on a rides with Arcee or Smokescreen, making his mum worried. Talking about his mum, June stopped visiting the base and was spending all her time in the hospital. Agent Fowler usually loud and a little bossy was now quiet and hadn't visited the base since what happened. But Miko was the one from the humans that looks and is worse that everyone. She stopped playing her guitar or video games, she's quiet and her once pink tips are now dull since she didn't colored them for so long. Ratchet looked at the broken team and sighed hoping he could make them the same old team from before her death. He took a deep breath before speaking. "I know you are all crushed by her death...belive me I'm too but..." He was cut out by Optimus saying more to himself. "She isn't dead...she isn't...." Ratchet sighed again. "She was in coma for months now! Only a miracle would wake her up..." After that was said the team looked even worse that before. "Who am I kidding? We need her back...Primus if she's isn't with you in the all spark...please let her be here again...let (y/n) be here..." He quietly said but it was hard for him to say her name since no one used it after what happened. Everyone nodded and prayed to Primus that she will come back. An alarm broke the silence. "Decepticons are back..." Arcee mumbled. "Then we have to stop them. Not only for her but for the earth and ourselves. She wouldn't want us crying a day after her. She would want us to win this war and restore the Cybertron so Autobots, Roll out!" Optimus yelled and everyone(except Ratchet) runned through the ground bridge with a determination in their optics.

Back at the building, the (H/C) haired colored girl ended her work and she was currently walking down the empty street, a soft sigh escaped her. She looked up at the cloudy sky and then back at the road. She saw a forest and decided to go on a walk. As she walked through the trees she heard loud footsteps and a sounds of guns fired. In front of her, on a big clearing a whole bunch of robots was fighting and shooting at one another. She gasped and hid in one of the bushes hoping they didn't saw her. She gasped again when she realized those were Autobots and Decepticons. She watched the fight until her eyes saw a two very familiar mechs. Those were the mechs from her dream and the leaders of the fractions. How could she not realize it before! She and Optimus locked eyes on each other and the world stopped for her. She gasped as the memories of everything came crashing down like a wave. Her eyes widen and she passed out from to many things happening and her body dissapeard just like if it was a hologram. The Decepticons soon retreat and the Autobots went back to base. Optimus immediately ran to the med bay and sat by a (A/C) femme,lying down on one of the med berths. He sat down and looked at the femme, something telling him that she might wake up soon.

The girl groaned before slowly opening her eyes and sitting up. She gasped when she saw that she was (A/C)  but then the memories of everything came back to her. "I'm..back.." She said to herself and looked up to see a red and blue mech sleeping by the berth she was on. "O..Optimus?" She gasped and the mech immediately onlined. He gasped as energon tears filled his beautiful blue optics. "(Y/N)!" He yelled happily and crushed her in a hug. She started to cry to and hugged him back. After few minutes they pulled back and Optimus took his sparkmate's servo. "Come on. Let's tell the others." She nodded happily and the two of them went to the main room. They saw everyone was down again and this time no one looked up to see who walked in. "Why so sad faces?" (y/n) asked them with a grin. "Because you died and we all miss...wait (Y/N)!" Smokescreen cut himself off and yelled. The femme just laughed and was crushed in a hug in no time. "B..but how?" Bumblebee beeped. "Sit down. This is going to be looong story..." She said with a laugh.

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