🕸Halloween costume-Jay🕸

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Yours: (the same design but with the other dress)


"Jay, what are you wearing?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"What? It's amazing."

"Ok then," you reply and grab some food.

"Time to watch movies!" Jay yells to the whole bounty.

"Geez calm down Jay," Cole says walking into the games room and sits next to you.

"What movies are we watching?" Cole asks as the others come filing in.

"Scream marathon!" Lloyd buts in.

As the movie progresses you realise why you don't like this movie. You watched it when you were 13 and it gave you nightmares.

You end up curling up against Jay and somehow Cole in pure fright.

"Ok, let's not watch the second one," Cole says as Jay strokes your hair comfortingly.

"That's probably best," Jay replies as he grabs your arm and pulls you up and you go out trick or treating.

~In the middle of the night~
"Jay," you mumble. You've just woken up from a nightmare about scream.

"Wha- sis what's wrong?" Jay asks bolting out of bed.

"Nightmare about the movie," you say quietly as Jay hugs you and drags you to his bed. (SIBLINGS REMEMBER!!!)

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